I feel you man. I was hyped to go to uni but it turned out to be midwit central, basically a prep school for rich kids.
H.l Menckens book on Nietzsche really inspired me. I sort of lost direction in life and the idea of embracing the pursuit of overcoming struggle for its own sake was at least a place to start.
What is some good Yea Forumserature on getting your life together before it's too late? I recently started college...
The Razor's Edge
How old are you?
The Tatami Galaxy
When you hate your life so much that you consider killing yourself don t you think radical changes are necessary?
Sorry this is not me, this is an imposter. What kind of radical changes
if you want to live life, unplug the dream machine
Obviously, but that's very vague advice. What kind of changes do I need to make? How do I implement those changes into my life? "Just change your life" isn't very good advice.
Why are you pretending to be me?
This is a ridiculous line of questioning. Are we supposed to be psychic?
find a role model and mimic him, but the key thing here is that you should make yourself vulnerable, let people know that you´re an introverted/antisocial person with no friends, that way it´s easier later not to give a fuck about people´s opinion, also meditation helps to cope with anxiety