Post your favorite Rupi Kaur poem

Post your favorite Rupi Kaur poem

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Why are modern women obsessed with their own vagina?

Because they think men are obsessed with their own dicks and want to emulate them because masculinity = power in their minds

because it's the only valuable thing they have

It's their only bargaining chip. Women are fucking horrible people and their cunt is the only thing (straight) men even want. Nobody wants to be around them otherwise.

Men make fun of what they can’t understand. That’s a very powerful poem.

That makes me feel guilty, yet still better than these Incels

Nope, gay.

hard to choose

Degenerate then

My goodness gracious, it's Ms. Rupi Kaur!
Whose footgame began an Indo Smut War
Igniting from Bhuj to Hoshiarpur's
Riled crowds’ lusts for Rupi trotters
Her pedal blooms floor millions so jealous
Archlets, stub-toed wives thrown from high trellis
Ministers pledged crisis chiropody
Besieged by footlusting scurillity
Kashmir first then Gujarat’s Feet Riots
Ascetes pledged pedis with karmic diets
No alms could sate Rupi’s lurid haunting
Toes of vert, bice, teal and rose, so flaunting
Dreams of Rupi’s ruddy duned soles, so fair
Askew expectations and blighted prayers
Vexing cities, hills, trenchant fetish thirsts
Vortical infatuations soon bursts
Statewide calamities roust refugees
Mumbai podophiles spend like bougies
None rival but one Rupi toe cranny
Not Humaima Malick, Pakistani
Nor Asin or Priya’s feet, still thrilling
Sans Rupi’s nuance they’re unfulfilling
UN relief atop Delhi’s blather
Stayed not the surging footlusts’ viscous slather
Oracles, savants dumbstruck by her feets
Women spurned, soles lacking velveteen pleats
Wrecked ruins plume smoke while fapper fists froth
Beware all counterfeit Rupi foot broth
Dissolved cities, fetishists hermetic
From one poetess’s hot aesthetic
Girls unshod, their men then struck by bathos
Rupi’s shoe slave quips, “Finna pay f’ those”
Outside India, this crux ludicrous
Cannuck Rupi bathes in Juniperus
Sudsing her soles, how bubbles slowly slide
Pumice and files, deftly her hand glides
Trimming the hairs along toes’ regal length
Wiggling and flexing, bewitching her strength
Strappy heels compress, her toes seem Grecian
But barefoot she slinks wavy, Phoenician
Thinking the riots as all a bit weird
Detoxifying her soles, charcoal smeared
On idols and shrines, foot pilgrims do weep
Recording laments after iphone’s bleep
Solace from old texts, The Queer Solestry
Enlightened by a sacred shoeless creed
Army convoys guard her Ped Egg shavings
From dangerous desires and cravings
Upon Caucasoid writers, her full weight
Her soles feeling their heart by skull’s pulsate
Lesser feet drove men furious, hateful
Where Rupi treads, the ground is quite grateful
Cosmetics, prosthetics, footlets juicing
Surplus silicone feet, just adducing
No peers to Rupi’s sleek sloping tarsus
Struck to the face by her, sweet catharsis
Fixate Chakras upon those phalanges
Manifest her scents until as Ganges

Attached: Rupi-Kaur-Feet-4206970.jpg (1080x2160, 624K)

>Why are modern women obsessed with their own vagina?
It's all they have.

What poetic meter is this in?

i have a brown woke pussy meter

No it isnt you fucking pseud. It’s about as subtle as a jackhammer at 4am. There’s no fucking hidden meaning, no secret to unearth, you fucking bumbling idiot. Jesus christ, jesus christ just fuck off you god damn baffoon. You treacherous fucking worm. Just go.

but if something was designed only to evade deeper evaluation it's petty and deserving of ridicule

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For me it's peter mendelsund

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Pretty cool how he says "bang" with varying stress, speed and tone. It doesnt sond all too natural, but its pretty cool never the less.

he also says rupi as ruPAI when it's supposed to pronounced like rupee

because modern men are obsessed with their vagonas and women are followers.

have been
taught your penis
is a pedestal for women
that need to fuck, dick big enough
for hot bitches cause all them
come and are
willing to

i wanna fuck rupi kaur - user

that's not even what a vagina looks like

I can see how this poem would be helpful for women who've had that experience, and it's better than the other poems she's written that I've read, but yeah I still don't entirely get her appeal.

I wouldn't mind you footfags so much if you just showed an ounce of adult decency and kept that shit in designated threads or whatever, I'm seriously so fucking sick of always opening threads that have jack fucking shit to do with feet and then some footfag or ironyfag thinks it's funny as a troll. This shit was old last summer.

That's weird, every one I've seen the only thing that changed was the font.

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Imagine you could use Rupi as a pit stop, but her legs are unshaven and she's taking photos of her menstrual stain for Instagram. Would you?

>autistic screeching intensifies

That's actually pretty deep tbqh

Who would teach someone that?

Some of the worst Kafka covers I've seen. At least he didn't put a bug on the metamorphosis cover.

Why do the
People in Dubai
Not like the
The people in Abu Dhabi

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