300,000 years as hunter gatherers living in nature as another part of the universe

>300,000 years as hunter gatherers living in nature as another part of the universe
>15,000 years as technoindustrial farmers
And you want to sit there and insist that the modern world is the best we ever had it? The natural state of humanity? The best possible outcome?

Get the fuck out of my face with that bullshit.

Attached: 1000-yard-stare-face-of-war-one-thousand-small.jpg (500x417, 37K)

install gentoo fgt

>old good new bad
also if you believe that why don't your actions reflect it user? you're sat there fully clothed, inside, using a computer - why haven't you left and joined a hunter gatherer community? why don't your actions reflect your beliefs?

It is not the technoindustrial system the problem but the use humans made of it.
We are monkeys who didn't have the time to adapt to modern technologies and develop a correct approach to them without suffering their worst consequences. You and I, OP, statistically speaking would both be deade before 5yo if it weren't for modern medicine and without possible escape from this planet the entire species (and any other lifeform we know) will be dead in maximum 5 billions year: technology is a tool, its wrong use is our fault not the tool's

>We are monkeys who didn't have the time to adapt to modern technologies
You now realize that the early conservatives were right about there being a need for the pace of change being slow.

>You and I, OP, statistically speaking would both be deade before 5yo if it weren't for modern medicine
I don't see anything wrong with this.

The weak die, the strong survive. Why should humans be immune to what happens to every other species on earth?

>he fell for the survival meme
Don't tell me you still believe in an objective distinction between strong and weak, user.
Hepatitis B kills in the first five months of life, indipendently by how "strong" the new born is; tetanus kills you even if you are the most perfect killing machine and survivalist there is, it just needs a thorn prick. I could go on, there are a ton of ilnesses which can kill you at the apex of your physical form and they did, in the past.
Also, what makes you think that developing enough intellect to create modern medicine is not a succesful survival trait that made us "strong"?
Don't come out with the old story "primitive people didn't have physical/mental illnesses" because without solid proof that incidence of certain illnesses in ancient people was indeed lower, you would just be knowingly shitposting

>I could go on, there are a ton of ilnesses which can kill you at the apex of your physical form and they did, in the past
So what? Life isn't fair, we shouldn't try to make it fair.

I agree; pace of change should be tailored on humans, not the other way around

It is what it is. You are free to go find a big patch of woods and go live there for a while to cleanse your soul

What a brainlet post

Humans need technology, always did, and we need this culture of ours to free ourselves of it in the first place. No animal can become aware of its own nature, and only humans can, because they needed to grow into schizophrenic beings first. But yes, an utopian society would signal a return to a harmonious relationship with nature.

I disagree; we should be kind and compassionate toward each other, whenever possible.
That doesn't mean being stupid or gullible, it just means fighting against an uncaring nature united as a species: the lone wolf dies, user, the pack survive.
Now, I agree that modern society is alienating and "too much" (I have limited knowledge of english so I can't explain very well what I think, excuse me) and I know that humans live better in smaller groups; as I said, pace of change should be tailored on humans, not the other way around.
But demonize technology without understanding that it is not the tool but its user and his relationship with that tool that is the problem isn't helpful

Also, read some Darwin. He never spoke of strong and weak species or individuals; his theory is about adaptable animals.
The most adaptable (not strong, not intelligent: adaptable) animal survives: we humans are extremely adaptable. We invented medicine to adapt to ever increasing mortal illnesses, we build houses and shelters to live everywhere on the planet, we created weapons ever more sophisticated to adapt to an hars enviroment and its predators which would kill and eat our youngs.
Technology is a great tool: what caused problems in the past and today is our use of it, not the tools per se.
Your argument it's like saying that guns are evil because they kill people; I argue that it is the people who kills that is evil, not the tool they use to do it. Were spears or swords evil, when they were used to kill in war or hunting?

Hating modernity is straight white dude nonsense. You are basically the most privileged people to ever live and yet you complaim

Because Tyrone, materialism isn't fulfilling.

Whenever something proposes that I think for a moment of the current state of humanity, that I wonder about alternative ways of living, I realize that deep, deep down, I really don't give shit and just want to be in the community where the girls with the cutest feet are at.

>Life isn't fair, we shouldn't try to make it fair.
you were just saying life IS fair because the strong survive and the weak die. now you believe that it's good for the strong to die and bad for the (intellectually) strong to use their strength to survive disease? you should sit down and think this shit through before posting about it.

On this I must defend OP: the extreme and disgusting use that third world civilizations do of technology and its product is the first cause of many of today's problems: look at Africa, India and China and their levels of pollution.
In my opinion, the white man should stop giving out technologies to civilizations that had not the possibilities to discover them themselves and change their society to understand them (look at out western civilization: we created modern technologies and we still have troubles with them) and western civilization should slow down and start thinking about what it is doing; that doesn't mean abandon all technology as OP seems to say but trying to think before acting

so why would you desire a return to a state where fulfilling your basic material needs is a constant struggle that occupies your whole existence?

Because that existence is what we've adapted to over the course of millions of years and it's what we need.

It's like sticking a fish in a tank, feeding it food, changing its water etc.

>you were just saying life IS fair because the strong survive and the weak die
No I didn't.

I said the strong survive, the weak die when talking about children and early childhood. That's not fairness.


Fun fact: hunter gatheres were well fed tall chads. Farmers in turn became absolute manlets and we still haven’t recovered from it.

And as I told you, even strong children die. What's your point?

That the strong generally survive better than the weak, even if diseases don't care who they kill. What's your point?

then why are you hear?

You're saying it's not anymore?

Do you think ancient hunter gatherers just wandered out into the woods one day and instantly knew how to do everything to survive?

It's almost impossible to be a hunter gatherer in 2019 thanks to technology destroying and altering almost all land on earth, the forgotten knowledge passed down from father to soon for eons etc.

so you're currently in the process of learning to survive in the woods then? how long have you been learning and what have you learnt so far?


there are no woods, except in places like northern canada and alaska, and there is no community, no tribes, you'd be living completely alone

in america there is plenty of woodland, same in the UK - if it's impossible to live how you claim is better why bother bringing it up

wrong fuckface, you think the tribe living near the ocean in a cold climate has the same "forgotten knowledge" as the tribe living in the jungle in a hot climate? the answer is no and that's why "forgotten knowledge" doesn't matter at all, same way if you put some cannibal tribesman in NYC he wouldn't survive.

>same in the UK
Shut the fuck up idiot, the UK has almost nothing

peak district has miles of woodland scotland has the entirety of the highlands, have you ever been to the UK or do you only know about london and manchester?

>Peak district
Wow, 2 places in an entire country, one of which is at the arse end of nowhere. Totally constitutes "plenty of woodland". Fucking idiot. Shut the fuck up about places you know nothing about.

Incredible how you've gotten so many (you)s. I'm just here to laugh at your stupidity. Here's a picture of my fucking cat; he's also laughing at you

Attached: My Fucking Cat.png (500x775, 348K)

Cat owners are terrible people

I'm glad we can agree on something.

I named two, plenty more exist you brainlet under 10% of the UK is developed land

>plenty more exist you brainlet under 10% of the UK is developed land
The other 90% is farmland fucking retard, look at google maps you dunce.

hunting in those areas is either illegal or restricted to certain open seasons and probably to certain species, how long do you think it would take for someone to notice and take action against you?

I'm half-black (visibly so), trans, and poor - not very privileged - and I hate modernity and agree with most of Kaczynski. Also, you seem to be a leftist. Why are you making the "you critique society, yet you participate in it" argument? You should know how retarded that is.

I went camping for the first time last weekend and I don't feel any different.

How long does it take for your brain to re-adjust to nature after 2 decades of being a technoindustrial comfort slave?

Attached: 1567098138559.png (262x264, 77K)

the government frowns upon people living anywhere they didn't pay massive amounts of money to own,and have permits to survive

what kind of camping,where, did you have massive amounts of technology to help, and did you bring your own food or nah?

>the strong survive
>the strong survive better
>the strong survive generally
>the strong don't survive

In a tent in the woods with no one else around for miles, I had a gas cooker thing and brought some sausages to cook

its easy to do something once do it 10 times and you'll probably feel some difference do it 100 times you'll probably be a different person

>lets collectively work our asses off for thousands of years to achieve an objectively worse situation for ourselves

Or more likely, most people consider the new developments better than the old state of things. People didn't just randomly make things, but things suited for our needs.

Reality doesn't work logically like that.

People ended up forming large groups and warring with each other and it just snowballs. No one ever knew where we were headed.

I don't think India as a whole planned to have an over crowded country with designated pooping streets but that's just me