How the fuck do I escape this?? give me some recs

how the fuck do I escape this?? give me some recs

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Other urls found in this thread:

The German Ideology

embrace it
being a 4w5 infp is the most patrician type

German Idealism, if anything, accentuates Fours by lending validity to their mental landscapes

most people here got 4w5 the last time we all took the test

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>implying 7w6 ENxPs aren't the ones with the best of both worlds

I have literally never met anybody even remotely similar to me, ever. I am probably the most unique person in the world.

Link to the test?

enneagrams are fucking garbage, false mysticism pop psychology bullshit. you are more nuanced than a fucking cubbyhole. ignore them.


ugh same. people don't know how hard it is to be as cute as I am.

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What about 5w4 INTP (as of the last time I took the test) who identifies wholly with both 4 and 5 and with both INFP and INTP? Strong emotion and aesthetic sense combined with a love of logic (in certain cases) but also an inability to emote

Me exept for the
>fantasizing about a savior who will rescue them
I just imagine a lucky set of circumstances

>both INFP and INTP
you are probably intp, being Fi dominant is really hard to miss


I hate Fe way more than I hate Te though. I used to get INFP every time but recently it's swung to T, even though I think I'm more emotional.

Unironically this though. I am a very good-looking 20 year old male, and I’ve had sex with copious amounts of women. I play sport for my university at a very high level and achieve top grades in all my courses. I party every weekend and take drugs like cocaine and MDMA, and then on Sundays and during the week I will go to the library and read Guénon and Hegel while my friends mess around playing on game consoles. I have yet to meet someone as high performing as me, and this lends evidence to the fact that I am actually one of the most unique people on the planet: capable of straddling the Nerd-Jock divide and becoming an Überman.

I'm convinced that anyone who doesn't feel personally targeted by OP and/or picrel isn't human

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cocaine and mdma will eventually melt your brain until your degenerate into normieness
im not sure why that happens then, since i was a kid ive always got infp
Fi sounds like something really hard to get rid of


I got 5w6, whatever that means

isnt that the symbol gurdjieff used

not for gayass tests though

9w1, recommend me some books

5w6 INTJ autist here. Any books on how to fix myself?

2w3 ENFJ male (male)
How do I stop being emotional?

just transition already

I’m a 4w5 and can confirm that I am better than everyone else.

I'm a pretty masculine 196cm ginger. The only thing I could pass is a football.

what do you recommend then, user?

The irony of a supposed "individualist" with the inability to think for himself...

This is the equivalent of a horoscope for autistic guy's.
Literally generic truisms that could be applied to large parts of the population if not everyone to some degree.
I thought lit was better than this



am i based?

Incredibly disappointed nobody mentioned suicide so far.

I'll take great pleasure in culling normalfag subhumans like you

>classifications be bad!!!! it be horuscope n shiet

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>junghian types and enngram
We've reached peak astrology.
Lets just post our natal charts.

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no cunt that's me

I could probably kill you with one blow, I am far from any ‘normalfag’. I am operating at a level not seen by any human since Nostradamus.

I can tell you it is possible but it essentially leaves you either a mindless drone or in a state akin to insanity
This is not a problem humans are ready to solve and may never be to most people identity is what makes something "human" to begin with

Just took test, haven't read what these horoscopes mean yet.

At least I'm not whatever OP is.

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I'm an INTP 548 tritype.


The Bible

...aand back.
Read all the ones I'm supposed to be and they were way off the mark.

Whoever made this test was probably doing their best to find a way to classify people, but it's just too simplistic.

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Enneagram derives the 9 types from a person's driving fears, for example, a 5 is someone who seeks knowledge because they are afraid of incompetence.

Channel your inner Goethe.

Lol fuckin wanker

if you think none of them fit you that means you're a special snowflake type 4 just like OP

Me too.

What's your @ on Twitter?

9w1 INFP Aries 140IQ 6'4 8inch dick here

recommend me some books


>tfw 5w4 INFP
Just fuck my shit up senpai

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>how the fuck do I escape this?? give me some recs
You don't, not really. I'll give you recs in a moment; I'm in a talking mood, and I used to put a great deal of stock in the Myers-Brigg, and then the Enneagram, so I may have a valuable insight or two if you'll slog through my long-windedness. In fact, if you found the Enneagram via that INFP thread, I was the one recommending the Enneagram and making fun of "9w1 INFPs" in contrast to "4w5 INFPs."

To begin with, bear in mind that descriptions of Type 4's are often overly negative. I'll get into my thoughts on why in a moment, but firstly consider the positive descriptions from the very same webpage you screencapped, in the discussion of levels of health:
>Level 1 (At Their Best): Profoundly creative, expressing the personal and the universal, possibly in a work of art. Inspired, self-renewing and regenerating: able to transform all their experiences into something valuable: self-creative.
>Level 2: Self-aware, introspective, on the "search for self," aware of feelings and inner impulses. Sensitive and intuitive both to self and others: gentle, tactful, compassionate.
>Level 3: Highly personal, individualistic, "true to self." Self-revealing, emotionally honest, humane. Ironic view of self and life: can be serious and funny, vulnerable and emotionally strong.
It's possible that you presently doubt the achievability of this, but I can attest to it, having once lived it. I've slipped, recently, to "Level 3" at best, and more likely into the Average range, but there were a few years where I was properly "integrated" to towards Type 1, and at my best, and living life lovingly and enjoyingly at the same time that I held a kind of principled equanimity. I feel that those are the pillars of 4ish health: a sense of play, a sense of duty, and a sense of peace, all somehow intermingling and mutually reinforcing. I hope to return to it; the largest obstacles now are finding satisfying work and rediscovering community, both of which I've fallen out of the orbit of, but I know that they are needs for a full life, at least for myself.

But I've also lived in the 4ish pit, particularly in the storm and stress of late adolescent and very young adulthood. The same webpage you screencapped aludes to that too:
>Level 9: Despairing, feel hopeless and become self-destructive, possibly abusing alcohol or drugs to escape. In the extreme: emotional breakdown or suicide is likely. Generally corresponds to the Avoidant, Depressive, and Narcissistic personality disorders.
or, even more extremely, from another source:
>Unhealthy 4w5’s inhabit a terrifying fantasy-world of their own creation. Their emotional torments are turned inward, causing severe depression and self-destructive thoughts. While average 4w5’s can romanticize death, unhealthy 4w5’s plunge into it.
[comment too long; cont'd in another post]

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I've lived the kind of near-psychotic depression above described and know it to be true, to be within the realm of possibility, at least for myself. I feel (think(believe(hope))) that I have matured beyond the possibility of it now. Although I do have my lapses, they rarely go beyond the low end of the "Average" range, or at worst express themselves as bleak retreats into my books and my art, only terribly unhealthy if indefinite but otherwise almost rejuvenating, simultaneously an indulgence and a reminder that I must go out and really live life, having shaken off the fatigue of living up to real world responsibilities.

A lot of this can be somewhat alleviated by having a sense of humor, having a capacity to laugh both at yourself and at the evils of the world. There's a website which gives insulting descriptions of every Enneagram type, and when I'm reminded of the Enneagram and my 4ishness I sometimes like to revisit it to remind myself to take things less seriously:
>Your core personality is probably Enneagram Type 4, the ARTIST, also known as the VISIONARY or the SLACKER.
>You are so wrapped up in your own quote sensitivity, creativity and intuition unquote that you are completely walled off from other people. You would rather stare at a painting or listen to music than deal with reality. You retreat inside your imagination not because it is profound, but because it's never challenging.
>Your SECRET JOYS include showing your independence by acting in ways that other people would consider utterly stupid, and expressing your individuality over and over and over and over -- until you are up to your ears in your own unique personal individual rut.
>Some of your SECRET FEARS are that people will just get bored with you, that you will end up with a job in an insurance company or bank, that you will actually have to work hard on a regular basis, or that you will get so depressed with your inadequacies that you will kill yourself. No loss to the world if you do.
>Under STRESS you begin to move toward Enneagram Type 2, the HELPER. This could lead you to barter your body or your self-respect -- under the guise of expressing your independence or tasting a forbidden love -- to get a feeble semblance of intimacy.
>AT YOUR BEST you begin to move toward Enneagram Type 1, the IDEALIST. You think of yourself as a work of art, develop intricate exegetical accounts of your life history, expound Your View of You to whoever will sit still for it, and singlehandedly put one or two therapists into wealthy retirement.
[running out of room again; it's all these at-length quotes; only one more post, though, I think]

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What should I read? And how do I know this test isn't garbage? If someone can guess one of my favorite authors from this gobbledegook, I'd be genuinely surprised.

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But I said at the start that I would explain why (in my opinion) 4's are so often described so negatively. It may be 4ish narcissism, but when reading other Enneagram descriptions I always felt that they are given greater slack, or their failings are given less attention. I feel that it is partly that the 4 can be easily viewed by more sociable types as repulsively subversive, 4w3's loudly so, 4w5's articulately so, and this subversiveness can give others a feeling of threatened anxiety. Most 4 descriptions account for 4ish "intensity" which can at one moment be loved for its authenticity and immediacy and the next moment be hated as excessive and obnoxious, and I think that this is the double-bind that leads 4 descriptions to so often be so extreme, flipping between viewing 4's as saintly aesthetes and malignant depressives. I remember flipping through one Christian Enneagram book wherein the author seemed to view 4's as natural apostates, selfish creatures who must (moreso than any other type) wholly submit to God for any hope of redemption. She at some point describes a "flamboyant" monk pinning a rose to his habit out of a need to be even subtly different, and her tone is throughout utterly derogative, so negative over such a small self-expression, such a minutely revealed love of beauty; to some people, differentness alone is enough to warrant hate, and it is important to remember that. Do not spurn your aesthetic impulse, but do avoid the impulse to be, for lack of a better word, "edgy," at least when not in intimate company, if only to escape the attention of these sorts of fragile conventionalists.

But! There are positive descriptions to. My favorite (to be copy-pasted from some Enneagram blog, where it was excerpted from some Enneagram book) is too long to include in this post, so I will paste it as follow-up.

So then: book recs. I'm not going to recommend books to "cure" you, but rather books that you will benefit from, by which you will be a better 4.

>Tristram Shandy by Laurence Sterne
(death-obsessed and yet hilarious; perfect 4 subject matter, you need levity)
>Anatomy of Melancholy by Robert Burton
(a major influence on Tristram Shandy, and similar in cumulative tone)
>Moby-Dick by Herman Melville
(4ishness in all its wan splendor)
>Walden by Henry David Thoreau
(a hermit-aesthete beginning his account with edgy Economic critique; a 4 through-and-through)
>Varieties of Religious Experience by William James
(seek to be a Twice-Born Sick Soul)
>Hamlet by William Shakespeare
(is any explanation necessary?)

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Type Four: The Deep Sea Diver (From The Positive Enneagram by Susan Rhodes)
Fours are sometimes called Romantics or Tragic Romantics. But while Fours tend to be intense and dramatic, they aren't really all that romantic. I call Fours the Deep Sea Diver because this label captures a quality all Fours seem to share: the compelling desire to look beneath the surface of life. Fours never accept anything at surface value, but instead delve to see what is really there, deep beneath the waves. Emotionally sensitive, they can be like a psychic sponge, readily picking up the feelings and attitudes of those around them. Fours are also able to detect discrepancies between projected images and authentic feelings. This makes them prone to moodiness or emotional overload, which is often best handled by spending time apart from other people. Fours are also sensitive to aesthetics. They tend to notice colors, fabrics, textiles, and other aesthetic dimensions of the environment. So they find it unpleasant to spend any amount of time in environments that they deem ugly, plastic, or otherwise unaesthetic. A group of Fours having lunch together at an enneagram event once discovered that they'd all been mentally redecorating the unattractive room in which the event was held. Fours often feel misplaced when forced to be in situations where the things they value (depth, authenticity, the arts) are not valued by others. Situations like these can make them feel despondent and in need of escape. Motivated by the desire to connect with what is real and authentic in life, they are often willing to sacrifice a great deal to make this connection. They're usually happiest when doing original work that expresses what they feel inside; they are often talented writers, painters, or actors who are not afraid to draw upon their deep emotions for creative purposes. One thing which I once heard about Fours as creators is that their work is autobiographical- that it always bears the stamp of their individuality. This may be why another common label for Fours is the Individualist. However, while Fours value their individuality, they may look more ruggedly individualistic than other types simply because they feel more compelled to follow the dictates of their inner muse than the dictates of social convention. When they dress in ways that are quirky or unusual, it doesn't necessarily mean they're trying to seek attention. It may be that they find the need to follow their natural aesthetic more compelling that the need to follow current fashion trends. People get fascinated with the intensity and passion of the Four, being both attracted to it and put off by it. This puts the Four in a double bind, because sometimes she's rewarded for her passion and at other times made to feel that it's over the top. This creates a sort of "push-pull" scenario that's not easy for the Four to handle. At the same time, it's true that Fours can become overly self-dramatizing.

The virgin "noooo all of these tests are just horoscopes humans don't fit into simple types" vs the chad "why yes this description of an infp 5w4 is literally me, how could you tell?"

Read Jung's writings on the persona

When this happens, they may try to draw others into their life dramas (this is probably most true of Sexual Fours). But even the most well-balanced Fours can exhaust types with less intensity, thereby leading those individuals to withdraw. This is probably one reason why Fours can develop feelings of abandonment. They actually do have the kind of energy that can be hard for other types to handle. So they are well-advised to learn ways to curb the effect of their intensity on others: this is a problem they share with Eights (although the intensity of the Eight is more earthy and has less of a "feeling" tone). Fours are usually aware that others find them too intense. They try to deal with it, but it's not easy, because they have to choose between being themselves (but potentially alienating others) and curbing their passion (which makes them more socially acceptable but creates a sense of self-alienation). This conflict can be exhausting. It may be one reason that Fours tend to shy away from social events, especially large-scale social functions. They can usually fit in if they really need to, but it's not an appealing way to pass the time. Fours are probably who Freud had in mind when he posited the existence of a death instinct. Fours are seldom repelled by topics such as death; the main thing that really turns them off is insincerity or superficiality. Melanie Klein, the psychoanalyst who took up where Freud left off, seems to have been a "Four's Four" who saw small babies as consumed by fantasies of sex and death. Anne Rice, another Four, is also a figure who explores the darker side of human nature, although in a more literary and less morbid fashion than Klein. (This affinity for depths is usually stronger in Fours who have a Five wing; both Klein and Rice seem likely candidates.) I once saw a panel of Fours queried as to their occupation. It turned out that four out of five did work requiring them to provide emotional support to people in crisis situations (for example, working in a hospice, manning suicide hot lines, or offering crisis counseling). So while Fours are not much for small talk, they can be extraordinarily attentive when listening to people with serious troubles to share. Fours and Fives are both what people call "Bottom of the Enneagram" types- and are subject to the effects of the energies in that region of the enneagram. There seems to be some sort of energy vacuum or vortex existing at the bottom of the enneagram (as reflected by the lack of connecting lines there). Both Fours and Fives feel the effects of this region, which seems both chaotic and dynamic. It attunes these types to the kind of primal, creative energy that makes originality possible. But it also makes them sensitive and in need of more rest and time alone than other types. Because Fours are a Heart type, people expect them to be more emotional than mental. But Fours can be more analytical than people expect, especially if they have a Five wing.

Fours can be especially talented at synthesizing ideas and communicating them in writing. They're often better writers than speakers, because waiting can be done alone, without the distraction of the audience's emotional reaction to the speaker's presentation. When they interact with people directly, Fours often like to assume the role of teacher, because it gives them the authority to act in response to their inner promptings. While Fours may not be particularly easy-going or light-hearted, they're seldom dull. Their creativity, originality, and intensity always leave an impression on the people around them. Also, they're one of the few types that are willing and able to deal with intense emotions, psychological traumas, and spiritual crises. What they need to cultivate is the kind of transpersonal outlook that can help them mine the depths without getting trapped in them.

Oh, also, as a closing note, I also recommend that you read Montaigne. What could be more 4 than isolating yourself to grieve and then compulsively throwing yourself into writing philosophical essays to stave off hallucinations?

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I can't thank you enough 4 this


>tfw fuck up so badly they cant choose a type except "cuck"
oh well

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Thanks for the info user. Any advice for a 4w3 since you seem to know a lot about this system? I’ve been meaning to read Montaigne to attain some peace of mind that philosophy has been unable to give me since I’ve heard he’s great at that.

Also, is there any evidence to consider Enneagrams as valid as the Big 5, rather than another pseudo-astrology like MBTI?

Yes and then to top it all off you come here and shitpost on Yea Forums. What an incredible human being.

8 chad here. everyone get behind me

I live to serve :)
I'm better versed in the nuances of the 5 wing, being that, but I can try to comment. I do feel that my observation that a sense of play, a sense of duty, and a sense of peace are of especial importance is true of either wing. With a 3 wing you should be more outward, so not quite so prone to self-isolation, but also somewhat more volatile, more "dramatic," so the equanimity angle is of particular importance out of those.

A general thought I omitted before is that the emphasis in Type 4 descriptions on "significance" and "meaning" is vague and no more helpful here than it is in existentialism. A better compass is having an enlarged sense of awe: play because the world is beautiful and delightful, duty because the world is terrible as well and something must be done, peace because even-mindedness is more pleasant and productive on the whole.

Something that has helped me a lot is accepting that I am not "special." For me, devotion to the idea of being "special" largely produced mood swings between grandiosity (cf. ) and self-loathing despair. What could I be special for? Artistic inclination? But art is a common vocation. Intellectualism? But that's an ancient tradition. Raw intelligence? But even being "above average" is trivial relative to the billions of people alive today and yesteryear. Uniqueness pure and simple? But my interests and traits all play off of a complex history of ideas.

A person doesn't need to be "special" to be different, or to be driven to make a difference. I am just another person, just like you, and each of us have our own strengths and weaknesses. The world is far too large for any one person to attempt to substantially improve, or even really understand, on their own. To really embrace and seek the increase of truth or beauty or love is necessarily a group effort.

In regards to the validity of the Enneagram, most of personality psychology is bunk, including the Big Five. The Big Five has greater statistical validity but it is nonetheless all self-report. What is interesting about personality testing is not the true measurement of discrete traits but rather exercise of the narrativizing muscle, thinking through the story that is you. I used to love giving tarot readings not out of any belief in divinatory capability but for the delight of interpretation, of drudging up new ways of viewing the past and present and future that may not have come immediately to mind without the cards as aid. But that new line of thought remains with you, it sticks, has its own personal truth-value until another narrative is found.

This guy gets me

easy there coldsteel

I'll fucking fight you, do you even feel the call of the north star?

T 8chad

do we have to measure dicks now or something?

What is some 5w4 literature other than Coleridge and De Quincey?

5w6 INTJ reporting in, recommend me some books.

start with the greeks and make up your own mind. know thyself.

This largely lines up with my beliefs already but hearing someone else reinforce it never hurts. Have a good day user

im 8w3 faggots, no one is better than me

okay redblackbrownwhateverthefuckpill me on these personality types please. there's just too many of them for me to have been bothered to learn about them

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There seems to be some agreement that INFP's mistype themselves the most, far more often than other types. It's very easy to mistake the Fi introverted rumination for cold rationality, especially if since that's how it will appear to other people.

profound insight. thanks fren

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Same. Are we doomed or based super-men?

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they seem satanic

if you're a 4 read Dostoyevsky

>thinking that you are anything in the first place

Get a load of this chump

there's a thin line between becoming a beast or a god dixit Aristotle

how so?

Melancholic-ecstatic religious mystic

no fun allowed
t. Yea Forums poster

It's ok anons uwu i will hep yew


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>Melancholic-ecstatic religious
any other writers like that besides Dostoevsky?

Basically all of this user's recs:

6w5, help

If it's any consolation, at least you're not an 8

what's the enneagram number for a roman Caesar with the soul of Christ?

Oscar Ichazo’s “Enneagram Personality System” is pseudo-scientific/pseudo-mystical crap, a plagiarizing and bastardizing of Gurdjieff’s presentation of the enneagram. In fact, a lot of Oscar Ichazo’s stuff is simply Gurdjieff-plus-lots-of-references-from-other-mystical-traditions-to-create-a-cool-sounding-hodgepodge. And Gurdjieff himself was a something like a “Sufi-gone-rogue” (only “Sufis” aren’t what most people think they are).


I’m an infp/4w5 and I’m no longer motivated to do my art and I’m becoming lazy as hell. What do I do guys

boof amphetamines

8w9. I am objectively better than you.
3 depends on validation from others, thus undermining the 8.
9 tries to ensure that nobody bothers him, which reinforces 8s lust for freedom in action.

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5w4 ISTP, what does this mean

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tfw 4 and 5 ENTP-T

fuck you faggot

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Based tellin'-like-it-is poster, I love this board most of the time but then I realize that there's regular Briggs Meyers threads that hit the reply limit because everyone here is actually a gay faggot power bottom twink who needs validation from their astrological charts

If I were to make a bullshit personality test with little to no basis in rationality, but meant to get widespread lowbrow acceptance from people with no critical thinking ability, here's how I would do it. I would use vacuous concepts and describe dilemmas that are universal to humans (e.g wanting to find belonging, lacking a sense of identity, the natural tendency to procrastinate and ignore serious problems). I would equally dole out this bullshit among each of my fabricated "personality types" so that regardless of what a person scores as, there will be a thin veneer of authenticity when they read it. My test's assessments will always come off as oddly accurate-feeling because I am likely to describe their general and commonplace vulnerabilities. I will also appeal to this personal fable by providing flattery and taking away responsibility for their shortcomings.

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what books should I read/burn

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i met someone similar to myself and hated him

send halp

actually 695
double halp



cringe actual

t. adolescent

7w8 in the streets but a 6w5 in the sheets


Used to feel like that too, until I met my Doppelganger (in both appearance and character) last year in Osaka

what was it like?