Ok Yea Forums, what is your favorite movie?

Ok Yea Forums, what is your favorite movie?

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>inb4 Tarkovsky

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make way for tomorrow

Tokyo story

starship troopers

Battle Royale, but I don't really watch movies

Stalker is the Yea Forums movie

snoozefest that nothing happens

Das Boot

My favorites are Spalovac Mrtvol, Ugetsu Monogatari, the Emigrants and Brief Encounter

Plein Soleil

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Lawrence of Arabia

The one were Brad Pitt beats up Bruce Lee

Love Exposure

Darren Aronofsky: Pi

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Apocalypse Now

Came in this thread just to post this.
I watched it again the other night, but I didn't cry at the end this time.

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Time indefinite (1993)

Just like books

bruce lee already died

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Richard III

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Brad Pitt went back in time and kicked his ass

Mishima: A Life


Paris, Texas.
Nastassja Kinski is beautiful in it.

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Taxi driver

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Wild Strawberries

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Was Tarkovsky too boring for you?

truly based
I love Bergman too. winter light is probably my fav, fanny och alexander has a very special place in my heart

I love his films for they deal with the struggle of faith and nihilism. Seventh Seal is my favorite.

Dogville was pretty good.

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Have any of you guys seen Good Morning?

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Great movie

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Yes its good. One of Ozus best imo

Probably Sans Soleil or Varda’s Le Bonheur

Good tase.

Yes, it’s excellent

Meant to reply to and not

High school musical the musical the series

>Blue Velvet

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Boring, amateurish, hoary, yes.

>hur dur nothing happen

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the danish girl

La belle noiseuse

it was cliff booth not brad pitt

those are terrible inserts...his POV is totally different.
i doubt this film is good

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Every time I watch this I can't do shit for days. It's all so tiresome, everything, this movie is a great reminder of it.

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Stardust Memories by Woody Allen.

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ahahaha roman polanski dude thats so tight dude ur so funny man you know about things that happened shit thats funny shit tho hahaha you've read wikipedia hahaha i bet ur really cool haha coz he raped a kid hahahahah ur classic dude nice thread tho shit hahaha u got me laughin now you've set me the fuck off haha no telling when ill stop shit hahaha fuck thats funny tho ur funny tho hahaha

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Telluric and constipated

I like Ozu too but I couldn’t pick just one film, maybe An Autumn Afternoon? But there’s others just as good or better.

Unpopular opinion: I don’t like Ikiru, Tarkovsky is meh except for 2 movies (Mirror and Nostalghia), Kubrick is one of the best american directors

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The Truman Show. I dont watch many movies, though.

25th Hour

>no telling when ill stop

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wat dyou say 2 me?

this words . they made me laugh (like: hahaha)

For me, any bone-chilling expectation-defying trope-subverting dread-inducing emotionally-draining genre-deconstructing gut-wrenching intelectually-stimulating socially conscious character development-driven dark and eerie slow-burn atmospheric melancholic suspenseful existential psychological arthouse aesthetic indie horror film with a gradual feeling of escalation and a "say more with less" approach where tension and anxiety permeate every frame as the plot reaches its paranoia-inducing climax from A24 Studios, free of any cheap gore, cartoonish CGI and infantile jumpscares will do!

Megan "Señorita Goldie 'Broops' Fawn" Austin needs to get in here to crack some heads.

Brazil is super likeable. I think it's a bit thin in places and some of the dreams sequences feel underresourced, but I can't help but love it. That end!

The Rules of the Game. Took down the bourgeoisie at the height of their power. People set fire to the theaters. It was glorious. Best movie ever made.

a chart i made for Yea Forums but i never get the chance to post it there, my taste still has a ways to go as i need to see more oldies and Asian/Indian films

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I keep meaning to watch this. Only seen Fire Walk with Me and a few episodes of Twin Peaks, so I'm not really sure of the hype, but willing to give Lynch a shot.


reminder if you like Hereditary you are a fag, if you loved Hereditary you are a philistine

Eraserhead my dude

Blade Runner.

its much better than Fire Walk with Me and the first episodes of twin peaks in my opinion so do give it a try

>Kubrick is one of the best american directors
How is this an unpopular opinion

Just checked this out from a video rental store, Koreeda now is just alright i guess but i do like his earlier stuff.

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In Yea Forums at least I’d say it is, because he is seen as entry level

All American directors are entry level

>Height of their power
Not quite their height. The movie already portrays them in almost irreversible decline at that point in 1939. The 30's and the great depression were absolutely the death knell of them if WWI was the harbringer. What happened to Europe in WWII was basically just shooting the corpse of the old landed/semi-landed bourgeoisie after that

Magic Mike. Actually brilliant film.

Yea Forums - Television and Film

Angelopoulos films, especially Eternity and a Day and Landscape in the Mist.

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Terrence Malik and Lars Von Trier make shitty films don't @ me

The original Haunting of Hill House?

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cloudy with a chance of meatballs. a fierce lampoon of the progressive belief in the infallibility of progress and science. the story of the modern age. i'm not even being ironic, this man is the prefect archetypal representation of the modern male.

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bumb bruh

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La dolce vita

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Which one did you see?

>cinema isn’t a type of literature
what are you, a brainlet?

I stopped watching movies alone and now I'll only watch something if my family is going to watch it anyway. I've been much happier doing this. Spy Kids was very good.

Call Me By Your Name, which has had such an impact on my life
i sound like a fag saying that, but it’s honestly and sincerely true
i love that movie a lot

Taxi Driver.

>had such an impact on my life
elaborate pls

the majority of the french new wave
(films like “two or three things i know about her”)
also susan sontag’s 50 favourite films is perfection

Sorry, i don´t read books.

Unforgiven. It's a juicy deconstruction of the western ethos.

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Fun fact I watched all 5 hours of Fanny och Alexander for the first time in a cabin in bumfuck nowhere rural Canada while experiencing crippling stomach pain from having drank the tapwater. I was keeled over on the sofa for probably the middle three hours and that movie was so comfy it was the only thing that got me through it, and then around the last hour or so I vomited my guts out and felt better immediately and that's my story.

National Treasure

emperors new groove

2001 a space odyssey and it's such a beautiful day

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but Badlands and Days of Heaven were good user.

Patrician taste, lad.

Koreeda makes far too many movies now and they feel rushed and simplistic. Shoplifters was the exception, but seemed more like a great movie by chance than a greatly directed film.

Still a better choice than that “Television & Television” one.

Still wrecks me as much as in the first time.

Give me the French subtitles for Conte d'été pls. I can't find them on the internet.

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I don't watch a lot of films desu. I like Tree of Life, Dancer in the Dark and pic related though. All entry level but who cares. And no there is no deep story in the movie it's just funny redneck trailer trash lol

This was a great movie but there are better out there.

Lars Von Trier does make mostly shit but Dancer in the Dark was great.

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i want to join the axe gang and be an evil flunky

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>And no there is no deep story in the movie it's just funny redneck trailer trash lol
You didn't get it.

whats the deep message then? there is no plot in the film its just showing what poor southern people live like without judgement.

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The Leopard
Treasure of the Sierra Madre
Diary of a Country Priest
Simon of the Desert

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Happy Gilmore

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This might be a cop out answer because it's based on a play. I really don't think anything can top this.

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This film made me so angry (I was a simple pleb at the time didn't know much about Haenke or art house) I remember going back to Blockbuster and complaining how stupid it was. But I kept thinking about it, lingered in my thoughts for several days til I went back and rented it again (the clerk who I originally complained to just gave me a funny look) but I felt I had to see it again. Pissed me off again but I feel I "got it"

Great film

i’m gay now

i jest
i spend most of my time attempting to capture the aesthetic of that movie and book. ive read the book, i like it a lot. my fashion started mirroring it, music taste changed, and i started reading literature that is referenced in the book and movie. it lead me to want to study classics more, as well as greek and roman art and architecture, and is a main point in my undergraduate thesis

>Virgin - Apocalypse Now
Chad - The Thin Red Line


yeah it's better than the book too

Mulholland Dr. which is up there with the greatest works of art

Lynch is the GOAT

Hiroshima Mon Amour
Because I like Alain Resnais and also an Asian brother gets a qt french woman

Fuck you, it's my favorite.

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Solaris, Stalker, Andrei Rublev and The Mirror

Not a movie but WW2 in colour

>nooo, you can't dislike one of the most popular entry-level r*ddit-tier basic art-hoe directors!!! It's not fair!!! Y-you just don't understand h-how DEEP he is!!!
Honestly, just go back to r*ddit, they like the same shit you do more than us.

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Some people just don't have anything better to do than to watch an ugly russian lady wail and sob for 30 minutes. It's art-house.

Roma(Fellini movie)
Barry Lyndon
The Adventures of Baron Munchausen
Blade runner
The Sting
Idk I have a lot but I forget. Reminds me to go through my movie folder

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any mcdonagh brothers drama!!

in bruges
3 billboards

>The Adventures of Baron Munchausen
extremely based
cringe as fuck

The Green Ray

It's just that given that your favorite movie is so popular it's likely that you haven't seen many other films, which explains, in part, your bad taste in film and why you fall for memes like Tarkovsky.

Lmao retard you're literally proving my caricature wojak correct with how you judge movies, good job

>Tarkovsky BAD CUZ (insert group) LIKE
worse than soys

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I did not say I judge movies based on their popularity, I merely said that the fact that your taste coincides so strongly with the popular taste is probably because you haven't seen many movies, which explains your shit taste. I didn't say Tarkovsky's artistically worthless because he's popular - that's a stupid statement. Perhaps you need to learn to read, although when I think about it, you probably don't read much either, based on how retarded your posts are.

Retarded reason to dismiss an entire movie desu


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For /fitlit/ aesthetes only

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it was good.

>your taste coincides so strongly with the popular taste explains your shit taste.
>I didn't say Tarkovsky's artistically worthless because he's popular
So my taste(tarkovsky) being popular explains why it's shit, yet you aren't calling it shit because it's popular? if tarkovsky is shit regardless of his popularity why would you consider that an indication or proper evidence of its quality? You understand you're directly contradicting yourself right?

Reading comprehension is hard for you, isn't it?


The Long Goodbye / Fire Walk With Me


>Time indefinite (1993)
That's interesting, pretty obscure. I like the title

MD isn't among my favorites of his, but I agree

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Bro just stop, it's over. Repeating "reading comprehension" won't suddenly make your previous braindead post disappear with it's obvious contradiction to anyone with an IQ above 70. You're not tricking anybody bud. Take the L and move on

Hahahahah you're still going at it. Retard.

That was absolutely repulsive.

I'm just as petty faggot. Again, your act isn't fooling anybody. You got caught with your pants down and think laughing at me will save you from embarrassment. We all saw your tiny weiner

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so what's your favorite film user?

meant for

These Judge me senpai

Seven Samurai - I can watch that movie endlessly and every time I do I find something else to like about it.

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I filmed my ex reading the entire first chapter of Infinite Jest only wearing a bandana.

meant to ask the tarkovsky soi poster
Everything besides Stalker is not that relevant.
The Human condition (entire trilogy)
Andrei Rublev
Come and see
The face of another
Landscape in the mist
8 1/2
my top 10

stalker on number 3*

>*teleports behind you*

Tarkovsky soi poster here. Right now my favorite film is probably Le temps perdu by Michel Brault.
Other favorites, in no particular order:
The Handmaiden
Au Revoir Les Enfants
The Red Shoes
Cool Hand Luke
The Exterminating Angel
The Running Man
I Vitelloni
McCabe & Mrs. Miller
Sweet Smell of Success

mike leigh's bleak moments

or bee movie on a high dose of 2cb

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Isn't the message of the film essentially the opposite though? It screams at you at the end to engage with the world.

2001: A Space Odyssey

unironically Mishima's Yukoku

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Only Chinatown has merit. Rest are mediocre.
Cache is garbage.

And it's bloody great, good taste

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Watch Edward Yang's - A Brighter Summer Day and expand your anglo mind.


LA GRANDE BELLEZA is much much better

boring af

i like you. Check out Femme Douce by Bresson.

utter nonsense

horrible editing...watch The Red Circle instead.

Watch Kanal (the czech film)

Watch Bergman's Virgin Spring


The Late Show.

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>Edward Yang's - A Brighter Summer Day
Of course. Alternative recommendation of boring movie should be 4 hour movie.

>One of Ozus best imo
Still behind Late spring, Tokyo Story, An autumn afternoon, Late autumn, There was a father, Floating weeds, Early summer and the Only son

Severely underrated

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Based Bergman makes one the most attractive actresses ever ugly in that movie.

Hola reddit

Kanal is Polish

Based. I have no idea why it is so poorly rated, soundtrack is great as is the photography and the story is pretty decent.



wtf happened to onions? onions basedboy

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>it’s about a small town in Ohio in the aftermath of a tornado.

Polish film fag here throwing you another bone
Hitchcock fans check out Pociag (1959)
If you want a Czech film watch Marketa Lazarova

Love these

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Sunset Boulevard

Love and pop

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The reactionary reeee whenever tarkovsky is mentioned is pathetic, you losers cannot form your own opinions and instead just reject whatever is considered trendy in new circles. I'll rather hang out with soys

and she's still kinda hot

Le grande belleza is peak midwit

>I'll rather hang out with soys
We already know that, no need to spell it out.

perfect blue

Eyes Wide Shut

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i mean you are a onions, that's why. Tarkovsky's fine imo but your post is gay

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Taxi Driver
Once upon a time in America

Paulie (1998)
I have a lot of art-house films I "like", but I "like" them out of a kind of necessity or wanting to introduce nuance and more introspection in life. I think people who revel in despair or tragedy are sick. I truly only enjoy happy stuff, just the way it should be.

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I have retarded fucking taste

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good film

Shit boring generic bland
> durr what if the bad guys when and life is darker than da movies


>what is your favorite movie?
I don't think i have a favorite movie, i've seen these repeatedly and i enjoy them much:
Bressons Pickpocket, Von triers Melancholia and Idioterne and almost any of Cronenbergs movies, specially Dead Ringers.

Unironically The Dark Knight Rises

Landscape In The Mist is so so good. That scene with the snow and the dancing and the horse is pure kino

Dragon Ball Super: Broly

>who is griffith
Filthy fucking pleb

>I Vitelloni doesnt have merit
Admit it user. You dont watch movies. You dont have a refined taste in cinematic language. You’re a reference collector who projects his self-loathing


Synecdoche New york

It’s based on Harmony’s upbringing in TN. Don’t be such a filthy sperg user.

The only good answer so far

Big man japan or the human condition desu

my mistake

Ashes and Diamonds is another great one

Dont know a fav. But I watched this a couple of years ago and still think about it. Should probably rewatch sometime.

Movie ive watched most is probably the conversation.

Favourite lit adaptions are no country for old men. Altmans the long goodbye. And John Hustons adaption of The Dead.

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Based cringe list

Recent: The Souvenier. All-time: Les Amantes du Pont-Neuf

Vertigo, Batman returns, and Spider-Man 2 are not cringey I'll fight you over this

Go on then.

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>not entry level
first year of film school, is it?

Tarkovsky was generally considered a dissident to his country and portrayed religion positively in his films.

I think he meant the ree was reactionary not Tarkovsky

But his views would be more accepted by reactionaries than tankies so it would not make sense for them to hate him.

Ocean`s 11

Really based taste. I need to watch some Rohmer


that one is one of my favourites too. My mother saw it on theathers while she was pregnant of me.

(404) 840-6743
The movie u will get if u FaceTime this white shorty

>no Oxford comma
>dislikes Tarkovsky
Makes sense...


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The holy mountain

Unironically, Beach Bum (2019)

Beautiful film but late spring is better imo

I think antiporno is his best work
Kings of the road is one of my top 5 films desu. If you like Paris Texas definitely watch it it's wenders' best by far imo
For me it's the silence
Yes but I prefer I was born but...
Sans soleil is excellent, Chris marker in general is one of my favourite filmmakers
5/5 film.
Yeah I've always found it inspiring.
L'argent is best bresson desu
Yeah maborosi
is by far my favourite thing he's done. He just keeps making the same film now
Mike Leigh is good but I prefer Terence Davies if we're talking those kinds of english filmmakers

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>L'argent is best bresson desu
>Not Mouchette

>Kings of the road
good but Alice in the Cities is much better and Paris, Texas is clearly his best work.

Also, kys

Sansho the Bailiff

>I think antiporno is his best work
Any idea where i can watch this with english subtitles?
My usual site doesn't have any subtitles on their version

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Either pic related or En passion

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based, this movie has a special place in my heart. not even sure why, it just sticks with me every time i watch it

what's this?

Out-1 by Rivette

Nah win wenders was never able to capture the spontaneous beauty of life like he did in kings of the road again
Mouchette is my second favourite bresson
Try skytorrents.lol
It's on there
Great film


plus marketa lazarova

and Witchhammer

Andrei Rublev is more Yea Forums and shit actually happens

Based as fuck, I'm experiencing kind of the same life living in Paris, once when I was checking my local cinema's website I saw this movie, the session was at 10PM, saw it for the first time and I didn't even get home this night, just walking around Montmartre, Pigalle and Barbes all night wondering what to do with my life then I came back home at 6AM, was truly a weird experience to identify so much with the character, I had seen myself on a screen for the first time, the closest to my life experience as a engineering student in Paris, since then I dropped out but still live in Chatelet.

In Bruges

For me? It's Evil Dead 2.
But when I want some pseud cred I say Satantango. It's a magnificent movie but god damn if Tarr's fans aren't some of the most insuferable in cinema.

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What do you do instead now that you've dropped out?

>A Brighter Summer Day
Downloading this right now to watch tomorrow, the photography seems to be great

I worked in a factory since june in Aubervilliers, in Paris surburbs, now I'm unemployed for about 2 weeks then I'll work as a waiter near Notre Dame de Paris, I mostly read, write, drink, make and listen to music

I dropped out in April so I've been jackin' off for 2 months before finding this job in a factory

Parajanov - The Colour of Pomegranates

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you post like a tripfag

>I prefer this other movie by the same director: the post

This is Yea Forums, everyone's answer, regardless of what they say, is the The Matrix

(in no particular order)

Dog Star Man
Putney Swope
2001: A Space Odyssey
Dumb and Dumber
Wild Strawberries
La Règle du Jeu
Henry V
Mean Girls

End of Evangelion

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Go slow; it's a very long film. You might want to take breaks. But many people i've recommended it to usually get so involved that they lose track of time. Enjoy.

van warmerdam

> the best hard sci-fi, in my opinion
> it reminds me how fragile the mind is and that there are many bugs in our evolution

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The Holy Mountain
Le Samourai
Holy Motors
Yojimbo/Rashomon/Hidden Fortress
Ichi the Killer
Thriller, A Cruel Picture
Sex and Fury

Interstellar or The Wolf of Wall Street, can't decide

The greatest hand painted film ever made that also made every Brakhage flick seem disappointing and inadequate by comparison


Forget it, Jake

go (1999)

...here's some more irritation

try The Ballad of Narayama

try Je t'aime, je t'aime

>Putney Swope
mah nigga... you don't need my help

thanks for that
you're already a fucking patrician

try Kurosawa's Kagemusha

try Cave of Forgotten Dreams by Herzog

try Army of Shadows - Melville

try The Wind will Carry us - Abbas Kiarostami

try Scorsese's After Hours

Gokseong 2016

A History of Violence

This is 4channel town.

I only watch zatoichi series.

I only watch zatoichi