Are you serious? The only reason to use porn is when you wanna bust a nut quick and get on with your day. The fact that you can’t generate your own sexual fantasies suggests to me you have an impoverished imagination, attention deficit, or both. Really, jerking off without porn is more satisfying in virtually every way for me.
Wtf this guy is right about literally everything. There's not a single argument you can disagree on...
You are in an extremely small minority if you actually prefer masturbating without porn.
I think you’re probably right, but I think that has more to do with the greater effort jerking off w/o porn involves. If you’re habituated to associate masturbating with porn, and it reliably gets you off, I can see why you wouldn’t bother with simply using your imagination/accessing memories. But if people were to actually make a go of it I think many if not most of them would prefer jerking off without it
Porn is probably the worst thing to happen to Millennials. It's the junk food of sexual pleasure
Nothing is more satisfying than sober sex with someone you've made a connection with, whether that's short or long-term. Never been happier since I dropped that shit from my life
>He doesn't celebrate and take pride in the almighty creative masculine powers of imagination and fantasy visualization
I, and many other people EDGE using multiple tabs of porn. Edging takes time, I usually do it with 30 tabs and takes me about 30-40 mins and cum buckets. When I do it without porn, it's just so boring, I literally want to do anything else, and just rub one out in less than 5 mins and it comes out in a weak dribble
It would be possible to edge without porn if you exercised your imaginative faculties. But why would you want to spend the better part of an hour jerking off to begin with? There’s a middle ground between joylessly cranking one out and immersing yourself in a troubling and ersatz sensorium for 30-40 minutes at a time.
>Yea Forums
You must be new to these parts, pardner.
Just realized I misused the word “sensorium,” forgive me brehs
Direct visual stimulation is qualitatively different from imagination. Preferring one or the other is fine but I'm definitely on the side of the visuals.