*rapes his students then lectures them about living sincere lives*

>*rapes his students then lectures them about living sincere lives*

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Other urls found in this thread:


And rapists aren't supposed to live sincerely? If you want people to live sincerely then that applies to all categories of people, whether you like them or not.

Raping kids was one of his few sincere moments.

All would be forgiven if his books weren't middlebrow sentimental trash

This is why only xirple should having writing licenses

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Wakey wakey eggs and rapey

>wealthy son of academics


>ywn stack Mary Karr's feet atop one another into a hyper sensual ten toe sandwich and noisily slobber upon them

Wow, that is one poorly written article, completely lacking in any form of evidence. I have asked before and have yet to get any response, are there any claims made before he died, a police report, anything?

Yea Forums groupies look like THIS?

Attached: Gang.jpg (1280x720, 72K)

>insecure posture
>wedding ring

In Appointment in Samara, female characters explain that at a point, men can be quite helpless before a woman's determined seductions

Attached: 1566581812989.jpg (3000x2000, 1.96M)

>>*rapes his students then lectures them about living sincere lives*
Seems legit and based.

>rapes his students
absolutely based

Attached: 1566620728558.jpg (800x450, 157K)

Yep, read Brief Interviews.

fake, ebola and VR wasn't even a thing in 2008 when he offed himself

A minor offense relative to writing Infinite Jest.

what a fucking dick desu

First known outbreak of ebola was in the 70s and once we started to really pay attention in the 90s we saw outbreaks happen every couple years or so. VR was certainly about, but that is talking about the future.

No idea if it is real or fake, but the path you took to your conclusion is certainly flawed.

Help me parse a statement from p. 271 of IJ

"A grateful heart will never drink,” but since organs can’t properly be said to imbibe and I’m still afflicted with just enough self-will to decline to live by utter non sequiturs, as opposed to just good old clichés, I’m taking the liberty of light amendment."

I don't get what "live by utter non sequiturs" means here. I've looked up that "not sequitur" means "it doesn't follow" but still can't parse the sentence.

Since there is no such thing as "a grateful heart" because organs don't feel emotions, the quote is irrelevant. In this case "non-sequitur" is pointing out that the logic in the saying "doesn't follow" because the premise is nonsense (he's taking it too literally of course). Therefore he's indulging himself with a drink.
Are you ESL? No wonder people complain about this book when they can barely understand English. Hope this helps anyway.

Ebola was first identified in 1976

Don't make the youthful mistake of thinking everything in your lifetime is a first time event and never happened before.

Thanks, it's clear now. Yes, I'm an ESL.

How can anyone be this retarded?

Rolling for when I get home

they keep citing the same one sided facts about one situation
he pushed this chick out of a car and one time threw a coffee tabl at her- maybe she's just an insufferable cunt?
also I love how half of it is just digs at his writing. real classy.

Why is her hair dark at the roots?

It seems a lot like there are unsaid events where they (at least) get back in contact (she mentions changing her number a few times). She also seems to have continued having unhealthy relationships.

I just heard Ebola referenced in liquid swords yesterday

I have this strange theory, and bear with me here it is extremely controversial and based on two massive assumptions:
1. People sometimes use some sort of chemical reaction to change the colour of their hair, often to blonde
2. I know this sounds like propaganda from the hairdresser lobby, but I think hair might grow

The key, even more contentious, implication here is that the hair does not retain this chemically altered colour but is in some way inherently natural colour. Also that if it does grow it grows from the base alone, unlike a plant.

rolling for redemption

The one on the left gives great head
The one on the right will let you fuck her ass

Rolling against those ugly feet.

>He assaulted a student during a creative writing class he was teaching.
>He had sex with his creative writing students and, while on book tour, a 17-year-old.

Any further info on these parts? I don't like to take bad journalists at face value.

>they keep citing the same one sided facts about one situation
Precisely. And it’s ridiculous for them to do it — anybody who’s older than 12 and who has been in a failed relationship knows that the shit flows from both sides, especially when things turn bad. But these women (and the soibois who serve them) ignore this basic truth and instead idolize Karr and demonize Wallace, which ironically is the same thing (just coming from the other side) they accuse the publishing industry/literary community/academia of doing. How can anyone take them seriously when they lack any self awareness?
I googled “did DFW assault a student” and all I got was OP’s article and others citing it. As far as the sexual allegations go, so fucking what even if true? If they occurred they were certainly consensual, and are only brought up as a tool for the “woke” crowd to further vilify male (and a lot of female) sexuality.

Rape is sincere. 1 in 3 men would straight rape if they could get away with it, and maybe much more once "rape bad" cultural conditioning is removed.

What a chad he was.

>I googled “did DFW assault a student”
Why do zoomers google things In the same style as boomers? Shit google-fu bro, Ask Jeeves tier. Google DFW "audience pussy".

The 17 year old sounds likely considering how many read him and how sex crazed he was.

sad reality for bookish fags is that most writers are terrible people. they wouldnt be good writers if they were politically sterilized cucks. this is why theres absolutely 0 good art with triggered shenanigans, people forget how shitty people can be by pretending the shitiness of humans is fixed by simply declaring that it is over with. its a distorted ontology of denial

we love you dave

>Google DFW "audience pussy"
Thanks for the absolutely useless advice. That DFW referred to the female attendees of his lectures as “audience pussy” has precisely zero to do with allegations that he assaulted a student. That he allegedly had sex with some students, as well as a 17-year-old audience pussy piece, also isn’t supported by your google search recommendation.

David Foster Wallace was essentially a clout martyr.

Everyone is claiming this was a random suicide, but it's clear what was actually happening: his killers were driven to take his life solely for the sake of clout. They wanted infamy of their own and found it in hanging a 46-year old.

As David was taking his final breath, he was surrounded by Yea Forumsizens taking video and pictures of him. Why? For clout. No one was taking his pulse, no one was calling 911, everyone was standing around with their phones out as his body was clinging to life.

The moral lesson of David's life story should be a cautionary tale of the horrors of postmodern literature and how it's fucked our society beyond belief.

RIP DFW. See you in Heaven...

holy shit. Why didnt you faggots tell me Dave was this BASED??

Rape is literally the most sincere thing there is. You can't refute this.

>I need hard evidence!
Why do zoomers and boomers take police procedurals to heart so much?

youre a retard.
it has nothing to do with postmodern literature or "clout".
fact: David killed himself because he was deeply depressed about being essentiall extorted by jealous academia people and selfish women.

>evidence was invented by police procedurals
your millenial is showing, faggot.

His wife ws doing an exhibition that included suicide machines.

In reality most evidence is circumstantial and you don't need hard evidence nearly ever.

>in reality
that doesn't mean what you think it does faggot.

You sound like an anti-vaxxer

It absolutely does my somehow illiterate on all fronts lad.

Based. Meanwhile Bret Easton Ellis is being sodomized at the moment and in his way to oblivion and irrelevance. David won.

you're delusional.

it's not about hard or circumstantial evidence, it's about convincg people beyond a reasonable doubt- essentially how well you make a convincing argument. even having an actual photo of a suspect drenched in blood standing near a corpse is liable to either be reasoned away in court, or straight up dismissed during discovery

claims that are not backed by the claimant make for shitty arguments, and rightly so

Go on, why?

...there was a rivalry?

>Go on, why?
>...there was a rivalry?
yes there was you fucking no-nothing.

If you're a mentally unstable xirple, you might imagine there being some contest between these two men who mysteriously did not transition to women, even though it's such a great idea. Pump enough hormones and psychiatric drugs and pornography into someone and they start to say things like


david insulted ellis in his conspicuously young authors essay.
He basically called ellis on being a whore.
Ellis got mad and tried to use Dave's academic background against him, painting him as a prude and overly instructional.

the virgin Bret vs the chad Dave

>it's about convincg people beyond a reasonable doubt
...in the very specific situation of getting "justice" in some common law systems when in a criminal trial. In such a system, if it were a civil rather than criminal case the threshold becomes "on the balance of probabilities". I would say it is more likely than not that DFW slept with an under 18 yo fan at least once because of the demographics of his fans and because of his attitude of trying to stick his member in every pussy available.

I rule in my own favour, damages and court costs to me, I hope you can take solace in me allowing your Law & Order fantasy to play out albeit in a way you didn't envision. Fucking zoombers.

doesn't match with what DFW and Ellis said in regards to this completely fabricated "east coast vs west coast" feud, and it's worth pointing out that criticism is not a twitter flame war, especially when conducted between intellectuals

youre a fucking retard.
no one is doubting that part, it's the assault thing that's more in question.
there are a lot of ways that could have gone and been misrepresented.

wait are you actually retarded?

Doesn't seem like much of a rivalry. I like to pit Eggers against him mostly for both being Daves.

I've read both authors talking about eachother and never found anything so heated as to produce an "insult" or make someone "mad." Perhaps it's time for you to impale yourself on another medically sterilized dowel or what have you?

There's something that happened while he was in academia that caused him to pursue an odd mathematical project. That could be because depression or because he was taken to task for student body pussy.

its established fact that david made a point to ridicule ellis' work as a student and instructor.
Ellis was not aware enough to comment at the time, his comments mostly come post-humously and mostly bitter and mis-informed.
listen to his podcast, fucknut.
read david's biography.
it's in there.

BEE will claim a lot of things as he slides deeper and deeper into irrelevancy.

I have and none of that matches your melodramatic fabrication. I think you're unfamiliar with adults talking to other adults, hence your choleric response

it's not my law and order fantasy- I entered a dicussion where you were already talking about "hard evidence" only to tell you that that is a fabrication

also, thats pretty specious reasoning tbqhfam

lol it's true. How many more failed tv/film projects before he retires? Now he's just a bitter boomer writing meme nonfiction.

I'm on acid.
and yes, it is in there.

have you never heard of passive aggression you dumbfuck?
the thing you and i are engaged in?
It's what they had.
We hate each other, they did too.

Nobody asking for a conviction as the arbiter of truth you moron.

Sorry dude, meant to reply to the user above you.

>also, thats pretty specious reasoning tbqhfam

This is an old article. The assault it refers to was verbal. From the bio:

>When one student wowed his classmates with a voicy, ironic short story, [Wallace] took him outside the classroom and told him he had "never witnessed a collective dick-sucking like that before."

it's fucking nothing.

A claim was made that he “assaulted” a student. Neither you nor anyone else has managed to produce a cite on that, hence it’s bullshit. All that can be said of him is that he acted badly in a bad relationship, and helped himself to audience and student pussy when it was offered him. Regarding the former, so fucking what, and regarding the latter pretty much anybody in his position with functioning genitalia would have gone for it. It’s all pretty obviously an attempt to forward the globohomo agenda by bringing down another straight white male.

>about living sincere lives
No? If anything he wrote about the horror of an insincere one. And I'm sure his lectures were on writing itself and not just his own work.

>Hi ma'dam, I'd like to rape you.

>Hi madam, I’d sincerely like to rape you.

Well to be fair you can't insincerely rape a woman.

This board is full of kids

If you can commit hate crime as a joke, why not rape as a joke?

t. kid

It's a prank brooo

>I loved Wallace’s work, I really did. I really believed he was a complex, hauntingly beautiful soul. Now that I know the truth about him, I find most of his work unimpressive, and I feel grateful that he is dead.

Pathetic person, straight up admits here that they can't assess work objectively. Also, say what you will about DFW, but he fucking blows Mary Karr out of the "water" (pardon the pun) talent-wise

>I feel grateful that he is dead.
fucking ruthless

This is the modern left every time — being a nasty, vindictive, and all around horrible person is A-OK as long as you’re on the “progressive” side. They’ve somehow convinced themselves that two wrongs equal a right.

Save me from my gamerbrain

>being a nasty, vindictive, and all around horrible person is A-OK
No; it's nasty, vindictive, and horrible. But you can be an outright bad person and still lay out a good proof for this or that ethical system the same way you can for claims in mathematics (to the extent which a proof for an ethical system can be laid out at all, but that still has nothing to do with the speaker's life, just ethics being flimsier than math).


>trigger warning
>They/Them. Nonbinary person. Social Psychologist. Professor at Loyola University Chicago’s School of Continuing & Professional Studies.
The absolute state of Humanities studies.

Attached: 1*[email protected] (256x256, 14K)

is that a really faggy dude or a manly women? I literally can't tell anymore

Hey were all Xirple

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awful looking 0/10 feet

He has dyspraxia, give him a break

I read a bio the other day that managed to go through all three pronouns. Weirder still, it seemed like a kind of odd compromise. Or checkmate, in the sense that I can't misgender them/him/her. Not a bad move.

What a terrible fucking article
Half his points are that his gonzo journalism was, holy shit, exaggerated
This dead white man is CANCELLED

If you notice, the site literally uses "claps" as an anonymous approval of an article
This shit clickbait character assassination got over three thousand claps


>maybe she deserved it
Jesus fucking Christ, you people are autistic sociopaths. All you have to say to defend DFW is:
>he suffered from long-term depression and drug addiction, he was not in his right mind when he did the things he did to Karr
>sexual relationships with your own students is inappropriate and the university should have cracked down on him, but those relationships are capable of being consensual (Monica Lewinsky, despite being a different circumstance, said her relationship with Bill was consensual despite the power imbalance)
But no, you fucking incels have to actually go as far as to say that pushing Karr out of the car was a good thing and that DFW did NOTHING wrong.

>he pushed this chick out of a car and one time threw a coffee tabl at her- maybe she's just an insufferable cunt?
imagine writing this sentence sincerely

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relax, it's satire.

Mary Karr is an aesthetic Foot Goddess:
>This spring, I donated to Dress for Success a box of high heels that I—over decades—almost bankrupted myself for: four-inch sandals with leafy vines that twine up your leg, five-inch leopard pumps I could lurch about five feet in. The money I spent on them might have freed me to retire by now.
>And had the high heel never bulldozed its way back into popularity, in the nineteen-fifties, thanks to designers like Dior, who never suffered a woman’s social mandate of daily wear, I wouldn’t be visiting a pricey podiatrist. Add on the four-figure plaster foot cast, which gets tossed at year’s end, because the bastards know your beleaguered and bunioned foot will keep spreading like yeasty dough. The neuroma between metatarsals will inflame more nerve endings. (For the uninitiated, a neuroma is like a stone in your shoe that you can’t shake out.)
>Before I taped up that container of shoes, I stared into its abyss. Wasn’t I perpetuating misery by passing these along to hobble my sisters-in-arms/-feet? The vision of my young sensual foot that came made me misty.
>While the rest of my physique is mediocre by the laxest standards, I started adulthood with an exemplary foot. My toes tapered gracefully, and my high arch was ballerina-worthy. I even copped a job as a foot model for an exercise sandal. Yes, I am bragging.
>By sixty, those fetching feet had gnarled up like gingerroot. I don’t grieve my less than pert tatas. When my ass lies down on the back of my leg, I think, Oh, rest, you poor thing. Given new bra technology and some spandex, I can squish stuff in and—spray a little pam on me—still slither into a size 4. But standing for an hour in heels sets red lightning bolts blazing off my feet.
>And no one warned me about this! In the health-and-booty-obsessed age I came up in, every woman enjoined me to take care of my teeth and skin, heart and bones. But no one detailed how those stilettos—named for a dagger—would irreversibly cripple me. (Yes, there is a surgery sometimes involving metal and screws which no one I know had any luck with.)
>Only one loafer-wearing detractor, in long-ago Puritan Boston, scolded my spikes: “If God wanted you in those, he’d have made your feet different.” Yet, I said, He made my legs look like this in them.
>For I was a slave to the desire that rules our libidinal culture. And an elongated foot and leg just announces, Hey, y’all, there’s pussy at the other end of this. Yet every pair of excruciating heels also telegraphs a subtle masochism: i.e., I am a woman who can not only take an ass-whipping; to draw your gaze, I’ll inflict one on myself.

Nice blanket statement. Apart from one user nobody has said this. What we are saying is that DFW acted badly in a bad relationship, but how badly is anyone’s guess because all we have is Karr’s side of the story. Karr is hardly objective here, as I’m sure you’d agree. Bottom line is, nobody knows what really happened. As far as the allegation of assault goes, this seems to have been butthurt bullshit, and the allegations of sex with students/lecture attendees haven’t at all been substantiated. If he did do the latter — which is certainly possible — the encounters were very likely consensual as no one has come forward claiming otherwise. His sins therefore are relatively minor; I think what most people ITT are complaining about is that a few minor peccadilloes are being used to destroy the man’s entire legacy in order to serve some fucked up feminist agenda.

Maybe she did though? I mean, I wasn't there.

Why are there so many people stanning for DFW? and what legacy? Infinite Jest pales in comparison to everything he revered as an author, why do you think he killed himself?

>nfinite Jest pales in comparison to everything he revered as an author, why do you think he killed himself?
that's inaccurate in many ways. It's okay to have opinions and to slander the man, but at least do it in a way that makes sense and doesn't expose your ignorance.
David wrote Pynchon-esque novels, he succeeded in that respect. His suicide was only tangentially associated with his feelings toward his writing.

>why do you think he killed himself?
Because his doctor pulled him off his meds suddenly.

Chick on left will kill you during sex
Chick on left will kill you in your sleep
Chick in middle will kill herself



why do moomers(millenials) have to use zoomer and boomer in every sentence?


what should a moomer wojak look like?

>School of Continuing & Professional Studies

Attached: 1504896278827s.jpg (250x202, 7K)


moomers will never happen


It'll happen but only because zoomers talk like your grandma.
>oh you moomers
>what is this bop
>people of color
etc etc

Fucking destroyed by diction and verbosity, how will this man recover?

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