/write/ general

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I have self-published four erotica books on Amazon. Only made £3 so far. Usually erotica is written in a trash YA style but I try to make mine more story-oriented and literary. I'm relatively new to writing and I think what I've produced is halfway decent, but I always get demotivated by the lack of sales. Feels like I'm pouring so many hours into this and gaining nothing. Either way I'm just treating this as a way to practice right now, though I'm still holding onto the hope that one of my stories will get big and I can make a decent supplementary income from this.

>start fulltime job
>have written nothing since then
i should just kms

I was 30k words into a satirical campus novel, but I only backed up the first 15k words and lost the rest. Can't decide if I should start all over again or persevere.

Why not write when you get home from work? Too tired?

>get home
>exhausted and hungry
>have to cook dinner and shower
>brain is wiped
>just want to sleep
>can barely put two sentences together, let alone write
pisses me off because during work i'm so awake and energetic and it's wasted on mindless drudgery. i can't even scribble off in a pad or type a document of my own because i'll get caught and fired. i hate it so much. working part time would be the best, but cost of living is too high for it and there's few part time jobs in my field. what shit.

I feel you user. Working is hell.

>but cost of living is too high for it
Stop being a pansy. I live off part-time almost minimum wage wages. It's not glamorous but you're not going to starve. Just got to sort out if you're actually willing to sacrifice material stuff for extra time.

i have student debt to repay. also need savings and some type of medical insurance. sure, you can subsist on rice and beans in a poverty-hovel, and it's great and fine until something goes wrong.
i wish i could do remote work. that would free up at least 2 hours a day spent either commuting or preparing for the day. it's so bullshit, my job could be done from home with like maybe 1 office day a week at most. if even that, because the paper aspect could easily be digitized. work is far worse than it has to be, but it will never change. i thought that if i get a large savings set aside into some investments, i can switch to part time then, but that's years away if possible to begin with. god it's all such shit. currently i can save 1k a month and most of that goes to paying down debt or padding my account for an inevitable emergency that will take me back to 0. i already live unbelievably cheap, easily spending half as much as a comparable normie, but it isn't enough. you just can't save 5k a month if you make 2.5k after tax a month, it's impossible even if you live on 0. for any of that early retirement shit to be possible you need a good job in the first place.

i haven't written anything in nearly 2 years, but my wife's going back to school, so i'm going to have one night a week after the kids go to bed all to myself to get started again. pretty excited, teebeeaitch.

What the fuck? I am the one who posts this painting and you fucking copied me, nigger.

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After a slump of two years I've finally become productive again. I wrote a short story about ghost hunting and a former ghost buster right here if anyone wants to read it:

But I have set my sights on working on a book I've never thought to try before. I typically hate the fantasy setting, but I was looking at medieval art and got inspired by the demons I would see. It's going to be a medieval fantasy, but the magic and monsters are deliberately placed in science fiction. The aliens will look like those medieval demons and hopefully some cool stuff comes from it. Is there anything like this I can look towards so I can know what's come before here? I'm not really an expert in these genres.

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Uni begins again soon and I signed up for the school newspaper. No one reads it I'm sure and after taking a brief look at the articles it's more akin to buzzfeed than anything else, but I'm hoping I can put out stuff on it that's actually alright.

Fuck you it's a great painting let's share it

Get up early and write before you go to work

Don't worry too much about what came before. If you're inspired, just go for it, user.

I'm in the same hole, user.
I'm just so tired when I come home at around 7 and I can't think straight. I'm seriously considering waking up very early to have a couple of productive hours before having to go to work. I might try it in September and see how it goes.

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Get a job where you don't actually work most of the time and have time to read/write

I am only a few pages away from completing a short story collection I have been working on and off since 2014. It should be done today or tomorrow -all I have left to do is finish revising the last one. I am in touch with an acquaintance who is a moderately succesful novelist who is willing to put me in touch with her agent so we can see if it is viable to publish.

I feel fine. I don't think it will sell at all even if someone picks it up but frankly I am satisfied I was able to find the energy to write it after arriving from the office some days.

I lost an entire third of a novel I wrote once and had to rewrite it from memory. It sucked, but I'm glad I did it.


Could ask /sffg/. They would be able to give a more informed answer about that.

Feels good to finish something.

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First page of a story I'm working on. It involves a reanimated head, satan, ketamine and Ricky Kasso. Tear my ass up.


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Nah. Your description signs like you're being intentionally cute/edgy. That's not very interesting.

First paragraph:

Did it come from the freezer, or was it in his head? Julian had never hallucinated a sound this vivid, nor had he been this scared. His hope, that he was just high and exhausted and hearing things, disassembled as he turned and saw George’s eyes shoot open, temple and cheekbones going white, as if the space arrested by his pupils shoved the blood away into the corners of his face. On a cue he was painfully aware of, a new kind of sinking feeling crept across Julian’s gut. His friend’s face, unwitting reflection of his inner panic as projected on a backlit screen, or perhaps in the one straight mirror inside an amusement park fun house, communicated that he was not, as he desperately wished, being tricked by his scrambled senses. They looked at the freezer, at each other, waited

>Been working in the same story for months
>Can't make it past the first chapter/opening lines
>Keep rewriting it over and over
I just want to write anime garbage,how come it is so hard?

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Just puke it out without caring if it's good. Just get it out. Put out as much as you can in one or in a couple sittings. Then throw that bitch in a drawer for like 1-2 weeks, come back and edit.

Wow, I just noticed my writing journey is going backwards.

>re-read the first story I ever wrote (when I was 15-16 in juvenile detention)
>clustfuck of stolen ideas and tropes from Hobbit, LoTR, Warcraft lore I picked up from gaming magazines and Pirates of the Caribbean
>half of the cast were basically human sized sentient stuffed animals
>shit-tier writing
>minimal planning and zero rewrites
>basically wrote it to entertain my sister and had tons of pandering
>simplistic characters, dumb dialogue with info dumps, overly complex plot that's all over the place
>zero thought about muh themes or what the fuck the thing was even about, only managed 9 chapters
And it was still a great fucking read, even amazing in a way. It had soul. It felt alive. It sparked a sense of wonder. Even the childish humour still works on me.

>re-read the second story I wrote (around 16 in freedom)
>looks like a prequel to the first with the "cool self-insert character" getting most of the attention
>way more original but self indulgent shit
>feels very vague and distant
>writing got noticeably better but the story barely affects me
>probably wrote it because I thought I was a real writer after the first one
Quit in the middle of the first act at chapter 5 because even back then I knew it wasn't it. Shit feels like a modern Hollywood prequel before they were even a bad.

>current story, working on this shit for almost a decade, draft #7
>took a break to experience it as a reader
>modern, original setting, very well thought out, got notes about any detail one could consider
>way more sincere attempt to tell a story, mature and respects the reader
>writing got way better, flows well, concise and yet full of fun details and wordplay that adds to the scene
>great interplay between complex characters, themes and plots but leaves enough breathing room to enjoy the shit
>I know where it's going while having enough room to add unexpected development
>no major flaws I could think of
And yet ... it doesn't really amaze me. Sure, some of it is because even after a break, I still remember most of the developments, why they happen, what the characters were thinking, will think/do and so on, but even beyond that, it feels like a novel. Way more professional but lacking the life, the rawness and just doesn't incite any awe. And I have no clue how to go back.
Though guess the encouraging thing is, I was capable of it ... so all I have to do is to rediscover the HOW.

Been there, done that. After a while it'll get more manageable and there are still weekends. Don't pressure yourself too much for now and just brainstorm ideas until you get to write. If the stuff is any good, you won't need to write it down to remember it.

What exactly is stopping you?
If it's THAT bad, just jump ahead to some easier scene. You'll need to rewrite the fuck out of your first chapter either way later.

Here's a rough essay about an arthur episode 18 years ago.
Intro:September 11th, 2001 was the most traumatic experience in U.S history, of all time--all time. The main 5 characters; Brain, Arthur, Muffy, Francine, and Buster of the episode are dispensations of Generation Z, which act as facets for Subconcious PTSD of the terroists attacks that transpired (×) years ago.
>Thesis;Considering Generation Z's divide between the millenials, it is ostensibly clear that the last generation begins around 1995. Therefore If I divide generation z by increments of 5 then each attitude between the divisions will congruently parallel the characters;Brain, Arthur, Muffy, and Francine(BAMF).
>Buster Brown however is a wildcard in the mix and explains why the children past the year 1999 will not truly comprehend the psychological depths of Sept 11th.
Key points;
>Brain represents the eldest of the Gen Zs. This means that Children who were over the age of 6 knew how traumatic 9/11 was on a personal level.
>Arthur, Muffy and Franciene are the middle children of Gen Z. They Understand the weight of global trauma, due to the psychological damage of their adults and parents. However they weren't cognicient enough to grasp the terrorist attacks on a deep personal level.
>Buster Brown is the last of Generation Z, they represent the year of the rabbit 1999, a lucky omen essentially. Buster brown was shown to emit tall tales of 9/11 romanticizing the heroism of those who fought in the fires of terror. Buster looked at the good of the event and glorified all the heroic peoples who safely protected the public eye, this includes; Policemen, Firemen, EMS, and more.
>Therefore it is up to those who are born in that dispensation to be swift like rabbits, but brave as tigers or dragons, when confronting terror in the public eye. Buster brown idolizes heroism and aspires to exonerate the bold unsung heroes that worked as a team during Sept 11th, 2001.
>In conclusion: The arthur episode that aried on feb 5th 2003, and November 29, 2002, was an imminent psychological, defense on the public's unconsience trauma embedded on them (×) years ago in new york city.
> It is vital for characters like buster brown to adopt traits beyond their own, in order to fight the dangers of fear tactics conducted by the tyrants of a corrupt social ecosystem. Ultimately, Children like buster brown must evolve beyond their limits, a lucky 'rabbit-tiger' if you will.

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Jesus Christ, wake me up when september ends.

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Odd for the first time I see gen Z spoken of with that much promise, to also involve 9/11. It'll be thought of like pearl harbor in a couple of decades though; probably sooner than it took pearl harbor to be though of like pearl harbor is now. We've already seen how hard it is to get aid for first responders.

>it is ostensibly clear that the last generation begins around 1995
>increments of 5
Advertisement agencies often space their demographics 4 years back (96, the millennium being 2k). Might have to do with bachelors/highschool careers taking 4 years, of 4 years to enter into schooling. Beats me.

Are you so certain an episode which aired from 02-03, with a school setting, was directed towards 99ers? It's entirely possible Buster represents people who really did just sleep through 9/11, and not people who were merely too young to comprehend it. Even people who were there have forgotten about half the details of their experience by now.

>corporations piggyback off of it so it's bad
Name one thing corporations wouldn't piggyback off of. It isn't as though your precious Mother's Day is unfunded.

>human sized sentient stuffed animals
But what does that mean? Anyway, it's probably because you're not a dumbass teen anymore with low standards and you've thought about this particular story so much that you know it inside and out and thus have little left to mentally explore or discover or surprise yourself with. Or you got trapped in "professional" beige prose along the way. Get out of the beige prose hole, it started sucking my toe earlier this year and I had to skedaddle before it got me too good. Read something weird or experimental then see how that impacts your thought process when you're doing an editing pass.

Do you not have a narrative plan or outline for scenes you could be working on?

I am writing a play about an abstruse topic in philosophy of culture. I am almost done but unsure of how I would get something like this edited or do I just submit it to random playhouses?