Are we just wasting our lives?

I'm starting to get disillusioned by the time I spend reading: two hours a day, from 9PM to 11PM. What if I spent that time learning more physics, mathematics or computer science, all three of which are infinitely more relevant to my career? Wouldn't it be more productive to learn how to create something, anything, instead?
Am I actually getting any concrete benefits from reading classic literature, history and philosophy other than a creeping sense of elitism and some semblance of liberal education?

Genuinely struggling here, I'm keen to hear about your thoughts on this matter.

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Why you should only read the canon.

Learning things requires some reading usually.

You think joy and fun exist solely as an evil to control?
No one's stopping you from learning a trade.
The good life is the harmony of joy, productivity, and training.

That's assuming that I differentiate between work and leisure: I'm fortunate enough to be in a career that I deeply enjoy.
Solving problems and creating give me just as much joy as reading literature does. The problem here is that I'm surrounded with sources of joy and picking between them seems to be impossible.

I've begun to wonder if the sages of history aren't those very souls who've only recently fallen into the darkness of the cave, thinking apatheia and contemplation is the sole purpose of existence, as if the production of the world with its—passion, loss, tragedy, bliss, ecstasy, triumph, regret, longing, remembrance, strife, beauty—are nothing but accidents: you'll never leave the cave thinking you can skip the ups-and-downs of life, only the experienced life is the fulfilled life that leaves the cave having completed the purpose of the "fall" of the soul.

Read Boorstin's The Discoverers

If you don't enjoy reading then don't do it. You won't get anything out of it when you don't genuinely enjoy it. It's like studying a subject you don't give a shit about at school, except you won't receive any credit, it won't advance you anywhere. It's a hobby, if you don't enjoy doing it, then DON'T

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>muh career
That's when i feel like i'm most wasting my time

I was trying to type a rebuttal to this, but I realised I couldn't. Thanks, user.

Life itself is a waste and it's better if it never happened, but now that it has just do whatever and don't let spooks like "career" and "productive" constrain your recreational hobbies

Because our bodies will eventually fail to maintain homeostasis, inescapably, there’s no way to waste our lives. We’re given a death sentence from birth that makes our time finite, since it isn’t possible to do every single thing in the world in that time the only thing you can do is get as far as you can in all things. In the end, nothing you did will have mattered anyway.

there's nothing to waste, frankly
enjoy what makes you happy and think more

I'm going to be honest. I don't read at all. It's better than nothing. Basically like 10% shitposting, 10% naps, 80% wasting time on the internet.

I'll tell you what. I've read some books before. Books can be dope. Waste of time? Probably. Am I worse off because I didn't read books as a kid? Eh. Harry potter seemed gay as fuck. I tried to read a comic book, from like the 70s. That shit was hard as fuck.

The world is going back to normal, where only the priest reads and the peasants are illiterate. Reading is not really important, def not casual reading, but like the Bible or whatever you use to establish society and make sure that society survives. It's a hobby I guess.

Beyond that, even productive literacy, doing reading and writing with an objective purpose. This is still pretty much retarded. This is because the general public can't read. You can make legit points, legit arguments, but the general public is so stupid you're wasting your time.

The only way productive literacy is "valuable" is if you're esatblished within the ivory tower, if you drink the kool-aid and do nothing but parrot the agenda you are indoctrinated to believe. You basically use this artificial status of "legitimacy" because of your proven dedication to the cult, and you get respected because you're so good at parroting the agenda.

Basically, if this shit gets you feeling good. Do it, that's all that matters. Just enjoy the pleasure that people allow you to have.

The only legitimate shit you can do with reading that isn't being a cultist is just hard science, you can only do that because the oligarchs can't control scientific facts in the same sense they can about every subjective bullshit field that is not exclusively subject to standard of the scientific method and hard quantifiable data as a means to defend one's point.

As for creating shit? That's like homeless heroin addict tier, shitting on the streets. Any sort of creative pursuit is basically fucking AIDS. If it's not approved propaganda, like mainstream art, then you're basically a leper. Nobody gives a fuck about what you create. Humans are narcissists and creating things, at least creatively, is a futile attempt to legitimize oneself and stroke your own ego. People all want to stroke their own ego and have absolutely no interest in stroking yours.

Look at this monkey. He has a caprisun. It's like that. I do enjoy caprisun and I always have, but I am poor and I cannot afford caprisun. So I don't drink caprisun and I have not in decades. If you can afford this leisure and you enjoy it, there's really nothing wrong with that.

Leisure would be bad in a legitimate world, where hedonism is shunned in favor of productivity, but when the world controllers are destroying your country and your people through the endless pursuit of consumeristic hedonism, then there's really nothing you can do. The world is going to burn, and at this point it's whether or not you're high while doing it.

I know this is hard shit. Lots of fucking words, but I figure you fuckers lube up your dicks with words and shit.

Saying I don't read at all is sort of bullshit. I read a bit, might skim some articles, I'll read posts and shit, but to sit down and fuck with a book. I mean, I enjoy books, I do. It's just that in this world of fucking electric cocaine all day, it's hard to say, naw, I'd rather smoke a leisurely cigarette of reading than do some electric cocaine.

I did lots of drugs, but I don't really remember much of what I've read.

I remember Siddhartha by hesse was cool when I was a teenager, I was real into nature and shit like that. Talking to rivers and shit is dope as fuck when you're schizophrenic. I'd call myself an augur, but fuck if I care, I'm not sitting here making prophecy, I'm just getting my thoughts and arguments analyzed by the world. The world used to care about me, I use to be more pure and legitimate, but now it's kind of indifferent, I'm a degenerate, too damn hypnotized by the electric demon bullshit computers.

Since I stopped smoking, going outside on the regular, my life has basically been like a blackout, just sitting in front of the computer. Fucking insane man, like a functional alcoholic who is always blackout drunk. Try to avoid that,but as the weak willed fucker with shit impulse control, prone to addiction, I'm too good at making excuses and being indifferent, especially when I'm blackout like that.

I like the Tao Te Ching, that is real solid, very short, straight to the point, some good wisdom in there.

I also like Celine because I'm a bitter asshole misanthrope now. Not really, but just in a snide cynical kind of way, not too mean spirited, but I just hate humanity, like walking festering cancers. Beyond being saved.

Also I like writing, its a good time. I like to listen to my thoughts and shit and this is a good way to do it.

This world is fucked, the human race is fucked. People lack any sort of autonomy at this point and the fate is decided entirely by the world controllers. If you can enjoy the ride, enjoy the ride, there's nothing you can do. You can't be productive with literacy beyond furthering the ambitions and agenda of the world controllers, because if you go against the grain you get it in the neck from the hypnotized masses who are taught to loathe anything different from what they think.

You're on this ride, enjoy it. I do, for the most part, but I've got a disease that makes me feel good despite anything. Like reverse depression. That or I'm just so ignorant that I'm constantly experiencing bliss to this extreme degree. Probably a mix of both.

The thing is I'm not that stupid or ignorant, I have something like ersatz ignorance, it's not as good, but still pretty damn good. Basically I'm so narcissistic, egotistic, to the point of having a God complex, that my own arrogance and spite for anyone who is not myself functionally makes me condemn and dismiss them.

shut up faggot

Based, this guy is a retarded narcissist and I am no way reading his drivel

What makes you think he’s not doing that?

You're the ones here contemplating your lives and shit. I'm just offering some sound advice. I feel great all fucking day and I don't question my life.

You realize people who are actually intelligent don't need to be caustic and pretentious right?

People who are actually intelligent are more than capable of tolerating and respecting people's points, regardless of whether or not they personally agree with them.

By just calling me a nigger, or some equivalent of that word, you've just turned your nose up at me, attempting to prove some sense of egotistical superiority in your mind, a futile attempt to separate yourself from me, to dignify yourself, to build your own fragile ego. You see an easy target to attack, to condemn with baseless criticism, name calling. You see this as an opportunity to assert yourself as the superior. No different than the gays, the jews, the other people who rely on rhetoric laden with false logic and viciously condemning the opposition rather than actually providing sound and solid rebuttal.

If anyone is the faggot here, it is yourself, for utilizing the exact same tactics abused by these people, vicious, baseless condemnation of their opponents as a means to baselessly assert their legitimacy and superiority. The difference between the gays and yourself is that the gays actually have enough confidence and ego to hold a parade in the streets celebrating their own social, sexual, and intellectual degeneracy. Come back when you have a parade, because until that point, judging by your pitiful degree of self-respect, the caliber of your existence is below even the homosexuals. To call somebody names in an attempt to create some artificial dignity for oneself, on an anonymous imageboard of all places, as if you are somehow casting judgement within a caste system, enforcing your own superiority. It is pitiful.

All humans are inherently narcissistic, all animal life is inherently narcissistic. To condemn me for being no different than millions of years of the genetic precursors to human life is bold. Beyond that, I am only a narcissus to the extent off self-love and self-adoration, I don't need to stroke my ego or put myself above others, I don't need to see myself as superior to others, though often I will admit this is not very difficult in today's world. Go ahead, be bitter about the fact that others are happy, that others love themselves, but that will do nothing to aid the pain so rife within your own fragile ego.


Burn after reading.

I think Marx was right and you are mind cucked by the capitalist mode of production to think reading fiction is "unproductive" and a hobby rather than a vocation which requires discipline and effort for the noblest goal of all - furnishing the soul with beauty.

>He doesn't read books about physics, mathematics, ect
found the issue
>not seeing the connection between philosophy and science
second issue also

Really good posts. I've been thinking the past few months about writing a book that has the same vibe as your posts. But I don't think I have the talent to write like you, to give a special flow to the words that makes people want to read just to see how the next sentence will play itself out. I have so many ideas and every single fucking day I get literally bombarded with all the ideas for the novel but I just can't go and write because all my life I've been nothing but a loner and I understand that nobody will actually give a fuck about my ideas except some Yea Forums Anons... who will probably say it's shit because my flow of words is completely fucked up. But I enjoy it, thinking about writing, not writing. I think that my ability to work on a thing is fucked up and all I'm left is a passion that can never be satisfied because I'm mentally deranged internet addicted lunatic schizoid. And I'm not a low IQ brainlet, I'm a midwit sadly. That's why I think going for the STEM meme is the only good way for me and for anyone else that isn't deluded into a thought paradigm and genuinely wants to have a good life. Finish my degree, get a job, work hard, save as much money as I possibly can (boomer meme I know), quit in my late 30's, buy a small house in the wilderness, live off the land, enjoy nature and read some good books and stay as far away as I can from the dopamine machine that is the Internet. The sad thing is that I'll literally be a loner until the day I die, but I guess I just wasn't meant to be, kinda like the song Fake Plastic Trees but instead of living in a world like that despite its flaws, I choose to run away, run away even from a fake plastic love.

I don't know, I'm probably gonna get "cringe" or "faggot" for this. But I'm not larping, this is how I really think.


One needs to play the game a bit to stay afloat. I'm a computer engineer. Looking back at it, it took me maybe 10 years of my life to reach the skill level where I can actually call myself that. Now that I've done so, work is enough to keep myself updated in that field. For leisure, I read. I plan to do so for at least another 40 years.

Most people I met at university didn't read (outside of perhaps the occasional fantasy/SF npvel). Most people I meet through work don't read (I'm fortunate in having close colleagues who actually do). Most of these people have never taken an interest in the world outside of their own narrow domains of interest. Most of them can't express themselves, or their ideas properly. Some of them can't even write an email that the recipient will understand. Their only frame of reference are themselves, so they express everything from that point-of-view.

Some of this is exaggerated by the fact that most of the people I work with are slightly autistic engineers. And perhaps it comes down to personality (i.e. these people simply aren't interested in the world outside their own). But having read a bit, being able to argue and express oneself (both in text and speech) are useful skills.

Reading augments my life, it's not its sole purpose.

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Do you recommend going for STEM as a guy that is interested in literature? Is it worth being in the STEM field and not being autistic about learning math? I feel like humanities are simply not worth when you consider the situation of job availability. But I also feel STEM might be overwhelming if I don't go for it with all my heart.

Maybe but will anyone believe me when I tell them I can weld steel and iron together perfectly?

I'm a lit major that's content with teaching elementary and middleschool. Probably shouldn't ask for my opinions. My job is basically one big improv show and then I spend all my freetime reading or consuming other media. This is it for me. I don't need or want much.

I think there has to be something there to motivate you going through it. For me it was basically "wanting to know how computers work". I could really only ever have taken what I did, i.e. computer science and engineering. I'd never been able to motivate myself to go through mechanical engineering.

For me it was a struggle, occasionally. I don't "love math". I find classical mechanics uninteresting. But I still don't regret going through it. Science is interesting, and work is alright. Material life is good and I can afford to buy more books.

Nice reddit spacing STEMfag user but I'm not here to read your personal fucking blogposts.

I've recently switched to text books, currently studying bio, psych, stats, and logic, and I feel much better for it. I blame our middle-class ethos that emphasizes professions, productivity, and pragmatism. If we were truly part of the elite and finances were of no concern we could all be jerking off to ancient Greek because it's based with no care for if its narrow application 'cause damn all the rest. Although, learning about more objective subjects is just more satisfying to some, maybe we are simply of that ilk?

>Talking to rivers and shit is dope as fuck when you're schizophrenic.
Based schizoposter. I have been down this road. Your shitposts are idiot-savant tier and made me kek outloud numerous times. I want to argue against the points you made that I disagree with but honestly I prefer that a person with your very specific worldview continues to exist undeterred. Keep up the good work, Ugur.

>the gays
>social, sexual, and intellectual degeneracy
Aw, man. I was with you up until this point.

You want to know why you like his posts? Because he's a narcissist. Become one. Disregard everything that doesn't agree with your arbitrary aesthetic taste. Write whatever gets your cock hard with a blatant disregard for others. Have an opinion even if it's wrong. Fuck it, it's more interesting if it is wrong. People will like what you write when you do. Think less, style more. Yeah, style is a verb now, because fuck you. Nice post and dream btw, unironically. I might post my ideal day here if I can be bothered. It's very similar to yours.

>only two hours per day
>math and science
Because laws prohibit all the fun chemistry you could do, all the fun things you could more so physically make, or use when make at least, and most need talent for maths also.

Reading is fun, the other stuff is pointless to try. What are you going to do? Synthesize dudeweed so you can die of renal failure and or go to prison? Or maybe build a plane, so you can not be allowed to use it in the air spaces? Fail at having the money/resources to start micro-nations, build a space station, it's all impossible for a man. What can YOU do, alone.

n o t h i n g

You can enjoy yourself though, hence the reading. Of which most people can actually be good at unlike math and chemistry. Doesn't take much money like building either.
Who the fuck do you think you are?

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>studied stem for 4 years (biomedical and chemistry)
>Started working at a deli and volunteering with disabled kids whilst looking for lab work
>Love what I do and start reading
>Want to sell cheese and help kids and read classics and philosophy forever.

Why the fuck did I go to uni. Why didn't I get shoved into a deli when I was 16. Now I'm 24 and sad.

Why not become a special ed teacher?

I feel ive already lived everything i really wanted to and ive felt like that since i was 22. Im 25 now. I had an experience that was basically to me God telling me that he was real and the rest of life seems kind of not important to me anymore, I dont function very well and im not someone who should have kids, so there isnt that much for me to do as a person. I can have some jobs and sort of go along with things but i dont really belong to the world anymore.

I dont see myself as a prophet or an artist who is supposed to spread the word to people, i think God just told me he was there because he knew I was suffering and I was seeking him. I dont have that much to give people to help them.

I compulsively read literature just like you do because i like to think about the world, but I have already basically formed my views on how things are and what matters. Pretty simple stuff really, just don't hurt people and try to create and celebrate what is good, while dealing with the suffering we all experience. The world is imperfect and cannot really be fixed, but I see it like a painting that just isn't done yet, I think it will all come together in the end and we will be ok when our souls depart our bodies. I dont think hell exists. I think hell is a state that some of us experience on earth, but heaven is what the entire point of this existence is, God just has not made it yet, and it's really outside normal space time ideas, we can't really get it.

All the horrific stuff that exists in the world is too much for us to deal with normally, but we are not gods, we are just small broken but living parts of the maelstrom that has yet to settle into its intended being. Or if you prefer it already is that way but we live in an illusion of time, I think the eastern religions talk about that but I don't know much about them.

For people who are not religious and think it's all just kind of chaos, the way I see it is that the beautiful things that have existed in our lives and not in our lives don't stop being that way just because bad stuff exists too. They still happened and are meaningful and always will be no matter if they arent here right now.

I think if you are reading about philosophy and reading classic literature then it is basically centred around these impulses. The aesthetic seems to me tied intimately to the religious, just a kind of different angle. All the striving of the world even that which seems wrong to us i sometimes see as being just that, you have to weed a garden, but the weeds are not wrong exactly, they're part of the polyphony of creation, and your weeding them is not wrong either, though it is harm. I've been thinking about this for years and it has started to kind of make sense finally.

I think i am being subjected to torment after having experienced pure beauty and elation so that I get that it is all of God, the contrast is essential to understanding this. The long dark night of the soul is what they call it.

refute the Ergon Argument then kiddo

yes wagie why aren't you maximizing your future earnings potential

why not discern religious life then?

what do you mean m8? discern religious life means acting in a religious way?

if that's what you mean i said in my post I dont think im a prophet or an artist, so it isn't my task to teach other people or whatever. Im just kind of here and God said 'hey it is ok i know you're lost'. That is basically how i see it. I cant really help other people except how we all help each other by just being kind to one another when we remember to be.

I couldnt be a monk or anything either, im pretty volatile honestly. Im not angry about the situation anymore, i get it. Maybe im being a coward or lazy saying i couldnt go towards a religious life, but honestly i dont think im that sort of person. I just try to get along with life and not do bad stuff, which i still do sometimes. But i am trying.

You have a legit understanding of two interesting fields that you can keep up with if you want to and you increased your cristalised intelligence substantially by gaining that understanding. On top of that you're doing what you love and you're only 24. You hit the lottery dude.

I'm just saying that if you feel tapped out since 22, perhaps its because you've realized your vocation and not fulfilled it. I would at least try and talk to a few religious.


Oh man this thread is pure garbage

I think it's great.

I wish there more threads like this. I feel like I'm talking with actual humans instead of a mentally ill asylum.

most people who have mystic experiences spend years in extreme pain afterwards. That's what 'the long dark night of the soul' means. It's well documented, and Im pretty sure that's what's happening to me.

You are probably right in a sense though, that i am not pursuing the right path, but I think that's what this entire torment is, me figuring out what to do before I die.

What has that to with anything? My statement isn't about temporal or spatial determinism, or against free-will, I'm only saying that the ascetic monks of the world who deny all the joys and pains of life are as far from God as the hedonists.

You could even say that I affirm the ergon argument. But not that "the good life" is subjective and arbitrary, only that "all" archetypical experience that life contain is necessary to have lived to some degree. The Prodigal Son experience is itself a beauty, as long as you one day return (one might even posit that the return comes automatically).

>I'm only saying that the ascetic monks of the world who deny all the joys and pains of life are as far from God as the hedonists
Depends on your God. You have your God and your commandments and you judge others accordingly. Doesn't mean you're right - doesn't mean you're wrong either.

>Wouldn't it be more productive to learn how to create something, anything, instead?
You would be more productive, yes, in producing certain goods. If that is what you want, you should try to attain it.
>Am I actually getting any concrete benefits from reading classic literature, history and philosophy
You probably are, but it seems like what you produce is not what you want to produce.

So: what do you want in life? If you have an answer, try doing the thing you want.

I'm not christian

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>>not seeing the connection between philosophy and science
This is sadly all too common in our modern Era.

Are you me? I think we're all me (You)

>Are we just wasting our lives?
u r

You ARE right, but the problem is that studying anything beyond philosophy and literature usually really is no fun.

I wish I could have studied computer science though.

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Thank you user. Might look into maintaining my undergraduate knowledge. As of late if resigned myself to being one of those people who went to uni and never used the degree. The critical thinking, problem solving, research, writing etc skills I've picked up are transferable but maybe the knowledge isn't too specific to be totally useless.

>muh productivity
Damn, capitalism got you good user

>Am I actually getting any concrete benefits from reading classic literature, history and philosophy
You should be enjoying it. If you're not, then yeah, I'd stop

Don’t be sad. Maybe you would’ve bounced right back out at 16 because the grass was greener in college.
Sounds like you’re in a good spot, that’s really cool.

The value of reading has inherent value, regardless of whether you’re able to directly capitalize on it or not.
But I had to name a benefit, in my experience, focusing on challenging literature for extended periods of time helps me focus on my STEM stuff. It’s a night and day difference, actually.

It is. As someone else who also enjoys so many different things, picking between them is a nightmare. My solution is friends and going online. Surrounding myself with as many diversified interests as possible and then focusing on one or a few of them depending upon the environment.