Wtf this guy is right about literally everything. There's not a single argument you can disagree on...

wtf this guy is right about literally everything. There's not a single argument you can disagree on. He's absolutely right.

Attached: images (89).jpg (313x500, 22K)

Other urls found in this thread:

what is the gist of it

porn bad

Does it mention the jews?

Yesterday I just saw some really fucked up shit online and I just wanted to forget it, so I took 20mg Zolpidem and mixed with diazepam to get an amnesiac effect and it mostly worked. Thank God.

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What was it?

>user just discovered a basic function of the human brain called the reward system
great job user! now dig deeper and expand your knowledge about neurology and physiology before you shit theories out of your ass to share with the internet!

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I don't see what juice has to do with it.

>What was it?
This and a lot other things.

Attached: I love mommy.png (577x706, 243K)

Look up MindGeek

so cute

I just naturally lost interest in porn the past few weeks. I have so much extra time on my hands it's depressing.

lol you're on Yea Forums and this freaks you out, wtf is wrong with you newfags

also read this bro

Attached: 41-jc3ZGuFL.jpg (332x500, 31K)

How about you describe what it is he is right about so we can actually have some sort of discussion about it

The basic premise of the book is that the brain is not properly evolved to handle the super-stimulis of high-speed porn. Neurotransmitters like dopamine, which is defined in the book as a chasing reward, flood the brain during porn binges and cause neuroreceptor "clogging" and numbness. Essentially, more and more "drastic" and "traumatic" forms of stimulus are needed to maintain similar states of arousal. This, of course, is a detriment to your sex life, your libido, your erections, etc. It's honestly not a very good book, but it's about a very important problem, so I have conflicting thoughts about it. You're own subjective experience after 90 days of abstinence is much more valuable than this mix of odd bouts of degeneracy and periodic half-truths.

Porn is pretty gross

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How isn't this seen as a plague?

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So when was the last time you guys tried masturbating WITHOUT porn? Mine was last February. Masturbating without porn is the most boring shit in the world, literally makes me want to finish as quick as possible instead of prolonging the pleasure

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Definitely an understandable argument but it goes against my personal experience. I jerk off every day to really fucked up porn and hentai. I also have satisfying sex with my girlfriend. My dick works well and I'm still aroused by her very average body despite seeing perfection every day. It seems like if you're genuinely addicted and seeing a detrimental effect on your life then it's vice worth quitting. For me it's absolutely not. For the normies who go on pornhub 10 minutes a night it doesn't seem like it should be a problem either.

Are you serious? The only reason to use porn is when you wanna bust a nut quick and get on with your day. The fact that you can’t generate your own sexual fantasies suggests to me you have an impoverished imagination, attention deficit, or both. Really, jerking off without porn is more satisfying in virtually every way for me.

You are in an extremely small minority if you actually prefer masturbating without porn.

I think you’re probably right, but I think that has more to do with the greater effort jerking off w/o porn involves. If you’re habituated to associate masturbating with porn, and it reliably gets you off, I can see why you wouldn’t bother with simply using your imagination/accessing memories. But if people were to actually make a go of it I think many if not most of them would prefer jerking off without it

Porn is probably the worst thing to happen to Millennials. It's the junk food of sexual pleasure

Nothing is more satisfying than sober sex with someone you've made a connection with, whether that's short or long-term. Never been happier since I dropped that shit from my life

>He doesn't celebrate and take pride in the almighty creative masculine powers of imagination and fantasy visualization

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I, and many other people EDGE using multiple tabs of porn. Edging takes time, I usually do it with 30 tabs and takes me about 30-40 mins and cum buckets. When I do it without porn, it's just so boring, I literally want to do anything else, and just rub one out in less than 5 mins and it comes out in a weak dribble

It would be possible to edge without porn if you exercised your imaginative faculties. But why would you want to spend the better part of an hour jerking off to begin with? There’s a middle ground between joylessly cranking one out and immersing yourself in a troubling and ersatz sensorium for 30-40 minutes at a time.

>Yea Forums
You must be new to these parts, pardner.

Just realized I misused the word “sensorium,” forgive me brehs

Direct visual stimulation is qualitatively different from imagination. Preferring one or the other is fine but I'm definitely on the side of the visuals.

Attached: sadistic arab gf.webm (640x360, 1.93M)

Still I am tempted to proselytize for using the imagination, or at least trying it both ways, if only because the porn that I’ve seen (and admittedly still watch on occasion) is such a hollow reproduction of what sex is actually like and of the erotic. It is so often cartoonishly crude, violent and exaggerated. Even the women often don’t really look that good, and there’s this bizarre focus on the phallus. Maybe you’re watching higher-quality porn—and by all means keep doing it if you like—but I think you’re missing out if that’s the only way you’re willing to jerk off.

Increased consumption of porn coincides with dead imagination ability. Significant arousal comes more from your imagination based on porn, which alone is shallow, than just porn. You have been spoiled by it and probably the web in general. No wonder you go on porn binges because you have no imagination so you need lots of new stimuli to get anywhere. If you can't generate a fantasy that produces strong arousal to bring you to climax, then you are just a living validation of noporn. Literally trained yourself to rely on aimlessly wandering a huge sea of porn with a dulled mind instead of generating all you need from yourself. You could do it, before you broke your brain.

Define porn.

Cartoonishly crude and violent is the definition of psychological realism for me. Looking through a hentai manga with extreme physically impossible images feels more like real sex than more realistic porn does. Maybe it's because I have a preference for dominant rough sex.


The porn of our generation is qualitatively different than any time before. Its not a naked picture and jerk off.

Its consuming hundreds of images of videos in a single session of complete degeneracy. It teaches our brains to want more and more fucked up things and obsess over novelty

I've never jerked off with porn, unless you count watching some porn and then days later using it as reference for my imagination when I jerk off. On my back, with the lights out, edging for about 45 minutes before I sleep is my favorite way to do it so I never have porn in front of me during it. I also don't jerk off more than once a week and obviously only when I'm not dating someone.

>Masturbating without porn is the most boring shit in the world
Ejaculation is one of the most boring things in the world. Yeah, it feels good, but it's not interesting in the slightest. If jerking off is one of your "pastimes" then you're a boring person.

You seem to be assuming other people can be like you when you're probably in a 1/10000 minority. Trying to universalize a rare psychology like that doesn't make any sense.

People doing stuff with their no-no parts and you watch.

This is a major cope. Porn caused your masturbation addiction in the first place. Masturbating, especially habitually, is as enslaving as the porn use that created it.

our generations, monsieur, is afflicted with a great and terrible technological monster that has taken our noble biological drives, our will to reproduce, and enslaved them to the Matrix of Porn. the hair of Samson has been shorn by the Delilahs of Sasha Grey. the ancient blood of our cock has been turn into water by the pornographic inferno. my penis-for-being has become a penis-for-porn. no longer do i wake with an erection ready for a day of work, thought, and noble fucking in the ancient manner of our stirpes. instead i wake and am enslaved to the pornographic Matrix. the pornographic Matrix which is matrixing us right now in the grips of this kulturkampf between porn, or not to porn, that is the pornographic question. and even now i am matrixed by the pornography when i am always already pornographised into becoming a pornbrain porner, porning out of control as i porn through life and lose the will to live in the grip of a terrible will to porn. alas, all my bloodcock Will has been reduced to bloodcock Porn. no more light, no more light in this porned worldcock.

What do you have to say to the 90% of people who watch normal porn without it becoming a problem and have normal sex lives? Obviously porn addiction exists but it really doesn't seem like average users have a problem with it.

and even when i turn to face another question, the porning worldcock monsieur opens its tentacles and pulls me back in, just when i thought i was out.

200 years of the social question addressed by marxists, conservatives, homosexuals, reactionaries, noble bloodcocks, magicians, artists, jews, feminists, niggers, onions, rapists, serial killers, unabombers, boomers, bloodrapists, and all kinds of hoarcunt sneakers, and we can reduce the entire social question of the 21st century and all attendant neurochemical matrix blood control systems to the question of ron jeremy's penis growth ads

What's rare is having an addictive personality. In reality, most people who jerk off all day are just bored. If they had obligations to tend to, they'd stop. They should consider obligating themselves more if they want to change.

how do you obligage the unobligated to become obligated monsieur in a society that only obligates us to obey the laws which do not obligate us to be obligate but instead not to obligate ourselves in a way that interferes with the obligations of other obligators?

Until boredom grows to habit and habit becomes nessicity wherein it pervades and ruins all aspects of your entire life.

It's almost like the porn isn't the problem for those people...

where are you getting these stats?

i agree most porn watchers aren't addicted. But, I don't agree that the porn isn't having a negative effect or pushing them into weird shit

How do you know when you're addicted to porn? At the peak of my degeneracy I masturbated maybe 2-5 timea a day to porn. Maybe every other day at best, this was about 4 years ago. Since I became religious about a year ago I've cut it down to 2 or 3 times a week and if I can just once a week (or not at all ideally). These days on average I masturbate about 2 or 3 times a week. I think of myself as addicted to porn because idk if I could go weeks without it and even going one week is hard. Does this mean im an addict? I think it does. I try my best to temper it because it doesn't feel good spiritually, and I don't think its a worthwhile habit to normalize. But at the same time I wonder if my current frequency is abnormal or highly destructive? I try to lower my gaze from thick girls or whatever (but still look sometimes and feel like a dog) but yeah. Opinions?

It's the opposite for me. Porn bores me. My imagination gives me precisely what I want and need

Porn isn't addictive

Sex will totally override it

Any human on Earth would take performing the acts he is watching over watching porn

Good luck overriding that meth addiction

If more than 10% of guys were so damaged by porn that it severely hurt their sex lives or any other part of their lives it would be an international crisis. Instead nofap is a fringe movement, pornhub is a cultural icon, and sexual progressivism marches on. In the grand scheme of things having negative effects on the population porn is a small factor. Other vices are much more dangerous on a civilizational level.

why the fuck does the god squad talk about pulling their dicks so much on this board? they're obsessed.


>the science of addiction
>the science of making decisions
>the science of a choice you made
>the science of an opinion
>the science of doing something

Except the acts most people w porn addiction watch are completely unrealistic and many of them would rather jerk off than have sex w a boring 3d girl

the greatest progress mankind has made in eschewing our natural urges and becoming pleasure-defiant monsters of WILL that will incarnate the superman through nofap

Because religious fulfillment is significantly hindered by extremes of vice and lust is a very common one for men of our times.

Your premises are flawed and very cucked. You assume the behavior is harmless for most (it's not). You appeal to ad populum reasoning. You know it is detrimental but do not want to make the final leap. Da mihi castitatem et continentiam, sed noli modo!

You've gone from indulgence to repression. I hope you find a good middle ground so you don't have to feel guilty about taking glances at attractive women. That's pathetic.

First of all, realize that if you don't work hard towards maintaining a social life, you'll end up completely alone, and in your elderly years this can be extremely miserable if not cause an early death. So there's one obligation you already have that you may or may not have been ignoring.

Second, realize that if you don't exercise and go outside regularly, you'll fuck up your health. You might be young now, but bad habits catch up with us, and it's not pretty. It's also rather expensive in the form of medical bills. So there's another obligation you already have.

Third, realize that if you don't figure out a way to be valuable to society that you'll either have to resort to crime or you'll go homeless eventually, because you'll struggle with having a steady income, even more so when you get older and younger generations start moving in on available jobs, and even more so if you become alone and sickly. So there's a third obligation.

But most importantly, we each have an obligation to ourselves. By our nature, we have ideals, and if we don't strive for those ideals, we do harm to ourselves in a very real way. You actually have to obligate yourself towards yourself if you want to have a fulfilling life. If you don't, everything else in your life will fall apart and you will die much earlier than necessary and with far less enjoyment in the time you had here. This isn't a joke or an exaggeration.

If you take care of those obligations that you already have then you'll be able to evolve past your boredom and move on to a life of creativity, where you invent new obligations for yourself, not in order to keep obligating yourself, but because you desire to.

Yeah sure


Both are bad.

that or you're lying to yourself about liking the feeling of doing something naughty.

I jack off to content that's banned on Yea Forums every day and still enjoy having sex with my 4/10 girlfriend.

I don't think it's pathetic to want to be more modest about how you see women. There's a difference between a glance and oogling, I'm just trying to avoid the latter. Besides, it doesn't really feel healthy for me to sexualize strangers so often, it's weird man, I'd rather look at people as people rather than as a means to sex. Anyway, I think I'm getting to a balance as it is. I don't really feel the immense guilt as I used to upon initial conversion. People are horny, it's normal, I just feel it detracts me from the things i place greater importance on.

Im not sure what you're trying to say. What's the final leap? I don't think watching porn is harmless i just don't think I'm the devil for it either.

Boredom can't become a habit. There's bad habits that make boredom more frequently experienced.

Exactly. I haven't read the OP but I question its approach going by the title and what is generally said in these threads. It's like banning pork because you don't know how to cook it; you don't grow as a person at all from banning it and are still susceptible to poisoning yourself with another food because you're no better a chef than before. Naive approach.

Being attracted to a women doesn't mean you're dehumanizing her. Being attractive and attracted are not moral wrongs. People are put on earth to reproduce.

No that's not it. Sorry this is gonna get cringe but I can't articulate this issue without being candid about it. I acknolwedge the "fun" of degeneracy, I don't deny why I like it or try to pretend im something I'm not. I just feel closer to God when I'm not thinking about sex incredibly often and watching porn all the time. And well, that closeness is more valuable than these morsels of pleasure so I'd like to lessen one in exchange for the other. Not to say I want to be an ascetic, that's not for me. But I feel like if I can't even control my sexual desires then I am truly enslaved. And (yeah yeah religious people are cringe im a cuck whatever) Id rather be a slave to God than porn. That being said, I think balance is most healthy until I arrive at a different conclusion (if i do).

Being attracted and thinking about sex the second you see someone is different, that's all I'm saying. I get what you're saying and I agree, but I have not lead my life as a guy who just feels "attraction", it has been overwhelming lust and it was sickening. I feel differently now anyway, I'd like to just be attracted and not think dog like. I mostly don't, but sometimes..

I mean yeah same (minus the 4/10 part). But im just not a fan of the latter part of it as much. I jerk off not incredibly often but when I do its always for like an hour or two. It sucks.

>lust isn't a vice
>people were put on this earth to reproduce
Imagine being this much of a brainlet.

I can respect that lifestyle. Your first post just came off as confused and guilt ridden as if you had been brainwashed by internet trads without understanding the ideas. I hope your journey goes well and your sacrifices aren't wasted.

ITT: cumbrains justifying their bad habits

Thank you.

People were put here to reproduce. It's in the theory of evolution and the bible too. There's a difference between being attracted to women and being a raging pervert. As long as your natural sexual instincts don't get in the way of having a good life they should roam free.

Thanks for being genuine and not dogmatic and obsessive. The world could use more people like that.

>go nofap
>get prostate cancer
>didn't even get wizard powers

why do this to yourselves, jerking off is normal and healthy. everything can be addictive when you're mentally ill. gambling, video games, food, can all be addictions when you have problems you don't address.

maybe have sex with an actual woman to ejaculate so you dont get cancer

>Any human on Earth would take performing the acts he is watching over watching porn

Look up the term "pornosexual". There is this growing movement of people who claim to prefer porn to the real thing. They form little communities where they call themselves "gooners" and pump out truckloads of content steeped in the aesthetics of hypnosis/brainwashing to self reinforce their lifestyle.
It seems to overlap with a bunch of other stuff like force feminization and bimbo fetish with the idea of creating a well structured rabbit hole that no doubt someone is benefiting from people falling down.

Attached: example.jpg (540x540, 90K)

literally never heard that word before in years of browsing Yea Forums

yeah, ill stick to porn over whores and STDs. not into sticking my dick into any willing roastie.

i prefer porn because im autistic and intimacy makes me want to vomit

It didn't start here, although there are incursions on /gif/ and the the overall aesthetics are very similar to /r9k/ tranny bait threads. It started on some sex forum but had the widest reach on tumblr up until the NSFW ban which has nerfed it somewhat.

masturbation is healthy though. porn just makes it hard to get turned on by girls in person. who gives a fuck though?

do you really sit and philosophize about your fucking semen?

Realistically, how many years of do you think you are from hopping on to HRT?

Masturbation is not healthy. Many philosophers were against it from Pythagoras to Aquinas to Kant and for good reason.

Can you give me a reason? I thought about it deeply then I jerked off 6 times in 4 hours or so and felt pretty ok.

i dont think i would pass well

Porn makes it easier to get turned on in real life because it turns you into a cumbrain without self control and autonomically respond to any passing stimuli like a hopeless dog salivating at a bell. You're a terminal case. I won't even try to help you.

It wastes immense time. It makes the mind hypersexual. It causes habit. The after effects include low motivation due to wasted dopamine resources and high prolactin rebound. All for hedonistic pleasure that accomplished nothing and only took away. It is transitory and unfulfilling and ultimately enslaving and will rob you of your one and only life.

>Porn makes it easier to get turned on in real life
No it doesn't. Isolation does.

I'm not hypersexual though, my sexual thoughts are mostly forced and regulated only to when I masturbate. I'm feeling pretty motivated right now. Why should I believe what you say? I'm genuinely open but what you are saying contradicts my experience.

One thing with porn I noticed is that i can only get turned on by girls getting fucked by criminals, animals and black people

>I'm not hypersexual
>i can only get turned on by girls getting fucked by criminals, animals and black people

yeah not sure why lad, trying to get rid of it

No, and it doesn't need to.
The argument is strictly about how porn fucks you up, and doesn't try to assess who benefits from this. Doing so would only make the argument incredibly more controversial while masking the central point.

Porn severely limited my imagination all this time.
Going no porn for a while really activated the almonds.

I think I'm overcoming my addiction. I'm masturbating only two times a week (used to do like two times a day) and porn is starting to bore me a lot. Wish me luck, boys.

Does the author mention the demographics of the study group?

shut the fuck up you paranoid tit.

Pretty often. I'll go out to the woods and get naked and jack off, I like the possibility of being seen

Yeah, the main demographic sampled is those who grew up with easy access to high-speed porn, ages 15-35 - although the actual demographic of early porn users is probably closer to 10-30. The stats are scary: the rise of ED, the rise of sexual anxiety, the gender "cold war" that is happening, but, again, I would say there is better literature on the subject. YBoP is not well written at all.

What about race, wealth class, domestic situation, religious preference, medical background, etc.?

the absolute state of cumbrains. pathetic.

I can't remember exactly, but religious background is the only one I remember being considered. Those raised religiously were more likely to be compulsive in their porn use.

All I view is instagram models and softcore images. Don’t even watch videos, and I feel no desire to seek out anything more obscene than what I already view. There are even a couple models that take up most of my viewing time, so it’s not like I’m seeking out tons of different women for variety. Why then is nofap so hard for me? My natural cycle is every 3-4 days. Longest I’ve gone in recent memory is 8 days. I honestly think if I just had a more active social life I wouldn’t even notice my urges to masturbate. I just need more female interaction and it would be over.

takes more balls to do that than your shriveled repressed nuts

I would suggest that you're in a better place than most, but still, I'd recommend that you try celibacy (no PMO or sex) just to record and meditate on the psychosomatic changes. I think you will be very surprised. And if you can't stop, or if you have a very difficult time, consider that you are addicted and a slave to the vice. If that is the case, you should fight for the simple sake of freedom and to have an unclouded/pure conciousness.

Bon chance !

Maybe it was her 5head that freaked him out

Dude what? Why would you celebrate an act of indulgence over an act of discipline? Yes discipline can become repression if done imprudently, but ideally we'd like to just lead healthy lives. Why would you think the recklessness of exhibitionism is more valuable than the courage of self-discipline? I understand that dichotomizing it in this way may come off as self-righteous and that may be abrasive, but it's the reality of it.

Pornography represents a super-normal stimulus. It is like the oversized egg that experimenters place for the bird, which over-stimulates their response because it exaggerates their fixed action response. It isn't how sexuality was naturally intended to be expressed. Whether or not it is psychologically and physiologically damaging depends how much it is used and at what stage of sexual development it becomes a regular part of a person's, especially an adolescent male's, sex life. And if it is the sole aspect of one's sex life.

>fixed action response
fixed action pattern I mean

I can't speak for everyone, but porn was introduced at a crucial part of my development, so much so that I wasn't even interested in sex with women unless they were 10/10s (and these women weren't very interested in a video game playing sex-addict). Quitting PMO has been one of the most significant and positive challenges of my life, no joke.