Are there any good novels that have sex scenes with pegging in them?

Are there any good novels that have sex scenes with pegging in them?

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my diary desu


the bible


In Nothing Like the Sun by Burgess, It’s mentioned that Shakespeare’s wife goes at him with a dildo but unfortunately it’s rather coy about it

Molloy by Beckett

What verses? I wouldn't be suprised if Delilah pegged Samson. They seemed kinky?

Hemingway had something like that in Garden of Eden. Or that's what I read somewhere I havent read the book

god i wish that were me

Which one?

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>Are there any good novels that have sex scenes

1. Buy a strap on.
2. Rent a prostitute
3. Get the prostitute to fuck you in the ass.
4. ???

Acid House, by Irvin Welsh. But is not a novel, more like a short stories compilation

I think Sick Boy got pegged in Skagboys (Irvine Welsh)

Streets 1:12

the ??? is literally writing a book about it and publishing

Naked Lunch has a steam powered strap on

That user was just trolling. Pegging is never mentioned in the bible. In fact, anal sex is never even mentioned in the bible, only alluded to. Sodomy as a euphemism for anal sex comes from the story of Sodom Gomorrah (Genesis 19) when it alludes to men wanting to have sex with the angels who appear like men, even though there are other ways for two men to have sex that does not involve anal penetration.

One of the main things the bible says about sex is that it should be done between a husband and his wife, and it should be consensual in all circumstances. In fact, the bible doesn't go into any specifics as to what a husband and wife can do in bed, other than not bringing in extra partners (adultery). The bible doesn't even say that sex between a husband and wife should only be for procreation.

By definition, no.

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There's no pegging but the really only good femdom in text is SM Stirling's Drakon.

Stupid bitch.

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