Go to local university

>go to local university
>take philosophy 101
>professor comes in
>piercings and tattoos all over his body
>"what's up you guys, let's get going with this capitalist bs"
>"if God is real why bad things happen"
>"are birds real?"
>"you guys can follow me on my Twitter and Facebook, since I don't use email"

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Other urls found in this thread:


did this actually happen? i dropped out after a couple semesters at a community college so i don’t have experience in the university world

email is the only respectable form of communication

Yes, it happened


This is a board for literature you faggot.

>you guys can follow me on my Twitter and Facebook, since I don't use email"
holy fuck

One of the readings I had to do in uni was J.S. Mill's 'On Liberty'. The class consensus was that Mill failed to account for hate speech.
>mfw I realized most people straight up lack the mental hardware to understand an opposing viewpoint.

the npc meme is real, the world is a horrifying place

>Tfw live in the heartland and your reality is as distant to me as any fiction

Philosophy is literature

Yes, and the discussion of philosophy on lit must pertain to some form of literature, which, frankly, is a stupid fucking rule. Threads like these are more interesting than Ayn Rand thread #3957392758492

>"we are getting brainwashed by religion and capitalism"
>"ok guys this is a safe space where you all can be honest and express those deep thoughts that keep you all up at night"

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>go to community college philosophy course
>guy is clearly liberal but keeps it to himself and doesn’t propagandize to us or shut us down

>mfw the only ones talking are the liberal teacher and high school redditor throwing up numbers and statistics, but can't even pronounce "quantum physics"

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what is the secret of pronouncing quantum physics? it seems like a pretty straightforward word to pronounce. have i been pronouncing it wrong all these years?

Kwan-tum fi-six

how did that redditor pronounce it?

Oh I’m not


The professor finished it for him cause he couldn't say it.

Are you sure he wasn’t taking the piss?

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>sure living with mental illness and is hard, but what you’re not appreciating, user, is that people of colour get treated differently by society than you whites, and that’s something they have to deal with every day
>sometimes user you act like just because one bad thing happened to you once it’s okay to ignore the suffering of whole groups of people
Ahhhhhhhhh fuck youuuuuu nigger nigger nigger shit shut the fuck up



>local uni
Bahahaha, leave brainlet

Have sex

>go to local university
What did you expect? Go to a real school

A Realschule?

I stoped trying using email a long time ago, you know where to find me. Have blocked my App Store because of iTunes Store. I couldnt left the bomb over night somebody ping Facebook.com and then iTunes.apple.com

My local uni is the best in the country

It's just a religion at this point. I don't understand how any one can listen to their shit and think that it in any way accurately describes the world

Same brother. I'm looking to buy some goats.

Fuck off Pablo

>>"if God is real why bad things happen"

Because god exists, but his creation isn't his, the creation is from the demiurge, and the demiurge is a cunt


I also respect communicating anonymously on a picture board about literature related topics.

You’re sure that’s not just them bent on removal of free speech?

To me an obvious rebuttal would be that to impose restrictions on evil would be to impose restrictions on free will and as such victims like cripples are really fortunate it’s not a world where they would be totally functioning drones. Not that I’m christian.

the high school redditor is eternal

Back to third/fourth century disputatios where your kind was btfo for all eternity.

>free will exists

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>desperately trying to make sense of his reality

>philosophy of art and media class
>this one faggot called ben is the class president
>always injecting his opinion
>ten minute monologue about the "literary agent hypothesis"
>other tvtropes nonsense
>go on class outing to local gallery
>exhibition is a crime scene with some road cones and security cameras
>"ah yes, it reminded me of 1988"

He later stood on this bridge on campus and tried to do the Marina Abramobich thing where you could do anything to him and he wouldn't respond. Everyone was just confused, so eventually he started cutting himself and the campus police had to forcibly detain him


sorry you didn't like the guy, but that's how intro to philosophy is

it's all the questions we've been asking ourselves since we were 8 years old and normies are just getting introduced to the mindset now that they're adults

but the good thing is, philosophy class will teach you to verbally masturbate with those fun little thoughts if you stick around long enough

>He later stood on this bridge on campus and tried to do the Marina Abramobich thing where you could do anything to him and he wouldn't respond. Everyone was just confused, so eventually he started cutting himself and the campus police had to forcibly detain him

classic ben

That's what it has come to? Remember Gunnary Seargant Hartman from Full Metal Jacket? That scene was my intro class, but with works of Hegel instead of rifles.

>Go to a lecture on Spengler
>75% of the lecture is devoted to how Spengler is a fascist, reactionary and eurocentric
>lecturer then off-handedly remarks that she hasnt read Decline and says people shouldnt read it because of its fascist implications
I have never wanted to murder someone as much as i did that day.

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If you cannot argue against such dimwits, and really mob the floor with them in such a way that they either spend the next years in libraries reading or just quit uni teaching, why even bother?

Fuvking columbine the shit out of that class.

I'm sorry You misspelled Actual physical letters.

>Threads like these are more interesting than Ayn Rand thread #3957392758492
We can't have an Ayn Rand Thread and We never did have one in the whole history of the board. As long as You DARE mention her 10000 commies swamp your thread.
It must be nice for her to Live rent free in so many heads.

Well Yes it does.

>not using smoke signal

Nice blog
with nice I mean terrible.

Because the lecture hall was full of people who think screeching and yelling is a valid form of discussion.

>tfw going to do a Film MA in the liberal city in the UK besides London
Think I fucked up lads

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>*most liberal

Okay megaboomer

Why the fuck do I shout "kill all niggers"when I blow my load?

>what's up you guys, let's get going with this capitalist bs

this is my to go line for job interviews desu

>want to fly like a bird
>no matter how much I want to I can never do
>cant will myself to fly

explain to me how I have free will again

When I went to college my first English class primarily consisted of watching movies, and my second English class consisted of writing papers on New York Times opinion columns. I dropped out.

If you argue against something like that then you'll be branded a fascist as well, likely fail the class; possibly reported to campus authorities for hate speech and expelled.

Beat me to it.



I dropped out after they tried to tell me frog posters were all fascists because one Pepe picture had a Nazi uniform. So Pepe was forever a Nazi.

It's horseshit man.

well user there is this thing inside of you that makes you able to act without those actions being caused by anything. yknow, you are influenced by your surroundings but you can CHOOSE how to respond to those. yknow the cause of your action (whatever you perceive, think or feel) goes through this wibbly wobbly souly wouly thing that makes you able to change your own nature so that you react however YOU want.

Free will is logically incoherent. The idea is based on linguistic confusion.

>dropping out of university for pepe the frog
a true martyr right there

I dropped out of my university because they told me I had to pronounce Pepe as "Peep." True story.

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>you guys can follow me on my Twitter and Facebook, since I don't use email
This is how scumbag professors try to fuck girls in the class btw

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how many more will fall, until pepe will be redeemed?!

Teachers are genuinely some of the dumbest people that I've interacted with. Maybe it's just that they appear to be the dumbest because they think they know what they're about but either way I have no respect for them. Even Yea Forumss darling Gregory Sadler is completely retarded about all things political and economic. Maybe even philosophy in general too when he's not just teaching from the text.

>>"you guys can follow me on my Twitter and Facebook, since I don't use email"

>>"you guys can follow me on my Tripcode on Yea Forums, since I don't use social media"

>>this one faggot called ben is the class president
do americans really do this?

should have chosen to be born as an eagle

when will they learn?

there are four types of teachers: First, young, poor, and motivated. Second, middle-aged, stressed, and disappointed. Third, old, weird, and out of fucks to give. Fourth, the exception: Motivated, experienced, and caring.


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That's what I mean. Mill spends a whole book arguing that restrictions on speech are impractical. They didn't even try to argue against him, just went with, "but what about hate speech?" Like trained dogs. Not a single page registered with them. First time I realized the npc meme was real, pretty disturbing desu.

>Ahhhhhhhhh fuck youuuuuu nigger nigger nigger shit shut the fuck up
You’re literally a parody of a retarded white reactionary.

Because it fucking does, you idiot.

>Marina Abramobich
This little typo joke falls flat when we have a PM called Brnabic (burn a bitch).

What is it with Bens anyway? It's like the guy that peaked in the late 80s and has become twisted by resintiment, nostalgia and conceit.

I read a bunch of secondary literature/papers on Locke a couple of years back, and all the late 80s/early 90s papers were like this, sophomoric arguments about slavery and his life vs his philosophy. They're making points that aren't exactly totally wrong but require more nuance and thought to apply and are tied to something happening currently.

30year cycle dude.

Based you

You can choose to will it, but that does not mean it will happen.

Literally nothing wrong with that

>brother is doing european culture studies or something in college
>saw his exam paper
>one of the questions was "explain why feminism is important"
I would have loved to answer that

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You mispelled telegraph messages

Well, you don't have wings but you have a brain capable of creating you wing

Serious question for you, young and bright american students.
How popular is sociology in the murrican curriculum? What is the academic consensus on what sociology is, and how does it look in reality?

>take intro to philsophy
>lecturer talks about the categorical imperative in the 2nd lecture

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Sociology is what people who couldn't get into Economics because they failed Calculus do. More likely than not, the people who are in it are liberals/SJWs.

Stop larping in my thread faggot


There literally is though. Institutes of learning are for just that, learning. If I was a parent, I wouldn't want to pay for my daughter's education just so she could get hit on by the loser sleazeball 30 year old teaching one of her classes.

>"are birds real?"
what did your prof mean by this

That's insane considering Mill is usually considered one of the more progressive modern philosophers, jesus fucking christ. Which uni did you go to?

>you can’t learn and suck dick at the same time
Lmao have you ever been to college?

If you can't handle opposing viewpoints, YOU don't belong in a philosophy class, OP.

People like you are the exact reason women shouldn't be allowed to attend higher education institutions.

I think you missed the part about the dick belonging to a "loser sleazeball 30 year old professor". Those types are the worst kind of people. No future, Dunning Kruger suffering faggots, the whole lot of them.

I would be fine with him being a lefty if he wouldn't try to be "le wacky professorxD"
He was trying to be random or some shit

So Sociology isn't treated as a subdiscipline of philosophy?

It sounds like they don't belong either

Harsh passing of judgement bro
>only women suck dick

Is there any point in engaging in trivial sophistries or rhetoricisms in the pursuit of philosophical inquiry?
Wouldn't philosophy turn into little else but a battle between different kinds of amusing fantasies if it were treated that way?

Sociology is treated as the retarded cousin of psychology. Even Anthropology laughs at Sociology. Sociology is the softest science still allowed to be considered a science.

>that first sentence
Watch out we got a wise guy over here

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It's usually classified as a social science (often put alongside Political Science or Anthropology), with nothing more in common with the academic discipline of Philosophy than Physics or Art History could be.

Oh, you're a fag? Hmmm, I don't really care then. I would've disowned and disinherited my son by the time he got to college if he was gay so it wouldn't really matter to me.

>I don't use email
I'm yet to have been to a university that doesn't make email mandatory for students, let alone professors. You get an account from them even. I even had to get a new cellphone number to visit china with once. There's no fucking way your prof doesn't have an email.

>only women suck dick
You're doing it wrong. If you really wanna sound like you wanna fit in here, you'd say
>He doesn't give niggas blowjobs to pay for his copies of Aristotle and Nietzsche's complete oeuvres.

Just, asking, in eastern Europe it's a big discussion whether sociology should be more of a social science or society-oriented philosophy on SPSS steroids.

>using nigga outside of very specific contexts

Shut up nigger. See user, it is literally that easy.

>nigga = nigger

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You're inherently based.

>mfw OP is gonna shoot up the school

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you misspelled smoke signals

in a lot of american unis the people who do the "society oriented philosophy" work in the pol. sci departments and are called political theorists. There are some social theorists who work in sociology departments, but it's mostly retarded quant stuff. social science in the US is cancer

-t. us philosophy grad student

>not sending prayers to the dream world so that they will reach others who are also sending prayers

you misspelled sending your best runner on a 42 km trip to Marathon behind enemy lines, but, out of fear he might get caught and tortured, you never tell him the message, but tattoo it on the back of his shaved head and let him go, once enough of his hair grows back, only to find out you forgot some P.S. shit you really shoud have added.

I am taking the 3 English classes this semester and my profs and what we will be doing in the syllabus all looked based. I have never had a bad experience with English classes and only go to a decent state school I question all the supposed sjw shit and ya fiction stuff that I hear about from this board.

emails are legal proof in a court of law

what about Yea Forums posts?

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You misspelled sucking each other's dicks till' they go pop pop __ pop ___ pop pop pop __ . That's information, à lá Shannon et all and so forth



I dropped back in 2010 after three years. Most of my professors were spineless, left-wing faggots. I don't want to know what you poor zoomers have to deal with on campuses these days. Post-secondary education was a mistake.

Everything stems from God, including the demiurge. God is responsible for the demiurge

Regarding free speech.
What would the liberal consensus be about free speech if the world was run by a totalitarian dictator that only gulag'd people convicted of worshiping his personality cult or expressing praise for his leadership?
Speaking hypothetically of course.


t. american hick who hates universities and barely passed primary

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What’s primary?

I went to a community college before transferring to a university to finish up my undergrad. in mathematics. I got all my prereqs out of the way in the CC, but I didn't have this experience there that many of you had.
The philosophy classes were great. I was the only white guy, but everyone was engaged and eager to learn. At one point, a black girl went on a tweny minute rant about why a white guy should be allowed to go to school in a KKK robe if he wanted to because freedom of speech. Everyone read the material and everyone treated the authors of the material with respect they deserve - none of this "old white man" crap. It was pretty great.

>it isn't