Smoked pot heavily on-and-off since age 13

>smoked pot heavily on-and-off since age 13
>my brain is basically fucked, I cant remember anything, cant focus on anything, I feel like I'm viewing life through a dense fog
>have no underpinnings of an identity, no passions, no drive to do anything with life
Is there anything I can do to get out of this pit? Any books that will help me? I feel like I completely fucked myself over and I'm just pissed at myself and my family members who knew what I was doing and allowed it to go on.

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go to aa

I should have mentioned that I quit smoking but these issues still persist. I definitely feel like I stunted my mental growth. It's the worst feeling in the world because I know there's no repairing the damage I've done.

Meditation (concentration and trauma healing/pranic breathing), clean water, healthy diet (no or low carbs and sugars), and supplements like Lion's Mane for neurogenesis and improved cognitive function (looks up Paul Stamets)

Also no porn

I was in a similar spot, smoked heavily from 14 to 19. don't worry, the fact that you quit is the hardest part, I had to change my entire friend group and went through a lot of anguish upon realizing just how hedonistic and vapid a lot of my connections were. you should try and get into mindfulness, being able to take in the moment and shut out future/past will help with any underlying anxiety/paranoia. if you don't exercise, that will literally change your life. even if its going on a few walks each day, sedimentary lifestyle only furthers the fog which you're in. if possible try some creative writing. I've found that the writing circle I made with some friends enables me to stretch my memory and cognition because I'll have to remember my stories and contemplate how I can improve them, which routes I can go down, as well as new ideas to pursue. hope this helps.

you are now ready to understand Hegel

I appreciate all of your replies. Thank you for the advice given. I'm going to start exercising, eat a healthier diet, and look into Lion's Mane. Porn has to go as well. I will practice meditation and mindfulness and begin writing as well.

smoke more

Awesome OP. Take it one step at a time! As someone who had the same problems except with adderall (prescribed as a child/teen) I can attest that it's possible to make it out of the hole

Hey user, I’ve been there. It took years of sobriety for my brainfog to clear off. But the brain is a plastic thing. Be good to yourself and your body and put faith in time. Best wishes

Is smoking on the weekend that bad lads? I avoid during the week to not fry my brain, but nothing is better to me than getting high in my room and relaxing

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Get sober. Your brain will be fine in a couple years.

when you stop you will loose lots of your pot memories.
The fog will come if you try to remember things you did while high the most.
Yes try meditation and consideration, stop porn if not altogether limit it by allote.

Weed isn't bad provided you're over 26 and don't do it constantly.

The Jewish Bible, literally

do you exercise? I was on the cusp of quitting & then I started just doing several sets of press ups and sit ups throughout the day. was a night and day difference

Hey my fellow
It’s ok it can a month sometimes or more depending on your metabolism your length and strength of use and how much fat you have in your bidy since it is stored also in fat cells
It will take dedication but sounds like you are ready so doing will happen it isn’t alcohol which withdrawal can kill you or symptoms equal to heroin
but it can be harsh
sweats, shits, coughing up shit, nightsweats, insomnia , irritability

you’ve got this you can do it don’t worry you’ll be ok

not books, but medications can help you
check out
a proper diet and regular exercise are essential
try straining your brain and attention span (eg. by reading or learning) a little more day by day
consider using caffeine and yerba mate
also, do some research on how to boost the production of dopamine

Once a week is safe.

It took me about 1 year after smoking weed to feel somewhat normal. Has it been a year for you? Your case also seems to be more severe than mine was.

there is no hope.

i recommend you work at the gap, play factorio, and forget you ever had ambitions.

>how to boost the production of dopamine
Take NAC, OP. It's an amino acid which has positive effects on the dopamine system and is inexpensive compared to other supplements.

>smoke pot everyday since 15
>have a girlfriend, a decent friend group, got into University for a subject I love, take classical guitar and painting lessons during free time
>still find time to read and shitpost
Maybe you should stop blaming pot and take responsibility for being a total loser, that's actually a good first step to stop being one.

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I'm feeling similarly as OP, in so far that I have quite a lot of brain fog most days. Does anyone here have a remedy for it?

Meditate, drink water, eat healthily, be active; jog, lift, etc. read books and challenge yourself cognitively. you have should have hope & patience because it gets better. Also, remember to talk to a doctor or psychiatrist or someone who cares for you.
Try avoiding weed, cut off friends who aren't good for you - if they're your actual friends they'll understand.

Also, don't blame friends of the family, a good and productive step will be blaming yourself without pity, dedicate yourself to self-betterment.

>you’ve got this you can do it don’t worry you’ll be ok

Bless you, user.


get nootropics and hope that in the future there will be a cure for organic damage to the brain

You are fucked basically

>smoked pot every day since 13
>more than a decade of heavy heavy use
>graded my double major with honors
>going to grad school
>still smoking too much pot
all on you man

Yes it is bad. A brain is a terrible thing to shred. Pot is for average IQ 85 lobelets.

user, alcohol is neurotoxic, your brain will literally shut down if you drink too much. Pot makes you forget where you put your keys down.

Cannabis doesn't hurt your ability to work hard. Mexican laborers have been using the stuff for centuries.

what's this meme about passions and ambitions then?

classic weedo argument "w-what about alchohol" assuming everyone who criticises weed drinks

This is a literature board; like half the great writers were drunks. The point is don't point to some pot you smoked like that changed you, if you were a lazy misguided fuck after the weed you probably were before the weed too

cringe and based

Different people have different lives, responsibilities, and circumstances.

yep, all of which probably fucked over OP more than the weed did. the fact is weed is generally benign to your health, so if you stop smoking pot and feel like a depressed shitbag, chances are you were a depressed shitbag before you smoked weed. maybe it was unintentional self medication.

weedo cope

Weed has been clinically proven to degrade users' IQ over time and damage the developing brain. Just admit your drug of choice has negative consequences like every other drug user does. Potheads are the only group that will go to literally any length in their denial of reality and the fact that their choices have negative consequences.

there has been evidence of it impairing development in adolescents but I have never seen anything suggesting adult use of marijuana causes any "degrading" of IQ. All my friends were stoners, the dumb ones ended up dumb, the smart ones ended up smart. Even if we are all slightly dumber than we should be, it didn't seem to alter our paths much at all.

>potheads are determinists
that would explain it

Cool anecdotes but here's some irrefutable evidence.

Attached: iqDistChild.png (2038x1184, 198K)

>confuses correlation with causation
yikes user

lmao if pot use is the only common factor what else could it be? massive fucking cope man.

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in case anyones interested
>We did not find that the causal variable (i.e., marijuana use) was significantly correlated with the mediator variable (i.e., OFC gray matter volume, OFC/temporal functional connectivity, and FA/RD of forceps minor) and outcome variable (i.e., IQ). We, therefore, suggest that the path from marijuana use to neural abnormalities to decreases in IQ is more complex and, perhaps, include other mediators such as environmental (i.e., age of onset) and/or genetic factors.

see the scientific literature on the topic

Do you know what age of onset means? Your study basically says "no significant effects unless you start smoking at a young age, like most of this thread did."

I already said that
>there has been evidence of it impairing development in adolescents
why you mad bro?

>thread is literally about adolescent use
retard, at least try to stick to the thread topic

Would you call the orange mustachioed man that scrubs public toilets passionate or ambitious? Thought not.

if you're under 25 then you aren't done growing. your brain is still developing.

read a fuckin book. do some pushups. drink water. read more.

3/4 of the sentences in that post were about adolescent use you retard; you just want to talk about muh stoners without actually looking at or discussing the data.
>weed degrades IQ!
>not that simple, if we look at the statistics-
>bruh don't get off topic

What did he mean by this?

Your take on adolescent use is stupid and your take on adult use is irrelevant in the context of the thread.

Even assuming marijuana had literally zero effects on memory, IQ, empathy, paranoia, the very state of being high makes it harder to learn well, pay close attention, think clearly etc, so you effectively throw away potential-self development if you're getting high during the day. Smoking it at night will reduce your quality of sleep.

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>my brain is basically fucked, I cant remember anything, cant focus on anything, I feel like I'm viewing life through a dense fog

That's not the pot user, that's just how you are normally.

>Your take on adolescent useis stupid
Okay then, I guess pot doesn't affect adolescents negatively. smoke as much pot as you want kids

Not what I said. The retard who made this post probably holds that opinion though.

marijuana is used by artists and authors for millennia for its supposed creative benefits; surely if Shakespeare found benefit in his hash smoking it should have been encouraged right? would his mental purity be worth the loss of Othello ot Hamlet?

>there has been evidence of it impairing development in adolescents
>Your take on adolescent use is stupid
try and square this circle user, I'm really curious


>there has been evidence of it impairing use in adolescents BUT look at my weak anecdotes that do nothing to disprove this point!
>heres some evidence pertaining to adult use, yeah it still says that adolescent use is bad....
>w-why are you laughing at me
contribute to the thread instead of sperging out. you're so maddened by the truth that you can't even keep your replies straight.

You think that anictdote was me tying to disprove the thing I said earlier in the sentence? are you a retard? the anactdote was to suggest that effects are relative to the person using it, you don't end up an unmotivated retard because you smoked pot as a youth, it's much more than that. this doesn't somehow deny the negative effects you retard

>contribute to the thread
btw I'm the only person who linked and discussed the scientific literature on this topic itt lmao

Definitive proof that smoking pot will make you into a retard.

I'm phone posting; you dealing with typos is tax for being so poor at reading

I'm phone posting as well but my posts aren't riddled with errors like yours are.

While I feel for you, all these
>books to fix me/society
>books for this feel
are getting old.

What are yot some sort of fag who edits posts on his phoen?

What are you talking about? People who don't have a subnormal IQ are capable of typing a cohesive post without the need to edit. The fact that you can't is very telling.

I really hope for your sake that isn't true because of you got btfo'd by a subnormal iq stoner itt you are not going to have much luck in the real world

I haven't been "BTFO'd." You haven't made a single logical argument.

>pot has negative effects on adolescents
>these effects are determined not simpmt by pot smoking but in relation to a number of preexisting factors
>these effects are not present in the same causal way with adult use
>this is supported by peer reviewed studies
you are going to need to walk me through where I'm wrong user

I smoked every day from 14 to 24 and I'm fine, own and run my own restaurant and am a published writer. Get a grip.

I stopped smoking weed for 2 months to lower my tolerance and because I thought I was using it too much. Last night I took a small edible (10mg) and it felt good at first but I had WAY too much anxiety. I kept thinking very destructive thoughts about my future about how everything is going to come crashing down.

At this point I am even wondering if weed is for me anymore. When I first started smoking weed it was a magical, introspective and open-minded time... but now it’s closer to alcohol. I think I will give it one final try but I am beginning to think weed isn’t healthy for me anymore

>shakespeare smoked hash
okay, come on now

They found hash pipes on his property that would date to the time he was living there

I had really intense brain fog caused by a vitamin D deficiency. It's a night and day difference.
There are other things that can cause it, eg thyroid issues, that are all easily fixable. See a doctor and they can check all these things and more with a blood test. Good luck user

I feel the same, and I've smoked weed maybe 4-5 times in my life (24yo). From which I conclude the problem is rather rooted in a general, contemporary 21st schizoid man syndrome. Maybe for you too, no idea what weed does to you in the long term. Just wanted to provide a counterexample to the 'weed makes u stoopid' hypothesis, I seriously doubt this meme

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