Admit it, Twitterettes are more articulate you'll ever be...

Admit it, Twitterettes are more articulate you'll ever be. The word limit really brings the best articulation out of people.

Attached: 1508874775722.jpg (940x1175, 133K)

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If that's true, why stop at 280? Let's go back to 140 characters. Or better yet, let's make it so that you can only use 50 character. And I have a great idea, let's allow only 1 word per tweet. That way, people's articulation will be taken to the limit.

Character limit*


character limit implies words are limited too.

perhaps, but are they articulating anything of value?

Attached: Ameer-Abdullah-girlfriend-Georgia-Ellenwood.jpg (550x534, 39K)

How to score pic related women with a non-white skin?

It's still not a word limit tho.

It should be 10 times easier, considering only 10% of white women consider dating outside their race an option.

most twitterettes would probably not know how to spell articulate

Melanotan II

How do I make her take that?

Sis im shook clapback okur wypipo be liek too many characters in books like frogs n shiet but black be looking like a snack wit a limit. Wez living languages.

is it just time to die if your white daughter starts fucking a negro?
like, look at the fucking smug look on his god damn face- not too mention, he's clearly some percentage white, and I'd be willing to bet if he were dark as fuck white chicks wouldn't touch him- PLUS he probably chooses to act like a fucking coon ass nigger even though his white mom probably still goes to all his football games and drives him around places
but as I was saying, I bet her dad is fucking staring at his old twelve gage on the rack with a bottle of half drunk jim beam, remembering his daughters three different princess themed birthday parties and the way Tyrone called him "cuh" when he picked her up in that dress she told him she threw away.

You inject it into yourself and then you inject her with your BBC.

me use few word. but good word. me recycle word from screen. but word not good enough, must joke. joke come from order word. say two normal thing, third funny. copy joke format but say thing make people ha ha. me go Trader Joes. ha ha. fellow millenial love Netflix. always say want to kill self. or stay bed for day. mention La Croix or White Claw. many engagement. me brain tingly. want more likes. me good but me be better if more likes. if no likes me bad boy. me worthless. me be in grave. but brain much warm when get like. on phone type "Garfield is a whole mood" woman be much delight. many engage and ha ha. me brain big excite. type more "Dwight is a thot" very numbers. me only love get if numbers. brain happy Big Mood ha ha. no book. say book very word. eyes no brain book. me make sick. feel sleep. book no Get This Paper. brain good! type "Book no Get This Paper" twitter dot com much ha ha. need likes. if me no eat much hungry. for same for like. if no get brain no is sad. but very get like and ha ha brain excite. me much excite. feel brain like happy.

if you care about your daughter, she doesn't end up fucking black guys.

He killed her


She has paypigs kek

Attached: Du5CaHNUYAEHxvw.jpg (675x900, 76K)

does anything confirm ingrain hiearchies that benefit the arbitrarily strong at the expense of the weak more than subhuman incels sending their money unsolicited to vapid twitter whores?

She's a national athlete so it can be couched in patriotism, but still holy kek.

And she posts it on her timeline to validate paypiggery and solicite other paypigs to out-compete by putting them on blast at $500 minimums.

ah yes, the oldest cuck-inducement in the book

My God, I'm meant to take this as a joke I pray.

>is it just time to die if your white daughter starts fucking a negro?
no you'd better kys right now

>inplying i care about bein articulate

peeps wat dat bap tap claptrap bop all yall lil lol

that guy is ridiculously handsome - SHE's the one punching above her weight, holy shit

I see what you mean from that pic, but she seems very well rounded and very well put together all in all. They make a nice couple, although (atm) he's earning more than her by quite a bit.