We post the greatest Yea Forums sentences ever produced by humankind.

[Pic definitely related]

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It's a good sentence but it won't make sense in 50 years. It barely makes sense to people coming up now, since dead channels are blue and he obviously means static.

>Alone he watched the sky go out, dark deepen to its full. He kept his eyes on the engulfed horizon, for he knew from experience what last throes it was capable of. And in the dark he could hear better too, he could hear the sounds the long day had kept from him, human murmurs for example, and the rain on the water.

The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel, received by a broken antenna.

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That’s awesomeness

imagine being such a midwit that you believe cartoons and old movies have the same artistic value

into the trash

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>gradually i began to hate them.

Based Cleese poster

This is a literature discussion board not a touching and inspirational entertainment celebrity wisdom discussion board.

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i can tell by the nose though

How come y'all getting your Yea Forums quotes from imgur, come on now.

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Not a sentence though.

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Extremely based

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CNN is not a colour

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my favorite

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from random steam user

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last one


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>“A child that is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth”
African proverb

>Crocodiles are easy. They try to kill and eat you. People are harder. Sometimes they pretend to be your friend first.
Steve Irwin

>“Airports see more sincere kisses than wedding halls. The walls of hospitals have heard more prayers than the walls of churches.”

>stingrays are even harder

>"Be careful who you call your friends. I'd rather have four quarters than one hundred pennies."
Al Capone

>"Give a man a gun and he can rob a bank, give a man a bank and he can rob the world"

>"If god wanted you alive he wouldn't have sent me"
Genghis Khan

>"If you make people think they're thinking, they'll love you; but if you really make them think, they'll hate you."
Don Marquis

>“No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it is not the same river, and he is not the same man”
Heraclitus of Ephesus

Really makes you think

Dude no

>"You can't keep blaming yourself. Just blame yourself once and move on."
Homer Simpson

>'Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires'

"If I had a nickel for every woman who finds me unattractive, they would eventually find me attractive."

The sky is never the colour of static so this is trash

>"My biggest fear is that people will see me the way I see myself"

>"Nobody realizes that some people expend tremendous energy merely to be normal"
Albert Camus

>Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Cyber Bullying Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha
Tyler, The Creator

>Ennui is the martyrdom for those who live and die for no belief

Emil Cioran

Great thread OP! Have an upvote kind sir!

>He did not know that it was already behind him, somewhere back in that vast obscurity beyond the city, where the dark fields of the republic rolled on under the night. (Fitzgerald, the Great Gatsby)

>The lamps are going out all over Europe, we shall not see them lit again in our lifetime. (Just something Lord Grey once said)

>That stifled hum of Midnight, when Traffic has lain down to rest; and the chariot-wheels of Vanity, still rolling here and there through distant streets, are bearing her to Halls roofed in, and lighted to the due pitch for her; and only Vice and Misery, to prowl or to moan like nightbirds, are abroad: that hum, I say, like the stertorous, unquiet slumber of sick Life, is heard in Heaven! (Carlyle, Sartor Resartus, was very hard to pick just one sentence from this book)

>Anybody who tells you that he has some way of leading you to spiritual enlightenment is like somebody who picks your pocket and sells you your own watch.

Alan Watts

“It was the afternoon of my eighty-first birthday, and I was in bed with my catamite when Ali announced that the archbishop had come to see me."

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but islam


I used to fake long distance calls by blaring static from a shitty little transistor radio into the mouthpiece.

Not even the best from the book
>Very often do the captains of such ships take those absent-minded young philosophers to task, upbraiding them with not feeling sufficient “interest” in the voyage; half-hinting that they are so hopelessly lost to all honorable ambition, as that in their secret souls they would rather not see whales than otherwise. But all in vain; those young Platonists have a notion that their vision is imperfect; they are short-sighted; what use, then, to strain the visual nerve? They have left their opera-glasses at home.

>“Why, thou monkey,” said a harpooneer to one of these lads, “we’ve been cruising now hard upon three years, and thou hast not raised a whale yet. Whales are scarce as hen’s teeth whenever thou art up here.” Perhaps they were; or perhaps there might have been shoals of them in the far horizon; but lulled into such an opium-like listlessness of vacant, unconscious reverie is this absent-minded youth by the blending cadence of waves with thoughts, that at last he loses his identity; takes the mystic ocean at his feet for the visible image of that deep, blue, bottomless soul, pervading mankind and nature; and every strange, half-seen, gliding, beautiful thing that eludes him; every dimly-discovered, uprising fin of some undiscernible form, seems to him the embodiment of those elusive thoughts that only people the soul by continually flitting through it. In this enchanted mood, thy spirit ebbs away to whence it came; becomes diffused through time and space; like Cranmer’s sprinkled Pantheistic ashes, forming at last a part of every shore the round globe over.

>There is no life in thee, now, except that rocking life imparted by a gently rolling ship; by her, borrowed from the sea; by the sea, from the inscrutable tides of God. But while this sleep, this dream is on ye, move your foot or hand an inch; slip your hold at all; and your identity comes back in horror. Over Descartian vortices you hover. And perhaps, at mid-day, in the fairest weather, with one half-throttled shriek you drop through that transparent air into the summer sea, no more to rise for ever. Heed it well, ye Pantheists!



the second one is probably the best. i was looking for a md passage to post but the book is enormous and i cant find it

It's all one passage. Really you can pick any line from it and it's beautiful, kinda what I did here.



It’s just is...


why though

What book?

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oy vey

its just atheist garbage.

>atheist garbage.
>missing the points this hard

the whole point is RELIGION BAD!

nope. try again. You can do it.

oh fuck i didn't even see this as pro athiest or anti religious until u pointed it out. i just thought he was pointing out something like in those places ur supposed to have those things but these other places actually have it more meme

Moby-Dick; or, the whale

not everything is permitted in islam, I don't see your point

thats the surface level of it, but really its just a backhanded jab at religious people.

i don't mind that desu, i enjoyed thinking about how he is right though

The jihadists still had their god, yet stuff like blowing up buildings wwas permitted. Even with god these things can happen so dosty is wrong.

he's not even right, whether your religious or not. its just a mathematical fact that more prayers are said in a churches than in hospitals. his whole statement is "sheeple in church don't really pray, only last ditch effort prayers to my loosely defined, feel-good "humanist" god count as real."

he doesn't say anything about artistic value. both are easy to watch. i would argue the childish nature of cartoons and the nostalgic parental and timeless quality of old movies produce a similar
wombic lethargy.

Christfags are really easily triggered and quick ti judgment. How unchristlike.

i don't think Christ would appreciate such blasphemies against His church.

There was no blasphemy, you just decided to take offense because you are touchy and rash and quick to judge and blame. Jesus spent time with loan sharks and whores and He never set up any church, in effect His works and teachings suggest He saw no need for one. God hates hyppocrites user.

he should've made a spiritual stand up comedy special tbqh

>he just keeps blaspheming


prove ur fact, u can't therefore i win

>Jesus never set up a church
>God hates people
how about i just write a fucking essay on it and post it later tonight? would that make you happy?

yes actually, was that supposed to be rhetorical? because i'd really enjoy to see what you have to write :)

Currently reading Moby Dick, it's true that every chapter has at least one of these gems.

I wish my English was better to fully understand everything but what I can grasp has been very fulfilling so far

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Isn't the comma unnecessary?

no i will do it and it will be called "user's critique of gay quote." i'll make a new thread later.

Not really. Used as a rhetorical device to show an afterthought. A poetic touch, if you may.

There are plenty of low brow old movies

Watts speaks too loosely but he’s pretty based.

The most important Yea Forums from the 20th century moving forward

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that hit me as the deepest quote in the thread what the fuck.

"Let us be servants in order to be leaders" -Dostoevsky

ah yes, Africa, that one singular place


Because this thread never stood a chance. You’ll have to dig through mountains of shit to find anything good.

Ummm... grey.

I fucking hate Don Marquis.

The point was that people become more emotional/spiritual when in state of danger

I don’t think that was supposed to be the primary implication

Fuck, it was airports, not airplanes.

I haven't even read it but obviously it's Moby Dick


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user, you're painfully retarded. fuck religious people, especially when they're this stupid and fragile.

Posting this on my facebook wall rn

Holy fuck, never actually read this even though I'm American and spend my free time sailing. Second passage made me tear up, it's outstanding. Going to start reading it today

Why do retards assume material entropy has anything to do with the infinite of the spirit. All it does is disprove past religious movements by displaying counter evidence against their claims made with the same logos it used to inscribe the word of God or gods which cannot be disproven directly using the same tactics. Any idiot with an iq above 80 can create for himself a new religion based on the findings of modern science. If I began viewing time the same way the Inca saw it this quote wouldn't even make sense.


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Yeah, that's a pretty weak reading

Milton describing Death
>The other shape (If shape it might be call'd that shape had none Distinguishable in member, joint, or limb; Or substances might be call'd that shadow seem'd, For each seem'd either:) black it stood as night, Fierce as ten furries, terrible as hell, And shook a dreadful dart: what seem'd his head, the likeness of a kingly crown had on.

Stop posting

Death blocks your path, here's how Satan first responds
>Whence, and what art thou, execrable shape, That dar'st, though grim and terrible, advance Thy miscreated front athwart my way To yonder gates? through them I mean to pass, That be assur'd, without leave or ask of thee. Retire, or taste thy folly, and learn by proof, Hell-born, not to contend with spirits of heaven.

Voll verdienst, doch dichterisch wonhet der Mensch auf dieser Erde

Thank you.

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Lmao! So underrated

I just finished reading One Hundred Years of Solitude and there was this sentence that really stuck with me. I'm posting it in French because that's the version I read and I looked it up in English and it's really not as good, there's a little something missing.

>Elle pensait encore à Mauricio Babilonia, à son odeur d'huile et aux papillons qui l'environnaient, et elle continuerait d'y penser chaque jour de sa vie jusqu'à cette aube d'un automne encore éloigné où elle mourrait de vieillesse, sous une autre identité que la sienne et sans avoir prononcé une parole, dans quelque ténébreux hospice de Cracovie.

Here's in English for the autists like me who like to compare translations :

>She was still thinking about Mauricio Babilonia, his smell of grease, and his halo of butterflies, and she would keep on thinking about him for all the days of her life until the remote autumn morning when she died of old age, with her name changed and her head shaved and without ever having spoken a word, in a gloomy hospital in Cracow.

I know I might get shit for this but one of my favourite opening lines in all of literature is still from Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell. Sums up the entire thematics of the book in the first sentence. Brilliant supersymmetry.

"Beyond the Indian hamlet, upon a forlorn strand, I happened on a trail of recent footprints."

>I know I might get shit for this
Do people here not like Cloud Atlas?
I don't even remember seeing it mentioned ever.
I really like the book.

fierce as ten furries kek

It's my favourite book of the past 20 years, but I've seen David Mitchell's work get flack on some literature forums for not being old enough to be considered classic yet like Infinite Jest or whatever. I find his prose infinitely more fluid and poetic in its cadence, and just straight up better, than that of many of the big touted modernist and post-modern authors, honestly.

The yellow butterflies following Mauricio Babilonia is so cool.

>But the effect of her being on those around her was incalculably diffusive: for the growing good of the world is partly dependent on unhistoric acts; and that things are not so ill with you and me as they might have been, is half owing to the number who lived faithfully a hidden life, and rest in unvisited tombs

Unironic chills

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There are so many cool things in that book.

I agree, but that one was the thing for me.
Pietro Crespi's suicide and Amaranta suffering and burning her hand marked me more.

New Age heathen posing as a Catholic.

Yeah the hand burning with her black band marked me too.
I liked the ascension of Remedios the Beauty, it was weird but kind of uplifting in some way.


That's gay as shit but it actually made me sad. God damn Maya.

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Because their god allows them too

God and Allah are not the same.

Please explain how this encapsulates the book's themes. If I only because I want to see this book discussed and I don't want to go to reddit to do it.

I love futons tbf

underratedly underrated

>Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not.
>For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

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People are basically morons who still operate on a false dichotomy of the spiritual vs the material. The believe there is any intrinsic value to the statement “love is just a chemical reaction” as if this observation yields any insight into the nature of our reality or our perception. It might seem trite but Einstein’s statement “either everything is a miracle or nothing is” comes to mind, fundamentally every facet of this entire cosmos is inherently defined in relation to every other facet. Time could only be comprehended if matter and space exist and vice versa. When you comment on how our spiritual perception is just our mind interpreting matter and chaos you may as well say that matter and chaos are manifestations of our spiritual perception. Causality is a function of time, not scale, this is a common misconception in amateur scientists, they believe that all our perception of large scale phenomena are caused by the interactions of smaller objects but then ask them how they can test for the direction of causality with respect to scale and they cannot answer. Big things are not “made of” little things any more than little things are made of the subdivision of big things. Actually stop for a second and think to yourself, if in any given instant all small objects and large objects occupy the same point in time, e.g the atoms in an orange and the orange itself, then how can we differentiate between whether the small particles change first or the whole changes first if they change at the same time. You cannot. The behaviour of the atoms of this universe could be dictated by the entire universe just as easily as the behaviour of the entire universe could be dictated by the behaviour of its constituent atoms. We know not the initial causer of change.

I have read at least 100 pages every day for well over a decade now. So that is approximately 36500 pages a year, or a total of 365000 pages. Not a huge amount, but not a pitiful amount either. I can confidently say pic related is one of the only things I have read that cut right through me and perfectly captured how my life has felt at its worst.

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read more nigger

Milton is underrated here


Now that nationalism is getting popular again this piece is often derided. But I continue to be touched by it.

>man is the only religious animal
*laughs in elephant*

Without going into too much detail, the book is about A) the connection between people separated by vast periods of time by their actions and intent, playing with the idea of reincarnation as a metaphor for this but without explicitly considering it real like in the film adaptation (think along the lines of how it's used in Yukio Mishima's 'The Sea Of Fertility') and B) the perennial nature of power dynamics between humans and how although the balance may shift or be totally reversed (the 'Indians' in this case are Polynesian cannibals) the predator/prey relationship always exists in human nature in some form. It goes on, but that'd be spoiling things.

I believe that.

>The weak are meat the strong do eat.

Yeah, it's caesura. Really well done.

>People who live in society have learnt how to see themselves, in mirrors, as they appear to their friends. I have no friends: is that why my flesh is so naked?

Jean-Paul Sartre, Nausea

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Your specific God may not say it's ok, but dosty's line is wrong as a general statement: with God, everything is permitted

We were a self-centred army without parade or gesture, devoted to freedom, the second of man's creeds, a purpose so ravenous that it devoured all our strength, a hope so transcendent that our earlier ambitions faded in its glare.



Woah dude are you mr roboto??

what am I supposed to take away from this?

unironically best itt

>One day our patience will run dry......

Legitimately inspiring

"C'était à Mégara, faubourg de Carthage, dans les jardins d'Hamilcar."
Not the greatest but a beautiful sounding one for sure.

Not really. These people are extremists and have misunderstood their own religion. Weep for them for they are lost and make no effort to improve.

Now yuo see...

Is this true though?

Holy fucking based

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Good, he should feel bad

“For all is like an ocean, all flows and connects; touch it in one place and it echoes at the other end of the world.” -Dostoevsky

why are jews so nihilistic, bros

But can man rob a gun if you give him the world?

Because it presupposes that more praying is going on in the hospital than in church. In Romania, for example, churches are open and there are people praying there all the time- for themselves or for sick relatives, it doesn't matter. You do not need to be on your deathbed to pray sincerely; as the user said, it's typical iconoclastic (or at least a half of it) "Christians are insincere hypocrites who only believe strongly in dire situations" bullshit.

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The point is open for interpretation

The same could be said of your mother birthing you.

But is it really a mathematical fact? Is the matter really as simple as you think it to be?

It's not judgement. I never said you're goinf to Hell. I'm jusy calling you out, and cries of "you are easily triggered" fall upon unhearing ears.

>it's bad to respond negatively towards something
>you don't wanna be triggered, do you? That means you're a lesser-than

And so Yea Forums meme jargon infects mind after mind. Everything is a "cope," dichotomies between "chads" and "virgins are found where there were previously none, and so on.

Jesus Christ was Jesus Christ. The church gave Him and His teachings permanence rather than an informal "anything goes" approach. Megachurches with televangelists are bad, but a normal church is superior to some anti-religious schmuck shunning the church because he doesn't want to wake up early on Sunday.

>why are you so judgemental, that's not Christlike!
>fuck religious people, they're so fragile
Before you point out the straw in your brother's eye, remove the log in yours.

>the sky looked like static

Yup, that is going on my midwit cringe compilation

Wait. That was said by Anthony Bourdain? Damn

It's amazing how applicable this is to the current year.

>run-on sentences

>run-on sentences

A better Pascal's Wager


What a dumb edgelord. Makes me regret using his quote on education for my senior quote.

Good quote.

Yes, indeed!

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"I once brought a jackass and a honeycomb into a brothel"

I wold take a fat poop on paradice lost. Bbbbbbbbig piece of poop. Paradice lost is bad. Milton was very dumb

absolutely no concept of time precedent you utter retard

what a pseud

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That’s not even Steinbeck, it’s from Ronald Wright’s A Short History of Progress but people misattribute it all the time

low cloud ceiling over water at night reflecting industrial lights

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you're dumb as a bag of rocks
plz stop

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