If I don't keep browsing this shitty board...

>if I don't keep browsing this shitty board, people connected with literature could die and I'd never know unless it was Murakami
>Pynchon could die and I'd never know
>Bloom could die and I'd never know
>McCarthy could die and I'd never know
>Krasznahorkai could die and I'd never know
They're all holding me hostage to this shithole

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And how would your life change if you didn't know?

That's what's holding you hostage? For me it's the fact that they might mention some interesting and obscure author that I would have never heard of otherwise
>McCarthy could die and I'd never know
lmao who cares

Name 1 obscure author Yea Forums told you about.



klages, russian cosmists

Kosztolanyi, Lispector, the list goes on

>list two things
>the list goes on

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Pynchon is already dead bro

We read Clarice in high school here in Brazil, it is funny seeing her or Machado mentioned as obscure writers

Just wait until you watch me tell anime fans that Evangelion isn't a well-known anime.

I just saw it for the first time. Finished it yesterday. It's the only anime I've seen, it was good, but most anime seems gay so I probably won't watch any more

Also: should I watch End of Evangelion? Is that by the same people?

nah that's stupid, here's what you should watch:

kill la kill
legend of galactic heroes

okay, that's probably it for the list of anime that is pretty much regular television shows

>should I watch the best movie of all time

uh gee I don't know

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i literally don't know jack about anime, but thanks I guess, I'll watch it next week when I have time I guess

unacceptable, watch it right now

But I have to go to woooork soooon

Can I watch End of Evangelion without watching Evangelion?

no go watch the whole show first

Edgar Saltus

Baker is obscure I guess

You could also read Revelations without the rest of the Bible...

I have seen 5 star reviews on places like Letterboxd where they said they hadn't seen NGE first, but I wouldn't recommend it. If you do, just be sure to realise that you won't have a clue what's going on, because even if you have seen the show first it can be hard to follow. Also EoE is essentially a 90 minute long climax.

Watch Perfect Blue, Angel's Egg and Tatami Galaxy

>>Krasznahorkai could die and I'd never know
I wonder if any Hungarian news outlets would announce his death.
Though I don't think he is old enough to be in the "he could die any moment" category

Henry de Montherlant.

Stole my answer. I just bought Imperial Purple because it was mentioned here.

Also, Opal Whitely, Anna Maria Ortese and Henry Green.

Watch Boku No Pico. It's the Plato of anime.

k i decided to watch it now even though i just got back from work and its late and im tired. you happy?
