Hardcover classics

What are some classics that you reckon people should own in hardcover format? For example:

The Iliad
The Odyssey
The metamorphoses
Anna Karenina
War and Peace


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Lolita - Nabokov

Photoshop skillz on point!


Good call. Any more?


Noice. If one could get hold of the Arion/California press one, that'd be cool.

please refrain from posting succubi on this board

i am on nofap day 87

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Why does it matter?

Why bother counting every day you haven't ejaculated? If you're not planning on relapsing, then would it even matter whether you've done it for a month or a week?

To tell all his bemused friends when he reaches day 90

does your count go back to 0 when you have a wt dream?

Not him but mind does.

Who gives a fuck. Collecting hardcover for the sake of it is just posturing. Read whatever works for you

Wet dreams / night emissions are normal; spanking your chunky monkey until it's mere inches from death every day is not.

Unless the edition splits a larger work (War & Peace, etc.) into multiple volumes, hardcovers aren't that important to me imo. Paperbacks can be comfier and more convenient to carry around.

All of them. Paperback is a Jewish quantity>quality subversion.

as long as youre still counting you aint free yet brother

>naked qt

Something is wrong here.
Something is very very wrong.

None. Books are a medium of information, nothing more, nothing less. They're supposed to be read and understood, they're not meant to stand in a cupboard and look pretty. Don't make a fetish out of them - just use them.

Why would I care? Good translation, error-free edition, sure. Sturdy enough to stand a few readings, sure. Binding details, irrelevant.

Crime and Punishment

Nobody read Hegel. Especially not this pic related type of people.

I have all of those in paperback.