'I hate woman and sex' books?

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The Bible

Some women are cool though

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Whatever by Michel Houllebecq


any actual evidence for this?
Also, one would need to define what is "cool" in the female context. I would say that an attractive and smart girl who is a virgin by choice.

I love you user, I hope you can heal from the hurt you've experienced

he hurts because he hasn’t experienced

Get lost cumbrain

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The Theotokos is the perfect example of what a woman should be. Few achieve it, but I do not doubt that it is possible and there have been many righteous women. But I do agree that most modern women are base and materialistic.

“The Kreutzer Sonata” by Leo Tolstoy

Let me put my peepee inside you
that is the only way i can heal

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He will one day, and I hope that he knows that he is loved by us all, and we all want him to experience love in this short life.

I used to actually steal sex ed books from kike's a million when under age and therefore with no Internet access (for fap material). Other than food and batteries that's all I've ever stolen.

Say's alot about the human mind when you think about it.

The batteries were not for me.

I'd have stolen the porn but I knew that was being watched more carefully, plus I wanted to learn about how to actually be good at, or at least understand, sex.

Most were written by women though, so this feel is appropriate to your shitty thread OP.

Drugs are illegal and expensive. Sex is free and legal. Drugs are inherently bad for your health, sex not necessarily.

School for Wives is the perfect example of how women should be treated.

>illegal and expensive
>inherently bad for your health
just like sex for ugly men

sex and masturbation are the worst things for your health. worst things for the mind. they destroy the will and turn man into a slave.

>I'm from /r/inceltears XDDDD
Hardy har har faggot.


>“The Kreutzer Sonata” by Leo Tolstoy
was gonna say thiss

>the abrahamic/jewish anti-fap meme
Ask me how I know you've been circumcised?

The religion you've been manipulated by is ironically a slave race's religion meant to actually turn you into an efficient slave. If you fap a woman can't force you to work to earn her vagina. You're a fool.

I'm gonna let you in on a little secret, us women dont like people like you either

user, would you or would you not say that your expectations are too high?

>site full of men
>decides to hang around them
Bad poster. The (You) is revoked.

You don't even deserve the numbers being posted.

you fuel the fire, not extinguish it you fool. the more you indulge lust, the stronger it grows.

Cool woman are called girls and they don't bleed from their cunts.

lmao, phallocentric as fuck. It's usually unattractive women that are the most interesting.

>Drugs are inherently bad for your health
not psychedelics

>*induces DeltaFosB every time you masturbate and makes you less able to resist actual women*
>t-trust me, I-'m taking care of the problem
Get a load of this retard.

I know that they are a bit too high in the modern age, which is a tragedy.

>prepubesent females are the only ones I can impress

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Woman would rather be entertained and unloved, to loved and unentertained.

Girls really do just wanna have fun, and anyone without a primordial dogbrain finds what they consider fun as an anathema.

Any statistic evidence on the relationship between ugliness and intelligence in women?
Because as far as i know there is evidence that attractive people are usually more intelligent.

this. sex is the icing on the cake for women. they primarily want fun, resources, status etc

Impress? prepubescent females are lovable and loving, and have innocent interests. They are all around pleasant to be around. You don't have to act as their jester and "impress" them. They are happy just to spend time with you, they like attention and like to share their world with people.

You just describe males, fucking incel

>conflates love and sex
sex is "fun" woman find actual love to be a quaint novelty and are uncomfortable with sincerity.

So you have nothing to bring to the table to get a woman which can give you offspring interested? Social interaction has the ultimate goal of procreation. YOu going for fun times with kids, is literally making you a gentic death end.

Women have fun when they around attractive men.
They laugh and smile at stupid jokes not because they are actually funny but because the guy is attractive. Laughing is an attempt at showing that you "get it" you are part of the group, they want to establish a connection.

jesus, you fucking pedo should be hanged

>dying of prostate problems due to semen retention
They're the shittiest drug. They are pointless.
>I'm in pain
>>do opiates
>I'm depressed or can't concentrate
>>amphetamines and or coke
>I'm a fucking moron that can't into deep thoughts nor meditationi
Not him but upon becoming an adult women get extremely spoiled. I'm not a legit pedo, but it's true.
Virtue signal back on your original site fag.

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Hylic retard
Every healthy person enjoys the company of children. They are like puppies of kittens but much more dynamic and relateable. Stop projecting your pedo hysteria, not every conversation mentioning children is sexual.

>adult women get extremely spoiled
The same thing could be said about men.

>just be the best she's ever had bro

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No it actually can't.

It's been proven here countless times that semen retention, in fact, lowers the risk for prostate cancer.

very low IQ cumbrain
>Sexual activity and prostate cancer risk in men diagnosed at a younger age
>Whereas frequent overall sexual activity in younger life (20s) increased the disease risk, it appeared to be protective against the disease when older (50s). Alone, frequent masturbation activity was a marker for increased risk in the 20s and 30s
>Prostate cancer mortality among Catholic priests.

post evidence

My mom is cool, but isn't a virgin, sadly

how can i meet your mommy?

thanks user, i really needed this to start my semen retention journey

13 Rules: To Not Be A F**king Cuck

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I'm SURE that just includes virgins, their pool of data.
Faggot idiot. It's literal common knowledge that ejaculation is good for the body of which is why some men do it unconsciously in their sleep. Others need to do it manually.
Emotional bias. As an instinct a mother will treat her children better than literally anyone else. You only think she's better because she instinctively kisses your ass.

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Modernist interpretations of freedom is just slavery to desire.

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>. It's literal common knowledge [fallacious reasoning] that ejaculation is good for the body

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The study literally says that the more frequently you ejaculate the more likely you are to get prostate cancer unless you are over the age of 50.


>those images
You do realize people are not that retarded, right? Semen lacks any relevant amount of essential nutrients. Look it up. The enlargement of the prostate causes issues ergo semen retention is dangerous. Look it simply up and stop right wingering all over the Internet with low quality bait.

The table in the iffy source is batshit and about many things, not semen retention. Everything from smoking to baldness, and when you stop to think about it if you got cancer at 50+ due to not fapping it's probably because you never did when you were younger so you lack the habit.

Correlation does not equal causation. The study is not about virgin males. Just about everyone gets a variant of HPV and that causes cancer. People that fap more will have sex more ergo they will have more variants of HPV.

Blow it out your ass idiot.

Catholics randomly also? The USA being it's source of information is bad enough as it is as they do (((circumcision))) to obviously prevent too much masturbation.

I hope you're not seriously this stupid. The studies are not about semen retention nor prostate enlargement. If samefag, stop reaching before your arms fall off.

>Correlation does not equal causation.
That is some plebbid tier meme, add to that your spacing and your opinion doesn't matter.
>The overall pattern arising from these results is that frequent SA is positively associated with an increased risk of prostate cancer in younger men, but for men in their 50s there is evidence of an inverse association/protective effect of masturbation and overall SA.
Learn to read faggot

>Semen lacks any relevant amount of essential nutrients.
Semen is the most nutrient dense and energy intensive fluid, even more energy to make than CSF. It contains significant amounts of zinc, iron, calcium b vitamins, complex polyamines, other peptides, even NGF. The epithelium of the vesicles ensures that they are reabsorbed and used elsewhere in the body. You're a brainlet to think it's a wastefluid.
>The enlargement of the prostate causes issues ergo semen retention is dangerous
There is no evidence for this. Abstinence is sometimes recommended by urologists for prostatitis. Not to mention, ejaculation increases inflammatory markers all over and raises cortisol, so overuse of the sexual organs is what causes the enlarged prostate to begin with, release only provides temporary comfort, all the while prolonging if not worsening the condition.
Leads to more masturbation because people watch porn for longer periods which hypersexualizes the brain.

> The semen is a viscid albuminous fluid, alkaline in reaction, which is very rich in calcium and phosphorus, also in lecithin, cholesterol, albumen, nucleoproteins, iron, vitamin E, etc. In the ejaculation of the normal man, about 226 million spermatozoa are given off; these are rich in phosphorized fats (lecithin), cholesterol (the parent-source of sex hormones), nucleoproteins and iron. An ounce of semen is considered to be equal in value to sixty ounces of blood, of which it constitutes an extract of some of its most valuable of constituents, as far as its vitalizing power is concerned. Dr. Frederick McCann remarks on this point, "From what has been stated it must be admitted that the spermatic fluid does possess potentialities justifying the belief of ancient writers concerning its vital properties.

If this is a reverse psychology thing to make me consider nofap it's doing a good job.

>'You do realize'
>Correlation does not equal causation.

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My female coworker who's fat does this, she tries to hide it but she always giggles when I fuck shit up

Correlation does not equal causation. Learn to think, actual homosexual.
>>semen is the most nutrient dense
I'm not bothering to continue reading this.
>you can survive on eating just semen!
Pic related and you only eject like a teaspoon each time.

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It doesn't. Some USA study isn't trustworthy on this subject for that very reason.

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What impact does circumcision have on anything here?

That ignores the amount of energy it takes to manufacture it. That ignores the biolimiting effects of intake and rate-limiting processes. That presupposes an asinine view of human physiology that is strictly quantitative. Thanks for proving that you are a brainlet.

69 replies, only 3 book suggestions.
excellent thread once again.

Circumcision leads to increased sexual frequency, your attempt to shoehorn it into discussion with some early 20th century physician's hypothesis that it decreases masturbation is pure retardation and only undermines whatever point you had. Sorry your IQ is too low for Yea Forums.

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have sex

Get lost memer

It is to stop masturbation. It shows the USA to be biased via abrahamic laws.

Why do you think they started the "drugz r bad mkay" shit? Abrahamic law bans such things as booze hounding.

It's just meant to make the believers of christfaggotry: "go forth and be fruitful".

It is what it is by it's own strategic design. If you force people not to fap, tell them it's "better to spill your seed in the belly of a whore than to spill it on the ground" then you spread the religion. It is what it is. Very old propaganda. Mind control.

Reading hurts your eyes also, does this mean you stop? No, but these faggots may as well post that sitting is the knew smoking next because that's actually relevant to the board AND dangerous AND prohibitive of actually ever reading books (if you have a job or life) so that mind game is the same issue of telling people: "knowledge is evil". Stop reading. Stop having fun. Just go to work and spread jaysuz.

It's abhorrent to fall for such a mind game. An efficient mind game, but too cruel for any non-retard to fall for. How could you fall for it? Because there are religious threads afoot.

>cannabis are psychedelics


>THC(s) is/are not (a) psychedelic(s)
I misspoke. Psychedelics are actually worse than weed though so you have zero point. They drive people insane and tear apart the ego. Without your ego what are you? A drooling literal retard. You think having your ego scrambled, your perspective effectively turned into a psychotic one, is healthy mentally?

It might make you a better artist with things like drawing or music but writing I doubt. In wordrs no one can ever describe things like LSD trips so they make things like paintings instead to show what happened. Like tie-dye, everything you've ever seen whirled together, or a spiral going on forever even. How does that help you write?

I guess scrambling your brain might get you out of ruts thus avoiding writers block if you were stuck for a very long time because if you trip too often you never stop they say.

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Only my grandma.

Not that user, but I appreciate, my dear user.

are you a virgin yourself too?

there’s no point in generalising
it depends on the user, not on the drug
if psychedelics are used responsibly, they can be a beneficial and interesting experience

But generalization is fun user.

It's what strategic mindsets do.

>would you like to risk going crazy?
>do psychedelic drugz then!
>who would do that tho?
>probably people that are already crazy or stupid(ly) (brave).

My logic as an intelligent sissy ^

I learned my lesson with mysterious synthetic dude weeds also. I had auditory hallucinations and said fuck over 93 times. The world looked like a painting.

I got to level 2 DUDE'D from a big puff of whatever it was. Level 4 or five must be awful.

No thanks fag. Fuck other people.

Absolute terror. I think it might have been diviner's sage or had a bit of it in it, or the dealer just lul'd a fuck ton of spray on it. He used to put sleeping pills in it too. Mine must have been missing the pill.

Never again.

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