>"Goodnight, frens." guy
>That Calvinist larper who shows up in every thread about Christianity trying to convince you that he as a guy who browses Yea Forums is a member of the elect
>The Kacynzski posters. Both of them.
>The Evola guy who effortposted that thread a long time ago
>Space Taoism guy
People You Recognize on Yea Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
That one Argentinian who actually reads books.
I'm Baptist not Calvinist. The terminology of election and reprobation isn't limited to Calvinists or even coupled to the concept of predestination. Also, I only browse blue boards.
It's always great when the Pynchmeister posts
Me, the guy who posts almost every critique thread.
the anti-fiction guy
i havent seen them again, but the guy who put a lot of effort into the dark literature guide actually was pretty chill
ah and the fucking trip-fag always going around ruining the place
That guy that writes really long posts that nobody reads or cares about
5 am schizoposter
multiple advaita effortposters and many shitposters
zhuangzi funposter
''people died over this shit'' anti-abrahamic poster
ancient-languages fags
>Johan avatar "morality = self-benefit" poster
>God is Truth guy (rare)
>synthesizer of Kaczynski and tech advancement
All me btw. I haven't been able to post much recently
which one
You are a god
>finnegans wake
:3 and butterfly
I feel like everyone is here a few months every year and then bounces
>ctrl+f "girardfag"
>0 results
stolon as farouche 2 duh bud as yout 2 da m.u.d ov e-coterie's peak rhinorhizomasticity.
gud nyiht sweet prince o7
Zoroastrian-Schizo-Shashoyant-Maitreya-4% Mongolian-Persian diaspora poster
Parmenidesfag (Whiteheadfag still hasn't responded to his point that Whitehead never refuted Parmenides because Whitehead never addressed Parmenides' point about thought and being coinciding)
That one narcissistic guy in academia who shows up in religion threads and who acts hysterical when people criticize or disagree with academia especially on religion and religious history
There are many of us I think
Woody Allen
The guy who replies with "the bible" to every thread asking for reading suggestions.
The whitehead fag
No one recognizes me
I'm always happy to encounter the other Straussian. I'm fairly sure it's just the two of us.
the esoteric hitlerism manson schizo
>user who begs for attention
i remember you
Whenever Tom posts
>princeton toad
>London frog
>schizo wojack poster
>that guy who really hates DFW
>Also, I only browse blue boards.
That doesn't make it better.
Definitely recognize a few of those.
There are a few Guenon posters but I think I know which one you're talking about.
I haven't seen any of these guys but would like to, particularly techno-Kacynzskism.
>implying anyone here has actually read Girard
I weirdly feel like I know all of these ones.
A pleasure to make your acquaintance.
I have an idealistic blueprint for a technologically advanced society without all the ills associated with technology as Ted points out. For one, there shall be limited populations, with no cities or towns, only villages. So there will be no large scale capitalism, no corporations, no need for consumerism, etc. Every village will be self-reliant, with no need for growth or trade. The culture will be designed to preserve Ted's "autonomy," so that there will be no meaningless occupations. There will be a central hub that stores all scientific and technological information, suppressing unneeded technologies and most discoveries and innovations, selectively choosing which technologies to apply among ththe villages. All hub employees will be chosen one by one from the villages, of course, if they are willing to do so. Basic education would be a standard in all the villages, and then the kids become old enough, they can choose to visit the hub and work there.
I dont have all the details worked out. Maybe in some villages, the hub should remain a secret. Maybe the hub could purposely create and alter diverse villages in order to find the right balance between technology and autonomy, and a good population level, and optimal intellectual output. There's no telling how much assistance that genetic engineering could offer, and weather manipulation, crop control, etc. The basic idea is that we should be using advanced technologies to limit our hyperconsumerist, hypercompetitive nature. That's the inherent problem that drives anti-capitalist and anti-technology philosophies, but mere laws won't help. Simply destroying our current technology won't help, we will eventually build it back up. We need to permanently fix the relation between humans and technology, and that can only be done through technology.
I hate that people are divided into the horrible camps, one advocating for ditching all technology, and the other basically ignoring the problem at large, or accepting uncontrolled acceleration. We should take a Hegelian approach and find a synthesis, solving the problem with knowledge from both sides of the dialectic. That is how we go forward. I definitely dont know all the answers yet, but I wish people would think more about how we can embrace Ted's reasonable criticisms and use them to improve our society before it's too late
The Henry James shiller.
The guy who always mentions that Liberals abort their own children. He always mentions a dumpster behind planned parenthood.
i dont want to be a dick but it sounds like a pipe dream that ignores how history has progressed
and i like your ideas a lot
Basically, we can harness technology with the understanding of its negative effects, in an effort to totally eliminate and prevent those negative effects. It might require drastic changes in populations and genetics, but it isnt impossible. There's no reason not to consider this route. We are, as a whole, blindly marching on, without any reflection on where we're going. Ted gives us the first goal of our path by providing the problems with current socoety: we need to preserve autonomy and prevent an unstoppable oppressive system of unkempt technology. Where we go from there will be the challenge for our descendants.
>that guy who only ever replies with "based", "cringe", or an explanation that all he posts are "based" or "cringe"
It's me
That guy who berates anyone interested in starting with the greeks with the massive cope disguised as argument: "lol smart people just read what they want bro, skip all the classics, they're a waste of time"
With the help of genetic engineering, and strong Christian principles, I think we can change people individually, and ultimately change society and create a more meaningful life. But you know, creating an eternal paradise on Earth, or even somewhere else in the universe eventually, doesn't exactly match with Biblical prophecies of the future of humanity. I AM dreaming, and it might be a useless dream, never to be realized.
It is sad how most recognizable posters are so because of their obsession with cheap moralism, bogus politics and claptrap occultist ideas.
Reporting in
I think it's a dream honestly. If something is really going to happen I think it will be nonhuman AI. Im also Christian, or at least I repeat the Our Father every day praying to God, which i think makes you kind of Christian, even if I don't really get it and can't integrate it into my other ideas, it just simply works.
Maybe AI will be the Beast from Revelations, born from the Sea of Information.
Read the Bible, or Pensées for a primer, if you want to strengthen your faith
lol I'm that guy. Liberalism has no future.
That's just Popeanon
You just described anarcho-communism with tech so advanced, there is no longer need for global division of labour
>tfw I'm mentioned in four different posts
Sempei noticed me!
>London frog
>:3 guy
>probably Indian- Americans who try to keep at least 1 thread about Hinduism in catalogue
I mostly avoid Yea Forums during the summers and Christmas
Based recognisable counterculture poster
just the two of us, we can make it if we try, just the two of us, you and i
Don't forget the anti-Henry James poster who is really angry about Portrait of a Lady
I loved the based Pascal poster, sadly he is no longer with us, having left a while ago
it is only right that I carry on his legacy
"The dumpster behind Planned Parenthood" is an E. Michael Jones favorite.
It's obviously just a rhetorical advice. Everyone knows aborted fetuses are dismembered and sold off to the highest bidder.
damn it
There's the HBD guy that always replies talking about soft eugenics or something like that, and how "we should give incentives to low iq people to stop breeding".
FUCK your generic reddit tier post
Space taoism and accel general guy
You are in my thoughts and I hope you're doing well
Hello. My long texts talking about ontology and Heidegger got ignored multiple times.
it happens to the best. i like to think that when i die as a famous author and intellectual, they'll search Yea Forums archives for my post so it's fine.
- girardfag
- schizoposter
- advaitabro / guenonfag
- londonfrog
- whitehead poster
- evola effortposter
- “:3” / vocaroofag and butterfly
- the one marxist that cries and shits all over the thread everytime there’s one with even a slight conservative bent
I always assume that Tourmaline posts are all being made by the same guy. Maybe two guys.
There's a guy I've interacted with a few times who will bombard you with a bunch of different questions in a single post but none of them are interesting. Things like "what did you think of X author or x book?"
I think he's the same guy that post "Discuss." "What am i in for?", "Books for this feel?"
a saint
That braincel who wants to give us a lecture on IQ.
That anti Yea Forums and pro /stem/ guy.
That Serbian that hates Plato
I love how we are all one little dysfunctional family. You are good friends, autists.
The finnish autist who always posts about Tolkien and the Kalevala
A lot of user are going to feel it's them, including me.
This thread made me feel kind of nostalgic. I love all of you anons (except butterfly and :3). Even if you didn't get recognized. Thanks for Yea Forums
How do you think they will recognize your posts?
Personally I copypaste my best and longest effortposts in a special folder. It's around 12 k words now, and that's because I've only started doing it recently.
The britton linguistic nationalist user.
Also recognifags I miss:
hasn't posted in a while afaik
a legend from ancient times, although he always gave me the creeps
>the "oh my god this generation" faggot
granted his tenure was somewhat short-lived
>the portuguese-speaking shakespeare-and-tolstoy pasta user
perhaps the only friend I ever had on Yea Forums
>the train kid user
Not many people will remember that last one I think but he's one of the most interesting user and he gave us one of the top 10 best Yea Forums threads of the past 10 years. He was living the train kid lifestyle, people who travel the US by illegally hopping on freight trains. It's a very distinctive way of life, like a small countrywide community of vagrant hobos. They often carry knives for self-defence and deterrence but rarely use them.
The police don't like them and city hobos are jealous of them, but train engineers actually consider their presence a good omen. They spend most of their time drinking, making music and thinking about whatever abstract shit comes to them in the many hours of waiting during each trip.
Apparently he first posted because he was triggered by a Kerouac On the Road thread. His point was that Kerouac's depiction of wild traveling sucks, and he offered his own experience as counterexample.
guenonfag is less prolific lately but you can still tell it's him when he starts distorting his sources, arguing disingenuously, being randomly venomous, samefagging, and using memes like a boomer newfag to try to demonstrate he fits in
sounds like you got btfo by him and that you're just seething my guy
The guy who found a book from 2666 in his childhood library. Posts in every Bolano thread
That black guy who posts bait of his feet with books is very funny.
What about IQ?
Gas-Chan and his kind words
>Stop dining with tax collectors and sinners!
Yup that's me
The guy who makes Jordan Peterson threads everyday
That guy rules
ive ran into a trainhopping user several times and keep asking them to email
me but they never do
please find the kerouac thread
afaik he still posts from time to time
T. 16 year old
It's a thread from more than four years ago iirc but I'll try to find it. Glad to head he's still around.
tao lin
Found it. Was surprisingly easy to find.
t. that guy who makes Jordan Peterson breads everyday
>i'll never be recognized
Hikaru Nakamura is very autistic
that guy shilling his diary in every rec thread
Hey that's me, and one other user I think
I guess I'm glad to be recognized I'm doing better now tho
I mostly shill arlt tho
> The user who actually understand German Idealism and will make based posts explaining it to you
> The user who will posts and makes threads about Christian mysticism.
> Based Wittgenstein poster
God bless you.
Kant goblin user and "Does this violate the categorical imperative?" user.
The user who posts and makes* thread...
That guy who learnt Japanese and is impossibly angry about other people learning Japanese.
>That guy who no one recognizes
I haven’t seen girardfag in a while. Is he still around?
I can't tell if there is one solitary Burroughsposter or if there is a whole army of them but I see them all the fucking time.
>that guy who recognizes the guy who no one recognizes
>That girl
that's me haha
We are legion
Peterson poster
Butterfly larper
Second butterfly, not the tranny
Based :3 vocaroo retard
Whitehead shill
That Brothers Karamazov guy
>Guenonfag gets called an obsessive samefagging crazy person
>immediately shows up within 10 minutes of the post and defends himself while samefagging
Please never leave, you're one of the board's best gimmicks
He's right here
>He listens to the vocaroos
No wonder you believe the tranny meme
Tao Lin
Mickey Rooney
That's me.
>Not listening to the vocaroos
You're missing out on his beautiful soothing voice
The pepeposter that keeps posting autistic greentexts about how girls don't understand literature or philosophy but the girls are just being interested in him and he never gets it. He's great
Or his fake New Yorker thug? Pff
Thought he was Italian - American
Someone doesn’t appreciate high art
That might just be user, user.
>that one user who's been pretending to be butterfly for almost 6 months now
icu bb
protip: its me
Testing to see if I remember this one right
There ya go. It’s an ugly one
>God is Truth guy (rare)
You are very confused. The vocaroo wop is not the :3 faggot. His voice is way gayer.
>make similar posts on a daily basis
>no one recognizes me
I knew they weren’t the best quality, but it still kind of stings.
That one user who doesn't read as much as they should
Just get a name already.
wow, literally me
how's your sex life?
The based user who tells political fags to go to /pol/, tells christfags to go to /his/, and tells the basedjak strawman philosophy posters to fuck off to /his/, uses sage, and reports off-topic threads.
>Personally I copypaste my best and longest effortposts in a special folder. It's around 12 k words now, and that's because I've only started doing it recently.
Good idea. Keep the post numbers in case anybody wants to research me after I die. I've written profound things on here that I've never bothered to save.
have children
That guy's great
Hey hey. How’re you, Gas?
You working on any new projects since publishing that last thing?
I’ve shared recently how it’s been. Haven’t you heard?
Somebody recognised me once in a stack thread
Nobody knows what HBD means.
You need to have kids before you're menopausal. You're old enough to be my mom, and instead you spend your time arguing with 18 year-old fascists on the Internet. Sad.
I’m never going to bare children, though I am open to helping some mother raise her kids. My fwb has two kids, but stepping into her life like this is out if the question.
>that user who calls butterfly a tranny
>its me
Frying pan.
Connect it to your head
I will spit on your grave when your time has gone
It's funny, I used to main here back in 2014-2015 and I really don't remember any identityfags in the sense that people are describing now. Sure there were a few tripfags/namefags, but the closest thing I can think of is the 'not!Pynchon' guy who would write the vague, conspiratorial 'hints' at secrets within Pynchon's work involving Torquato Tasso and Shakespeare being a crypto-Catholic.
spit on my cock instead you stupid mentality ill defective waste
5 o'clock wojack/shcizoposter is the best poster on the board
Whoa man, most trannies are mentally ill because of childhood sexual trauma. Have some compassion.
Moving to market January.
Release schedule:
Space opera: Jan 1st 2020 volume 1. and a new volume every 90 days through April 2022.
Vampire book July 2022
Devil book October 2022
Book 1 of new space opera Jan 2023 with the likely 2-3 sequels 90 days apart after that. And a sequel to the vampire book somewhere in there probably October.
Other projects are being weighed but I dunno. Maybe by then I’ll be out of ideas. Who knows. What you working on?
that really mad zenposter guy whose 1000x more articulate and knowledgeable than even this board's upper echelon
anti-monist poster (fantastic poster)
He's always a treat.
Same old two pieces. One was just supposed to be simple practice, but even though it’s just a cliched love story, like a Daphnis and Chloe, it makes me weep and want to make it really good. I connect it to the much more ambitious project tenuously. That one is set in the future. And is polemical, a bit on the utopian side, but with a lot influences. It can be described as a social science fiction, but I like my term socialist romanticism.
But I procrastinate and have too much going on in my life to pay it enough attention.
I know I should pull myself out of here again
if a dog chew its genitals off and then it wanted everyone around it to do the same would you show it love and compassion or would you put a bullet through its head?
This is me
This is also me
I hate that guy
I want both Butterfly and the :3 beta orbiter to leave this place.
Why are you so fucking obsessed with dicks and semen? Leave me alone, you bowl of diarrhea
>Keats shiller
>Shelley shiller
>Jonathan Edwards shiller
>Edith Wharton shiller
All me btw
Christians believe in being in the world but not of the world, Calvinists say Lord, Lord, did I not only browse blue boards? And the Lord says, since the Creation of the World I never knew thee.
Noice. Give it just a little time each day and it’ll manifest. Don’t give up. Little steps add up.i give at least an hour each morning by setting the alarm early. You can do it
Good idea. Thanks
based anti-monist poster
>fag thinks he is Jesus for wasting his time on Yea Forums
Don't worry guys, I read them and I usually just lurk. It's a good thing that Yea Forums doesn't have (and hopefully never will have) a crass upvote system or anything, the only equivalent being the meaningless "based and redpilled" response, but it should be a consolation to think people have at least read your post even if no one responds
>making up your own sins to accuse Christians of
I'm here because you people need correction, as these posts demonstrate.
>that really mad zenposter guy whose 1000x more articulate and knowledgeable than even this board's upper echelon
Is that the guy who always recommends dogen? pretty sure thats the same guy as the cringe and schizo zoroastrian 'muh kids picturebook' neozurvan manifesto poster, they both type in the same exact bitter and vindictive way, im pretty sure iv seen him mention reading both in the same post too before, he used to mainly lurk /his/ before coming to Yea Forums
no, he thinks dogen is trash and japanese zen is a pedophile cult
oh okay, that guy is based I love him too
>that one Japanese nationalist guy who argues stridently that Mishima wasn't homosexual
That guy who try’s really hard to get people to hate The Brothers Karamazov
Huge black dick
>the portuguese-speaking shakespeare-and-tolstoy pasta user
can you tell me how to find his pastas? I only remember about him rereading Anna Karenina and noticing every detail
The tranny who keeps asking whether chapo trap house book is worth reading
The guy who calls Butterfly a 50 year-old menopausal lesbian tranny (it's me)
the guy who posts the lattimore translation in every bible translation thread
the brother of that russian translator that always says to buy her version of oblomov and anna karenina
You're doing God's work trying to get these philistines to appreciate James, user
>That one narcissistic guy in academia who shows up in religion threads and who acts hysterical when people criticize or disagree with academia especially on religion and religious history
I can't believe how angry that guy got when I pointed out the incestuous relationship Thai Forest Buddhism has with the West.
Two DUI guy
>Gas-kun is still here
good luck on your vampire book mate
The best user
so you basically are a Calvinist, you fuck
Thnx! Post a disposable email or something and I’ll send you a sample if you want. Or don’t.
Calvinists are Protestants and a product of the Reformation. Baptists aren't Protestants.
I-I'm not narcissistic...
materialist brainlets like just meditate bro impermanence lol I'm wormfood
the MOST rick and morty philosophy
schizoposter is the most recognizable and produces the most interesting threads.
Imagine believing this
The mesopotamiaposter. Shills obscure ancient mesopotamian literature.
Some of the cat selfie posters from Yea Forums are making their way over here. I kind of like their meme.
Baptist doctrine is most certainly not derived from the teachings of Calvinism or Lutheranism. The succession view is that Baptists come from pre-Reformation groups like the Hussites and the Anabaptists.
>Vampire book
Wait, gaskun, are you the user who always posted that blonde vampire loli? I don't remember him having a trip.
If not, sorry, and does anyone know what happened to him? Haven't seen him post in a while. I wanna read his book.
Right ...
5 o clock wojak is a hero
The pascal dude
Guenon posters
>not Protestant
>not part of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church
choose one
just something prots tell themselves to think their shack in a strip mall is relevant
Sometimes I feel like tripfaging and begging for people to reply to my horrible opinion is a waste of time. I've had the Haruhi ED in my head for the past week now.
>Zoroastrian-Schizo-Shashoyant-Maitreya-4% Mongolian-Persian diaspora poster
is he the one says ahura mazda/zoroaster/whatever appear in his dreams and tells him stuff?
this is gold user, thank you
>mfw the most informed info about the crew change guide is on Yea Forums
can u provide screenshot of some of your posts so i can get the flavor
Were the Waldensians Protestants? The Cathars? The Arians?
kys faggot
Reread sobre heroes y tumbas last month cause i moved and i dont have my books with me, and now i want to reread arlt so badly, even sabato shills arlt
It's John the Baptist, not John the Catholic
Anabaptists, Waldensians, Lollards were proto-Baptist, Cathars were Gnostic, Arians deny the Trinity, Hussites were just Catholics who had views on how to hand out communion.
What's important to Baptists is
* Like the Orthodox, Baptists believe that the faith of the Apostles was complete. The wrote down their worldview. In English, the KJV isn't corrupt.
* man does not live by bread alone, but by every word of God. Emphasis on studying primary sources instead of catechisms and textbooks like Summa Theologica, which can include divers and strange doctrines
* St. Paul meant it when he said by faith, not of works, lest any man should boast. An example is the robber on the cross next to Jesus who was saved by faith.
* once Jesus has you, no one can pluck you from His hand, though, of course, God only knows what's in a man's heart, we can only see his works.
* Jesus said "as often as you do this, do this in memory of me", not "do this every week to redo what I have done and cleanse yourselves of venial sin to avoid purgatory"
* Priesthood of the faithful, but bishops need to be the husband of one wife ruling their household well
>Baptists aren't Protestants.
I forget that Baptists believe this
If he's always the same guy he has a pretty annoying voice. If not, the few vocaroos I listen to always happen to belong to the same annoying bugman pretend-cool voice.
>It's John the Baptist, not John the Catholic
Because he baptised people
Seconding that one.
I also want to add the Frenchfags reactionary LARPer who wrote the pastas about Barrès and Brasillach being the best writers in French, and who bashes almost any other French writer from Corneille to Proust.
He's easily recognizable in that he's one of the few people on Yea Forums who would call De Gaulle a filthy communist.
Isn't that all of us?
The breakspeare conspiracy user? He was great, I miss him now. Don't you at least remember monsieur? He was the talk of the land at around that same time.
The was also the master troll LARPing as a crusader. Some suspect he was even the guy behind Feminister.
Thanks consolationanon. You're very much right.
Not sure, but I think he used to tripfag as Cygnus or Sirius or something like that? He mentioned a lot "the language of Shakespeare" and "the use of metaphors". He also recommended books of Shakespeare criticism and eventually got into Emily Dickinson. A pretty passionate reader all around.
Yeah it's quite surprising. And it was a pelasure to reread.
In case you ever lose again the link to the thread, I found it with a very simple sentence that stuck with me: "harmless drunks" (as in "we're just a bunch of harmless drunks").
>The britton linguistic nationalist user.
yeah... i didn't think it was important to slap a name on it just because i was working on a particular project. But yes, the story of Annabelle Booth, distillers daughter turned undead is both finished and being edited.
> from Shakespeare "if this be error and upon me proved, I never wrote", ok, thanks for not writing
> to a childless slut "because I could not wait for death, he kindly waited for me to bring a friend"
how appropriate
not mentioning :3 poster. he makes butterfly somewhat tolerable 2bh
>cancer poster
>some guy who keep making Culture of Critic thread
>usually ask what he's in for
>then reply to himself stating how good and accurate the book is.
I don't think he posted in a while though.
Yeah, :3 poster is like a less annoying version of you.
can you link one post of him?
So what is the purpose of your vagina then? Serious question.
He had some valid points, but I almost had a stroke when I saw his fourth post in three days.
lmao. based suomi
>that user who tells other people to have sex
>It's me
Do you like his prose? Henry James, that is. I find it unwieldy, inefficient, unattractive, with twelve clauses in a sentence when three would suffice.
Baptists are an offshoot of the Puritans in England and are not historically linked to Anabaptists, though some of their beliefs are similar.
Someone direct me to space taoism guy in the archives.
It seems to me like if we continue to get a small number of intelligent posters on lit for the next few decades, the archives might turn into an ersatz library of babel.
Those anons that were confident enough in themselves to resist posting a description of themselves in this thread
the guy who posts different authors with "Where do I start with him" constantly
>Baptists aren't Protestants
The ">Bugs, easy on the carrots.." guy
Are you reformed Baptist?
The best Yea Forums poster
surprised no one mentioned the
>post your novel ideas. it's not like they're going anywhere
pige poster
Mommy, feet, and femdom poster (me)
The user from Brazil who killed himself.
I don't think it would be that simple if you're trying to apply Hegel. Just to begin with thinking about it, what would the negation to technology be, precisely; pure ascetisism? Remember that even a stone tool is a technology.
Perhaps it would be useful to adopt Heidegger's views on technology, you should read his essay on it. The problem arises with Gestell and the use of technology and the humans that use and develop this technology as standing-reserve. I'm butchering the precise terminology here, you should really read the essay.
What if I want to just rape and pillage instead of working.
the guy who shoves economics into every discussion
I'd read it user. I like heidegger and want to understand more about him.
I haven’t seen that one