Talking to a girl who's studying English at uni

you see, the difference is that I will never marry a man, so I don't really give a fuck retard

Men actually build shit and can into hard labor so that makes women nothing but property, unfortunately. We hate that our ancient patriarchal cultures had it right. We hate being right.

Also, Yea Forums has always been mostly male so you're being ridiculous. It's an old rule that there are zero women on the Internet you fucking faggot. Women cannot be cool. Why? Oh I'll tell you why: only ugly entities need actual intrinsic value to compensate for being physically unappealing and women are the fairer sex. We thus evolved to make men the stronger sex that gets shit done. The female doesn't even have to do anything but rear children. Women have zero reason to improve themselves mentally so they come off as a junior high student existentially and philosophically.

We bitch because we were raised by feminists to think it would not be this way. It's venting, now crawl back to whatever hugbox you popped out of you lulc0w farm tier user. What isn't bizarre to a feminine mind? Funny how you don't comprehend what men can, actually it's not. At all. It's depressing.

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>and say "yep, women" yet men, who are also majority normie
look up iq differences between men and women

>nah bro you need torture to change your mind on something.
>You standing on your point is proof to my mine ohoh
Jesus fucking crist, you really are a blockhead.
Come talk to yourself 1 or 2 years after this thread and tell me if havent gained interest in something new or changed your opinion on something you dumb fucking cunt.
I've seen fags that loved meat and eated at mcdonalds frequently go vegan because their bitch was into that shit, and i've seen people getting interest in new shit like books, music or arts because their SO introduced them to that. Even political opinions.

People do change their fucking opinions, in this regard, you dumb fucking dense cunt. And even more than you think, no need for torture, just stimulation and they do it on themselves. Even Nietzsche went from a christian studying theology at university to its biggest enemy. And wagner to the oposite. And both were way over 20 when that happened.
You are the one here coping and even turning a blind eye on history.

Waiting for you antithesis then.

>I will never marry a man

I generally agree with you but the brain keep maturing until late 20s. Before that not even all your lobes will have reached full size. Cognitively you mostly decline after 20 however.

Underrated post

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IQ is a normie cope. You can be 120+ IQ and still be normie, it's irrelevant to the argument.

>1 or 2 years
Why would I suddenly agree with you when I'm 32 user?

Are you planning on torturing me until I have a broken spirit and agree with everything you say? Become so broken that I learn to cherish my captor?

Stop this cellphone bullshit and go die of aids or being beaten to death by a nigger if female.

The brain keeps 'maturing' due to the hormone spikes meant to force you to accidentally a baby faggot. 14-25, 12-21, approx puberty years. You are matured before it's over, obviously. Just not decrepit and grumpy yet.
>>cognitively you decline after 20 however
>ur right yet wrong

Fucking lord of the fags over here. Don't help me. The subtle changes don't help someone become a better person. Only in title does someone get better.

His point is basically women are shit and it's obvious. Do I have to go full /r9k/ on you to prove that women are spoiled brats culturally to add to their genetic disadvantage?

>using the word cope this way
Redditoring, you gottah stop it.

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>only ugly entities need actual intrinsic value to compensate for being physically unappealing and women are the fairer sex.

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