What books do cucks like?

What books do cucks like?

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Anything written by a White male. Check your heteronormative privilege, White boy. My hair is dyed purple, and I wear revealing stockings in public. And guess what? I am proud of it.

I don't know. What sort of books do you like, OP?

[your favorite book]

What is actually wrong with being a cuck

Ask your mom, bastard child.


>Catcher in the rye
>Brave New World
>Game of thrones
>Harry Potter
>the bible

YA novels but not the fun kind like discworld, only the boring kind where they can self insert themselves fighting an authoritarian force e.g. Harry Potter, hunger games
Essential /school-curriculum-core/: of mice and men, great gatsby, old man and the sea, catcher in the rye
Books that have been turned into tv shows: asoiaf (but they find the young girls describing getting railed problematic), handmaids tale, the man in the high castle

the willing cuck who actively wants his wife to get fucked in front of him: modern books about eastern religions, but not the actual religious texts
the boomer cuck whose wife is cheating on him with a white businessman: shit about neo-conservatism, capitalism, or protestantism.
the reddit cuck whose girlfriend is getting new dick weekly and doesn't even try to hide it from him because he wouldn't do shit about it anyway: ready player one, genre lit

Cuckcore books?

Cookery ;^)

Cormac McCarthy, ASOIAF, high school literature like Fitzgerald, stoic philosophy, Holocaust survivor books, pop books on science. Cucks generally avoid non-anglophone literature save maybe Camus.

Maps of Meaning
Summa Theologica
Selfie, Suicide
Ride The Tiger
Fanged Noumena
Storm of Steel
Unabomber Manifesto
Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man
American Psycho
The Leopard
Bronze Age Mindset
The Sun Also Rises
Brothers Karamazov

These books are the sure sign of a virgin. If you own >3 you are an incel.

i own 3 and i am a virgin. this is a thread about cuck literature though.


sex and character by otto weininger

Your diary desu


Which of these >13721848 would be easier to read first?

bronze age mindset

Madame Bovary

my diary desu

the bible

>"its not self help"
gimme a fucking break. leave it to cucks to seek out and pay to be commanded by another.

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