What are some anti-materialist writers?

What are some anti-materialist writers?

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Francis Parker Yockey


imperium was super good , did he have any essays?


Yes but I only remember one called "The Destiny of America". There's a book that is a collection of his shorter writings called "The World in Flames" that you might want to take a look at.

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thanks kind user


No problem fellow Yockeyite

Fuck I love this man already.

None that are actually right, that's for damn sure.


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G.K. Chesterton provides a keen catholic wit while being more pleasant and more applicable than weirdos like Evola or Guenon.

The pseudoscience is the deep irony here. You would have done a much better rhetorical blow by posting the article about how judicious placement of magnets or similar causes people to get dumber (and consequently) lose religious feelings. That one at least would have merited a response. Also the fellow at left is a faggot who is training for the priesthood where his good looks will allow him to get away with fiddling boys for decades.

And when I say get away with here, i really mean get away with it, since of course when he dies he becomes nothing and certainly does not go to the christian god for judgment, or anything else.

what's your response to the magnets thing, which strongly implies materialists are literally brain damaged

>fiction has to be scientific!!!
imagine being this much of a dull retard

Materialism is wrong though. Physics destroyed materialism. Materialism proposed a world where everything was made of small blocks of matter that interacted mechanically and deterministically with each other. Now we know atoms are mostly empty space, that matter is ultimately a form of energy, that the equations that describe particles describe entities that are in superposition with themselves, that interaction happens at a distance, that correlations challenge the notion of locality, etc.

No it isn't, no it didn't, and you're confusing a particular lego-block form of physicalism with philosophical materialism-writ large, with all that that implies. Ironically you conclude with what amounts to an alternative physicalist model, taking this other physicalism for physicalism in general, and then taking that one flavor of physicalism for materialism in general.

It sometimes happens that dumb people are right and smart people are wrong. You can find instances of this phenomenon with patient observation over the course of a few days. This is one of those times. Religious feeling is itself a defect inherent in human intelligence.

To put it another way: to observe that humans do better in many ways when their religious feelings are expressed (we cheerfully concede the point; social bonding, health benefits of prayer and so on) is in no way a defense of religion. It is instead only a demonstration of the defect of man himself, that he is obliged to have a little unreality (story, narrative) in order to cope and have something to think about and socialize over. This kernel of unreality is a systemic flaw in human thought, which humans regrettably seem to be bound to.

Extra-stupid super-dumb bad faith post by a dumb guy who also happens to be wrong, and he knows it because he was only having a bit of fun and not being serious. The picture is clearly a pseudoscientific physiognomy/phrenological which makes a definite rhetorical truth-claim about the world. So you don't get to have it both ways with "it's just a prank bro".

>lego-block form of physicalism
The original one. Everything else is ad-hoc after getting blown out of the water. That's why it's still called materialism.

Heisenberg, Planck, Bohr and Schrodinger were not physicalists. They thought that consciousness was fundamental.

Von Neumann pointed out the paradox of those trying to make quantum equations compatible with physicalism and laid out a mathematical model for consciousness as fundamental.

(So unlike the false picture of materialists advancing science at the expense of unscientific idealists, it has always been the other way around. Idealists advance science, probably due to being less bound to dogma, and physicalists run behind them trying to shoehorn the corpse of materialism back into the game.)

This does seem to be the pattern of history.

The Apostles