The past is in your mind

>the past is in your mind
>the future isnt real
>the present instantaneously slides away
When do we exist?

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We exist in the ever-changing present.

Do you not form memories of prior positions or correctly predict change?

In your mom.

You don't


Memories are memories because they do not represent what we are currently sensing. What is remembered is non-being.

> Well outside, naked, shiver, looking blue
> From the cold sunlight that's reflected off the moon
> Baby cum angels, fly around you
> Reminding you we used to be three and not two
> And that's how the world began
> And that's how the world will end

In the present
>the present instantaneously slides away
That's already the past

At what rate does time pass? One second per second?

Better question how can the past dictate the future if the past isnt real, there must be some sort of universe information storage

speed of light when at rest

>When do we exist?
when we praise and glorify God, who is the beginning and end of all things. in other words, in the present moment (if you will it so).

Why the past isn't real? If past it's not real than the future is equally or even less real, the only of the trio that has a truly different nature is the present, but even tho between the trio, the present is the most unreal to the touch for us


We are becoming. We are illusory, fleeting things that partake in no Substance or Reality other than our origin in the One Single Being.


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Oh my fucking God how long has it been since I laughed so hard

We don't.

Now. That is all.

Now think on the amount of creatures living inside you actually outnumbering your own cells?
Which themselves transfer out entirely every seven years or so. Who are you?
You are you now. Whatever these words mean.

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In the present, You're istantaneously sliding away along with it.

Sometimes when I look at people I imagine we are all the same string of existence. Like, when I die, I will be reincarnated as whichever person came into being immediately after I originally did. So every person before me was me and every person after me is what I will be. I am my neighbor in a future life and my neighbor is me in a future life. There is one identity, the condition of humanity, our conscousness. We are all the same being inhabiting different lives across the same time.

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We live a millisecond after the present, the time it takes for our brain to process the sense data.

Ya don't say. The thing is the thinking of the past (even of a thought a few seconds ago) is in the moment.

Have sex.

We exist as a segmented worm through spacetime. Each segment is real, a temporal part of a trans-temporal whole.

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"you" dont exist. also, the past and the future exists as much as the present, you are just a brainlet

The past in the future don't exist, just the Eternal now. Just think of it like a giant sandbox, the sandbox can only be in one state and you are a few grains of sand in an infinite sandbox.

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NOW. Everything that happens now is happening now.

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Only from a first person perspective. You are the whole of now, it is ineffable.

Time doesn't pass at all. Time is a construct implemented by man to structure his phenomenal experience, time does not exist-in-itself as we perceive it to.

>>the past is in your mind
>>the future isnt real
debatable but I don't have a strong opinion

>>the present instantaneously slides away
>When do we exist?
I don't see the problem. Maybe your hangup is that you're not drawing a distinction between the presented-present, and actual-present? There's lag on the information, but that doesn't mean the present isn't really there, just that you're always sortof looking at a memory (not neurologically speaking; it's a metaphor).

This one, he's okay.

>Uhhhh what does "you" mean?
>You are you now user, whatever that word means.
wow thanks I'd otherwise have never understood that tautology

>By the way did you know the amount of creatures living inside you outnumber your own cells and that your cells get entirely replicated every seven years? Haha The Matrix is my favorite film series: would you like to watch it with me while I read more facts off the back of snapple caps?

This reads like a fever dream

Duh, whenever we FEEL like it.

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