Humanity is beyond salvation, we don't deserve it

Humanity is beyond salvation, we don't deserve it

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>calling those things human


We never did, but Jesus died for us anyway. Can You imagine? Dying to save a killer is something indeed, But dying to save a furry?
This is God's love.
It boggles the mind.

Thank You I couldn't remember the title But I was thinking about that movie the whole time.

See, I loved Pax when it was just dudes playing games, but, it quickly became just weird shit larping as a gaming convention.

First year of PAX East I ran a fucking kick ass Twilight 2000 game of grim-, hardbitten warriors at the end of the world. How the fuck can you get in that feeling with that fucking creature at the start of the video wandering around?

what is actually 'done' at these conventions? Obviously it's not just queuing and sitting around as shown in the vid

Looks awful

The conceit is to play rpg and vidya and need out and look at the presentations of some neat new rpgs and vidya. In pratiche It's mostly sitting, waiting in line, eating, being lectured by trannies Because your dwarf wizard is heterosexual.
Forever. Like the proverbial boot on the human face.

he's not wrong - it's why I stopped going.

now it's full of shilling of LGBTBBQ+ games and shit and I just want to fucking play a table top version of Gundams or something.

They won't afford us even our own magical realms as "safe space".
It's either riot or death.
And it'll probably be death.

But you do realize you guys are of the same species of tasteless degenerated loser, though, right?

I mean, sure it's not like you have to be happy conceding these monstrosities, but either way it doesn't make you any less of a despicable manchild that no grown-up person with culture wants to associate with.

I don't even feel hatred when watching this. I just want to help these people. They're living actual hell on earth.

also these are the types that say nothing in public and can't even chitchat with normies.

my diary

By playing a realistic mil-sim roleplaying game as one of a number of balanced hobbies and behaviors (ie. not dragon dildoes or rainbow whatever or giving $ to the monster that is the entertainment industry?).


But, I can understand the conceit that any/all of these behaviors are unproductive. I personally disagree, but, I see the point.

not necessarily. My players are p. well balanced humans if I do say, but, yes - lots of the people at pax were terrifically unbalanced/strange and they pretty obviously recoiled from a 'realistic' style military campaign instead of wish-fulfillment the game.

The people behind this channel are just as degenerate as the people depicted, if not more so. One of them was arrested for CP.

You're being a little overly judgemental methinks what is your actual complaint? Are you a psychopath who just hates other people pathologically? How insane.

>he thinks, as he posts on a Nicaraguan birdwatching online imageboard

This thread is insane, if anything it's the judgemental carnal aspect of humans with their inflated egos and snobby lusts that give humanity it's ape like quality. Anyway you're all retarded I have to go to the gym so I'm not bullied

I get it though, op is a Nazi but we've seen what they did in ww2 so maybe we at reconsider this line of thinking.

Nothing weird. It's just surprising that everyone is dressed like shit. It's like they do it on purpose.

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Muh status fuck this species muh status

Shut up monkey get a life and you won't be a bitch you're just whores where nobody is good enough like your porn and music videos ect. You're no different than the neckbeards this is just sexual




>not even a nobodyTM vid

It's just cope because I'm unhappy and insecure and despairing. Life in 4 chapters ost is lit tho. This is all insane and so am i. I can't believe this is my life, i wish I could be happy. I hate you.

Don't forget to die loser hehehehahahaha!!! Your oneitis is on my tip!! Ah here comes the rain hehehehe ain't war hell not that you'd know faggot behehe

I take it as a badge of pride that I'm not a "person of culture" like yourself. And the less of your peers I have to associate with the happier I'll be.

Fuck that's a good video

Oh, We have a telepath here. How lucky.

Not OP. But it's pretty depressing that these people let themselves become what they do from a physical standpoint. They don't seem to care for their bodies and in general seem very lonely and alienated. I sympathize with them in a lot of ways.

The disgusting part about the video for me though was the prices. It reminded me that this is a market that's designed specifically to make people like the specimens in the video PAY to feel a sense of community.

The video was less about hating these people, and more just being disappointed in modern life.

>They don't seem to care for their bodies and in general seem very lonely and alienated.
No shit. They all search an escape, which means in the end that they all search self destruction.
The drive to self destruction can be channeled towards worthy endeavours, or You can be left there to rot alive.

The people we should pity the most are the ones content with their presence there and the lifestyle that accompanies it.

So literally everyone there?