How's the writing career coming, Yea Forums?
How's the writing career coming, Yea Forums?
Gave up. Learning programming and started making games. Pretty fun creative outlet. I get do some game writing every now and again.
I'm unemployed and homeless, but that hasn't stopped me from painstakingly working on my exegesis on toilet paper taken from the library.
My work progressed slowly and has way too many dick/vagina jokes.It is embarrasing and I should feel bad.
>I'm unemployed and homeless
Writing isn't my career and I have no idea how to make it one unless I go get an MFA or something.
Productive but pessimistic about actually earning a living from it. Read my stories. Thank you.
I really started to knuckle down and become determined to improve my writing in 2015. Since that time, I have had four short stories and five poems published. I've only been paid for one of them, but overall, I seem to be moving forward. Hopefully my big break is still to come.
I feel like I've been over saturated with good ideas, my motivation for writing a good original idea is pretty low
Slowly and expecting failure
It's a pretty comfy lifestyle: I'm able to focus on my artistic work, I spend a lot of time in nature, I can do all the meth I want, and all I need to do make a little bit of money to get by is to sell my anus to other men.
I haven't written a single line yet
anxiety and depression made it impossible
How do you niggers write?
I write 2000 words without stopping, almost a stream of conciousness. Some of it is very good, most needs a lot of editing. Then once I have 2000 words down I edit it the next day.
Is this method shite or good?
Don't edit the next day. Keep writing. Edit later.
You ever feel like editing improves your writing so much you wonder why even do the first stage of writing when you can fix it all so drastically in the editing mode? Why don't we just edit in the first place and skip all the writing?
Not bad, user. Some of the turns were quite clever but I think sometimes they came out of left field too quick like the president letter. The ending was heartbreaking with Candy though. 7/10. It was like twilight zone or black mirror.
Finding a literary agent to accept me as a client is impossible. I have queried many agents and only one was very close to accepting my dummy manuscript. The issue is she was full. Could anyone give me a referral?
after finishing writing it feels good. i think im gonna make it.
after one week, what the fuck is this edgy embarrassing shit
I do this also, but fuck editing. I just get in a certain mood and keep typing until I get bored of it or until something interrupts my stream of consciousness.
I’m 7,800 words in and only now have I come to grips with the sheer hubris and insanity it takes in attempting a modern Faerie Queene. Yet I press on, compelled by the hope that if demand for such a work exists that hasn’t been saturated by those more venerable masters, mine would be the sole supply.
i'm almost ready to gather the reading materials necessary to learn how to prepare for an eventual plan my first novel.
I want to read it when you’re done, friend. Keep it up.
Writing is a career for only a few. I have a day job.
I'm currently working on my second non-fiction book, I hope to be done with it by December.
Oh cool shill thread?
Lol, Instagram artist in 2019
I wrote my best novel while unemployed and homeless. Now i have a fucking 9-5 and by the time i get home, make dinner, and clean up, i just want to go to bed or shitpost on 4chinz a while. my weekends are always busy too. man. fuck this. i think the best balance is working part-time, but cost of living nowadays is just too god damned high. i need to learn to live on less sleep i guess.
>papa authority says i need a degree to sit my ass in a chair and put my fingers on a keyboard for 80,000 words
it isn't for you.
Read my piece about elephant seals.
Another user called it boring and it makes me feel like a failure. Maybe anons on this board are usually not my audience. Fuck I'm having feelings of dread now. Don't feel sorry for me.
It is too scattered. one paragraph one idea, make it like that. Also some of the language is ridiculous. "archaic" is not a word for seals, many more examples such as this, go back over it. Could you imagine it in Nat Geo? If not then change it.
That's exactly what I do.
I feel as if you made it one paragraph in and called it scattered.
About to finish college with English degree. I think I'll get a story published within the year because I've improved a lot. As for jobs, I dunno, I don't have too bad of loans, and every job I've had so far has offered me higher level positions, so even if it doesn't connect directly or even tangentially to english, I think I'll make decent enough money and have time to write.
I made it one paragraph in. It is scattered. The phrasing in lines like "his left one surviving member of a species that once held a population in the hundreds of thousands," and "they were thought to be no more until an expedition sent out from the Smithsonian Institute found just eight surviving seals" is just awkward. Also, don't post shit to Yea Forums and then get butthurt when people reply to hit. He didn't have to read your essay at all, don't get mad because he didn't read the whole thing
I got a day job in a major metropolitan area so I can leave my comfy rural life behind for a few miserable years.
Let's go!
Plenty of ideas, I write down my dreams these days and use them as fuel for outlines.
I have a bunch of novels that I switch between when writing on them and it's pretty fun honestly.
I don't even care if they ever get actually published but putting my weird dreams into text is entertaining to me.
Currently working on some monstergirl guro type of thing, no idea where I'm gonna go with it but it's fun writing about it at the very least.