Which writers can compete with Shakespeare?

Which writers can compete with Shakespeare?

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dante, racine, and pushkin imo. maybe Goethe

Some parts of Joyce are on the same level. Ibsen wrote excellent drama, too. The thing with Shakespeare is that he wrote in two genres: plays and poetry. Great playwrights are rare in literature and poetry is the harderst genre to write in. He's a rare unicorn since he excelled at both.

There would be no Shakespeare if it wasn’t for Ovid

>The negroid sperm has magic potency
>Inherent in it which cannot be baulked;
>Thus we see the subconscious longing of
>Virginal women for th'African male.
>In the same fashion, of the Minotaur
>The Greeks spoke, creature half bull and half man.
>The aim of the priests of that cult did seem
>This beast's temporary incarnation,
>Sending maidens of the community
>Each year into the jungle, mingling with
>All conceivable creatures bestial
>Prompting fantastic birth and festival.

What did he mean by this?

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He never said this. 2/10 memebait

Milton, Dante, Tolstoy, the divines who composed the KJV. De Quincey, coleridge, Lincoln, and others’ best writings get up there but of course he’s far above their average.
What fucking delusion

racine is like dr seuss in rancid French. he has some kino moments, though.

>You’ll have your nephews neigh to you. You’ll have coursers for cousins and gennets for germans.

How can you not love Shakespeare

Plato and Shakespeare and Dante are all about the same level in terms of literary artistry. I think Plato might actually be better, but maybe it's because I like philosophy.

In English?
>Garnet's translation of Tolstoy
>Ciardi's translation of the Divine Comedy
>Lattimore's translation of the Iliad
That is it, and these are all translations, bear in mind

plato in greek is apparently beautiful

>Ciardi's translation of the Divine Comedy
you're delusional

Which translation is best?


What work of his is as good as what Shakespeare wrote?

the mary todd letters

John Buchannan.

Not a single one

Pushkin is a meme. He is the equivalent of Hölderlin.

Melville obviously

who else

>wrote several masterpieces that all contend for the title of his best work
>invented a host of famous characters who became the archetypical examples of their kind
>worked in multiple genres; did comedy, history, and tragedy
>is as popular with the masses as he is revered by the critics
>cast a long shadow, inspiring writers as different as tolstoy and kafka


I want to suck his dick so bad

oops wrong thread lol how do I delete a post?

If more plays by Euripides and Sophocles had survived, I rest my answer on them.

Fuck off, that's how.

Nice bait, Evola said this.


>tfw 2 dum for shekspers

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I wasn't overly impressed, I've read two different translations and they both don't even begin to approach Shakespeare.

Well, a translated piece is only as good as its translator. I'm sure Shakespeare (while certainly very good) isn't as great in German, either.

Evelyn Waugh, Rudyard Kipling, Saul Bellow.

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Or Chaucer and Gower.

Pseud post