Tinder is natural selection at it's finest. The centuries of each man having a wife ruined the gene pool...

Tinder is natural selection at it's finest. The centuries of each man having a wife ruined the gene pool, but this is our chance as a species.
Imagine, what humanity could become, if each woman could choose not from her immediate acquaintances, or by arranged marriage, but out of tens of thousands of potential candidates.

The reality is, that most men don't deserve to breed - women on the other hand, are a precious resource, and ellipse the other gender by the mere fact of their existence.
The daily pain, depression, mental issues that most men here face, are natural - they indicate that you are a blind evolutionary alley, just a tragic misstep in the human race. This behavior is quite common in sick animals, the so called "sickness behavior". Such animals exclude themselves from others, retreat to isolation and lethargy. All in order to prevent infecting the rest of the pack - a necessary sacrifice. If a sick bird were to fly with the rest of the flock, the germ would spread, and soon none would have the energy to stay in the air.

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Incel bait.

Why do you want to make miserable people more miserable, OP? Are you a sadist?


stupid cumbrain

Your terrible use of commas indicates that you should not breed.

The dying go through five stages: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.
As the last stage brings peace, it is better to know and accept.

These three are still stuck on the first two stages.

Do you guys unironically think all women use Tinder? Only a small minority do, even among stupid roasties, and even among those roasties most of them dislike tinder.
I think you guys are playing stupid on purpose, and deluding yourself into believing that your failures are because of an app that nobody uses, as opposed to your own fault. You're to afraid to take responsibility so you blame everyone and everything but yourself.

The different between a normie and a robot, is that normies don't take Tinder seriously at all, while the robot takes Tinder more seriously than life itself. You guys pretend like you're smarter than normies, but normies are smart enough to realize that Tinder is stupid, and you guys aren't.

Tinder is just a quantification of real life, dummy. Women went through this process of choice long before smartphones.

>quantification of real life
That's assuming that the Tinder population is equivalent to the population of real life, which isn't true. Tinder is filled with obese women, party stacies and other useless women, and pretending like this is representative of the entire female population is delusional. Get out more.

This is definitely true at my uni. Only a specific "type" of girl uses tinder. Other women use Bumble, and the majority don't use any dating app at all bc we have lots of clubs and societies on campus where meeting people is easy.

Incels focus in on Tinder because
a) it feeds into their confirmation bias that all women are whores/all women are only concerned with base physical attractiveness
b)incels are too socially awkward/too terminally online to have meaningful non-internet hobbies. They don't realize, or don't want to realize, that the kind of women who are actually achievable are at local cooking classes, book groups, community service programs, and gardening clubs. By focusing in on Tinder, they can justify their lack of engagement with real women on the basis that all women are like those on Tinder.

Not an argument

>the kind of women who are actually achievable are at local cooking classes, book groups, community service programs, and gardening clubs

ugh why must I leave home to find women
also I refuse to participate in the social games people play in groups

desu each woman probably had a first kiss at 12, sex at 11, and the months (or weeks) of her life when she didn't have a bf were the saddest of her life. they treat intimacy like a cheap commodity to be shared with anyone, so I'd rather stay inside.

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That isn't tinder. That is those that publish such data. How many voluntary or involuntary cum 'n goers are going to go on reddit or have a Reddit account?

much more than there are Yea Forums users. it is the front page of the internet

this. most people don't use tinder, real life isn't like tinder.


>Gets offered a potential solution to his imaginary, ill-conceived problem reinforced by confirmation bias, echo chambers in the most toxic places online, truly retarded prejudice and plain ignorance
>Copes his way out of fixing his life
Based and r9kpilled

just go to a bar. seriously. get off the internet

The fact that you view having real hobbies and interests as "social games" speaks to how broken you and your incel compatriots are as people. You assume women are empty shells only seeking physical intimacy because that's exactly what you are. You project your own insecurities and flaws upon other people without ever interacting with them.

Can't wait for civilization to be wiped out
Super volcano for president 2020

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Having offspring later results in more mutations, autism, ugliness, allergies, diseases...
Having a single mother is almost the worst act you can do to a child, resulting in more crime, risk taking, rape etc.

Women are retarded because they have no direct consequences for their lack of morality.

If this is bait it's good. But if you're sincere you're retarded.
1. Tinder women are party girls and dont select for traits that benefit offspring.
2. Very few people use tinder seriously
3. Tinder people aren't marrying and having kids.

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We are effectively removing ugly men from the gene pool, next step is finding a way of removing ugly women as well and soon enough all of Humanity will be attractive.

We are effectively removing white men from the gene pool, next step is finding a way of removing white women as well and soon enough all of Humanity will be black. Oh wait no they won't because whiteness and blackness are fluid differentials. There will always be light skinned people same as there will always be ugly and attractive there is no objectively most attractive person.

roasties love tinder, i am a university student and frequently see them swiping left constantly.

> You're to afraid to take responsibility so you blame everyone and everything but yourself
no, reread the op. we are blaming ourselves specifically, beyond everything


>tfw get a decebt number of matches but delete the app aftet a week because i literally don't even know how to start a convo

>Tinder women are party girls
Keep telling yourself that. Nothing redpilled me so hard as when women got a hold of social media, tinder and limitless attention online

Cool story, bro.

>tfw I have hope for the future
I'm gonna keep going to the gym, I'm going to keep reading, I'm going to join a literature or swimming club, I'm going to interact with my uni classmates like a normal human being and I'm going to fall in love or make great friends.
I'm going to make it and so are all of you.

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nah. people don't change.

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You effectively said nothing of value. I don't care what your personal experience is. The truth is that a good number of women do not use tinder.

most people on tinder are ugly lmao

>that pic
Well fuck

Don't let them bring you down user. I'm going to do exactly the same and I'll keep doing the things I've already done.

Also, read Balzac.

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I felt my heart sink realizing that I’m at my happiest. This is it.

Same user, don't let the black pillers pull you into their fucked up autistic world where everything is ruled by an aspbergian application of evolutionary materialism to everytthing.

Most guys on tinder are shit at taking pics. Women are indeed more selective than men, but what TRP and incel fags don't realize is that women don't have much of a consensus as to what they consider attractive.

>women don't have much of a consensus as to what they consider attractive.
But they do have a consensus at what they consider unattractive, i.e. incels.

And you know what happens if I don't fall in love with anyone? Nothing! Because I'll be doing things I enjoy and interacting with people like me every day instead of wasting my days alone in a room being bitter about existence.

if you interacted with people in the way you describe in the past, you're a normie, and your pledge is meaningless - as a normie these things come naturally to you.
If you haven't interacted with people on that level before, no amount of motivation or wishful thinking is going to change that. There is a reason why you haven't done it in the past, and you've just forgotten about it. Don't worry though, you'll soon remember it again, and go back to being a recluse.