What are some non-meme arguments for this book being true?

What are some non-meme arguments for this book being true?
>First mover argument
why does the first mover have to be god lol
>argument from reasoning
self-evidently stupid

Attached: bible.jpg (760x506, 69K)

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Do an experiment and pray and see if you feel anything. I did and felt a presence, now I'm agnostic rather than atheist. I was going to become a full-on Christian but apparently our brains are programmed to react that way.

About what, and how?

if you're interested in finding out if the Bible is true, try reading what it has to say about prayer and do it that way

just believe bro :)

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fuck kierkegaard

>why does the first mover have to be god
What the fuck?


What exactly would be the first mover if it wasn't some form of God?

your mom

Prayer is a form of meditation, not a means of summoning magical sky daddy spirits, you fucking glue eater.

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Argument: Why does objective morality exist as an intrinsic part of reality?

I'm not talking about subjective morality that may depend on mitigating factors, but real, objective morality that doesn't any human being to validate its existence in order to be true.

Humanity is always striving for perfection and to be objectively moral, but always fall flat, because we can't be 100% objective 100% of the time. But then ask yourself, why is it that this is something humans strive for at all? The fact that we strive for it must mean that it exists in some form or another as part of objective reality, even if we can't perceive or interact with it.

So then what could exist that is known to exist because we seek it out and is known to be objectively moral for that same reason? The only answer that makes sense is God.

ye but why is it the christian god

Not him, but God is a symbol of the ideal. Fuck metaphysics and bearded men in the sky.
Christianity is about conducting your life so as to best benefit society as a whole and, sometimes, this means putting your heel on countercultures.

The ideal exists so you know that you can always do better and that lowering the bar and saying "I'm too limited to do this" is the worst thing you can do to your legacy.

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God is an incomprehensible entity which can't be explain through our logical/verbal mind, He can be explicitly felt and known through other states of consciousness but once it's translated into words most of the truth it lost. Some people are gifted in their ability to do this (Jesus, Buddha, etc) but even they can't or won't talk about it (as without experience one can't truly know). Thus all religious texts try to do the impossible and inevitably fall short or are altered through conscious/unconscious biases but they ultimately talk about the same God.

Occam's razor mainly. Assuming you take my argument for God's existence to be true, the most likely outcome of this is that God has revealed himself to the largest part of humanity in order to get his message across to us. The 3 largest religions in the world, Christianity, Judaism and Islam, all coincidentally come from a single source, Abraham, and over 50% of the world's population claims to be a member of one of those 3 religions, which all, it can be argued, worship the same God, the God of the Old and New Testament and Quran.

Once you've figured that out, you just chose one of those three and run with it.

That sounds more like starting with the situation and rationalizing a reason that fits it. A divine entity as all-powerful as the one described in Abrahamic religion would have no reason to create a a majority-but-not-quite belief system. It then follows that if there is still such a divine entity, it is not simply not as capable as the religion described, and cannot be the same God.

Not an argument for Christianity specifically, but here's an argument in favor of Deism.


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Never gonna make it

>why does the first mover have to be god lol
You're correct in a sense, the first mover argument can be used to argue for Hellenistic Platonism or Allah or the Mormon Gods, or whatever...it's very vague and unspecific.

Watch Jay Dyer vids, he presents the transcendental argument which is based on presuppositions that offer a coherent worldview, instead of natural theology/first cause/cosmological arguments that try to establish first principles and build up from them (they are riddled with fallacies).

Here he is deconstruction Thomas Aquinas 5 ways method.

Here he is arguing with an atheist about the transcendental argument.

Why is this guy shirtless?

Mere Christianity,
The Case for Christ
Screwtape Letters
Wisdom of the Desert Fathers
New Testament

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The guy you are replying to is an idiot and pointlessly discounts Gods contact with other religions and how Christianity and Islam were actually spread around the world but your rebuttal ignores the element of free will. If God did show himself to everyone and force his religion, it would not only be a petty, egotistical thing akin to a modern celebrity unbecoming of the creator of the universe but it would also render many concepts like faith meaningless and this mortal realm would no longer serve a purpose.

why does the first mover need to be sentient? The first mover argument makes me sad though cuz it's dumb.

morality could just be some a series of shadows of various animal tendencies. Fragments of fear, desire for actualization, sympathy, etc all ground through a more developed frontal lobe. Can you prove that there's a transcendent "morality" out there?

>Non exponentional graph of technology.
The absolute state of hard-take offers

Argument 1:
For something to move itself it needs to be nonphysical and it needs a will :) a nonphysical thing with a will is a mind :) given the precision and complexity of the universe it is highly likely this mind is supremely intelligent and powerful :) So, it is highly likely God exists :)

Argument 2:
There must be a prime mover, a first cause, a legislator of physical laws, a standard of objective value, and a source of being ;) The simplest theory with the most explanatory power is that God is all these things in one ;) We should endorse the simplest theory with the most explanatory power when deciding what exists ;) So, we should endorse the theory that God exists ;)


1) How can you assume the properties of a nonphysical object? Who says a nonphysical object can move at all? What is a nonphysical object exactly?
2) What even is "god" in this case? You can define him as the prime mover, the first cause, and the "legislator" of physical laws but I fail to see how that requires sentience or would in any way give legitimacy to earthly religions.

Why would anything that creates anything not be assumed to be sentient until proven otherwise?

>How can you assume the properties of a nonphysical object? Who says a nonphysical object can move at all? What is a nonphysical object exactly?

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why would you make a choice either way?

Assuming based on prior knowledge is not a choice

The first mover argument without Aristotelian context doesn't even make sense. Christians don't know how to use it.

Allow me to explain. Aristotle says there are 2 types of movement:
- non-directed (a thing is moved by something else, example: a rock falling from a mountain), which can be explained in terms of equations
- directed (a thing can move itself, example: animals, humans), which can't be explained in terms of equations

He says the first movement couldn't have been non-directed, because you would need an infinite chain of causes for that. Thus, he says the first movement must have been directed.

That's how Aristotle concluded that the first mover must have been a being (God), and not a thing.

I am not saying he's right, I am just explaining why "first mover" implies a being. Christians copied it off Aristotle but didn't actually understand it.

what prior knowledge?

>If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.
>But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.
>For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord.
>A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.
(James 1:5-8)

>this book being true
books are not propositions and cannot be evaluated as true or false
choose your words more carefully next time home slice

Isn't Christianity about the fact that man is by (sinful) nature separated from God and in need of salvation by Jesus Christ as revealed by the law supposedly written on our hearts, rather than being made worthy by good deeds.

yes the unmoved mover means that you must worship a literal dead jew, pastor said so

>Christianity is about conducting your life so as to best benefit society as a whole
Christianity is a political program, nothing more, nothing less. Its goal has only ever been to seek wealth and material power over men. It has worn whatever costume was fashionable for accomplishing this through history.