Is conflict bad? What are some books that discuss this?

Is conflict bad? What are some books that discuss this?

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Might is right

The problem is that we have people who are content and want to live life peacefully, and those who want to dominate others and satisfy their ego's

I don't think that this is the case, all people want to dominate others and glorify their ego, but some are weak and or stupid.

>this is what sociopaths believe

All of existence is a conflict, life is coming to terms with entropy

False mental prison my dude

That is actually true, just because you can't doesn't mean you don't want it

War is the father of all things
t. best philosopher

>I want what to be a part of your master slave psychotic reality

No thanks, sweety.

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Why should I give a fuck about which ruler wants what? "Fight for your country" is what suckers do. Soon as war breaks out I'm moving to Switzerland.

You'll have to be a bit more clear about what you mean by "bad" here my friend.


(I think) Conflict is inherently a confrontation with the other, and often from our side- the opposite. Where we can come to realize each other we overcome our inherent animal qualities of fighting or running away, but also our inherent tribal mentality, of our side vs their side. Realizing each other authentically we come to see ourselves in the other, thereby sublating the other into ourselves but also sublating ourselves to ourselves. What I mean by sublating ourselves to ourselves is that in coming to recognize ourselves in the other we recognize that our own side is but a side, and what we are after is a whole comprehensive understanding. In this way people communicate, a dialogue begins, and these things mark the end of misunderstanding and degeneration.

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existence is a false mental prison, life is coming to terms with the warden

Aggressive conflict, probably.

Carl Schmitt

The Once and Future King is an anti-conflict novel, and deals with the difficulties of trying to put that view into practice.

Read Sorel

You don't have a choice in the matter


Minute 38:55. Pretty interesting presentation about conflict under the aristotelic concept stasis.

The pen is mightier than the sword.

>baby thinks everybody sees what they see

that's fucking wholesome for a swastika poster

t. pussy


I’m pretty sure the latter end up in prison.