No one recognizes me
People You Recognize on Yea Forums
I'm always happy to encounter the other Straussian. I'm fairly sure it's just the two of us.
the esoteric hitlerism manson schizo
>user who begs for attention
i remember you
Whenever Tom posts
>princeton toad
>London frog
>schizo wojack poster
>that guy who really hates DFW
>Also, I only browse blue boards.
That doesn't make it better.
Definitely recognize a few of those.
There are a few Guenon posters but I think I know which one you're talking about.
I haven't seen any of these guys but would like to, particularly techno-Kacynzskism.
>implying anyone here has actually read Girard
I weirdly feel like I know all of these ones.
A pleasure to make your acquaintance.
I have an idealistic blueprint for a technologically advanced society without all the ills associated with technology as Ted points out. For one, there shall be limited populations, with no cities or towns, only villages. So there will be no large scale capitalism, no corporations, no need for consumerism, etc. Every village will be self-reliant, with no need for growth or trade. The culture will be designed to preserve Ted's "autonomy," so that there will be no meaningless occupations. There will be a central hub that stores all scientific and technological information, suppressing unneeded technologies and most discoveries and innovations, selectively choosing which technologies to apply among ththe villages. All hub employees will be chosen one by one from the villages, of course, if they are willing to do so. Basic education would be a standard in all the villages, and then the kids become old enough, they can choose to visit the hub and work there.
I dont have all the details worked out. Maybe in some villages, the hub should remain a secret. Maybe the hub could purposely create and alter diverse villages in order to find the right balance between technology and autonomy, and a good population level, and optimal intellectual output. There's no telling how much assistance that genetic engineering could offer, and weather manipulation, crop control, etc. The basic idea is that we should be using advanced technologies to limit our hyperconsumerist, hypercompetitive nature. That's the inherent problem that drives anti-capitalist and anti-technology philosophies, but mere laws won't help. Simply destroying our current technology won't help, we will eventually build it back up. We need to permanently fix the relation between humans and technology, and that can only be done through technology.
I hate that people are divided into the horrible camps, one advocating for ditching all technology, and the other basically ignoring the problem at large, or accepting uncontrolled acceleration. We should take a Hegelian approach and find a synthesis, solving the problem with knowledge from both sides of the dialectic. That is how we go forward. I definitely dont know all the answers yet, but I wish people would think more about how we can embrace Ted's reasonable criticisms and use them to improve our society before it's too late
The Henry James shiller.