Is everyone on Yea Forums a pseud?

Is everyone on Yea Forums a pseud?

I discovered Yea Forums rather recently and enjoyed it so far, because here you can have anonymous discussions on all the kinds of related topics with all the kinds of people. But recently I attended a meeting of Yea Forums posters and they all seem to be halfwit brainlets, though they are rather educated and read a lot of books. I can't quite put my finger on it, but it looks like education does not substitute intelligence. You can read all you want, but the only difference between you and plebs would be the ability to talk about smarter books than plebs usually read and nothing besides that. It seems like these guys don't try to extract wisdom or knowledge or pleasure from books, they just read Ulysses or Infinite Jest because a bunch of internet strangers told them to do so, not because of its literary value, its just reading for the sake of reading. I maybe even somewhat uncomfortable with these thoughts because I feel like I am not all that different and thinking of myself as a unique snowflake that nobody understands makes me feel even dumber, because I know that's what every BPD art hoe thinks.

Was Schopenhauer right about books? Do books really make you dumber rather than smarter if you don't think for yourself? How to avoid being a pseud if you know that no pseud considers himself to be such?

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>I attended a meeting of Yea Forums posters

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As pseud as it gets

what do faggots even do at those meetings? do they have orgies?

They just talk about books in a very dumb way
Imagine, say, three or five people sitting by the table in silence, and one guy just starts talking that Ulysses is much more profound than GR, and GR is better than IJ. I'm ok with opinions or criticisms, but it looks very degenerate when it comes out of nowhere

What guys like that want to do is to show how fucking smart they are, not to illustrate a point, because you do that in a discussion or an argument, not out of nowhere

>inb4 faggots barge in defending their little pseud haven
Yes, OP, glad you figured it out. Most of Yea Forums, at least the active users, are unironically pseuds. It's easy to be a pseud here because anonymity and the lack of upvotes encourages low-quality posting and baiting. Also the mere fact that literature is very subjective, it's easy to come across as having an opinion when in reality you have no idea what you're talking about. It's not like in maths, where you can sniff out an incompetent crank or a stupid person from the first sentence they write. From my observation, Yea Forums is a really low IQ board, people here, especially christians, don't know the basic structure of a logical argument and whenever you try to seriously argue with anyone, they resort to memes, implying you are in the wrong for taking anything seriously on an anonymous image board. Low IQ boards make low IQ people, I suggest you leave.

Did you take any photos of the meetup? GOD I want to see them.

>guys I think you're all fucking pseuds!

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kek did you go to the meetup and are now afraid to have your face posted here?

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Some regard reading books as an intellectual dick measuring contest; the shallow pretence of appearing intelligent and well-read to bolster an ego dependent on the validation of fellow superficial psueds.

that was beautifully put

I didn't even read this guys post lmao

My problem with this board is that no one here actually discusses prose and the actual content within novels. The philosophy and ideology threads here are the most boring. Don’t you guys get tired of talking about communism all day

>find Yea Forums
>read 20-30 of the canon
>discuss blood meridian
>discuss pinecone
>read IJ
>disparage blood meridian
>grow weary of the same topics and group think
>leave Yea Forums to read your own way

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>I attended a meeting of Yea Forums posters
No poster with over a 100 Iq would waste his time in such a way in the first place.

>read your own way

>Was Schopenhauer right about books? >Do books really make you dumber rather than smarter if you don't think for yourself?

They do. In my personal experience, people with degrees in humanities tend to be the people with least common sense.

Yea Forums is a fun board, highest quality thinking for Yea Forums (though that’s a low standard). It’s also an exit-tier board because literature will eventually pull you away from worldly and vulgar concerns, least of all shitposting.

I would never wanna go to a meeting with any of you faggots. You'd immediately notice my tardiness, and chaotic appearance. I might have some insights, but overall I'd just sit there spaced out looking like an idiot. Just like most of you I imagine. The stuff that would be discussed would be too pseud to handle anyway.

Lmao only fags read



Mostly, and best to assume so unless proven otherwise. There's the occasional great thread though, and at least some of the pseudery tends to be on interesting subjects.