What is the most disappointing book ever written?

>literally no argument

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t. north korean

> March 2001 – Italian intelligence warns of an al-Qaeda plot in the United States involving a massive strike involving aircraft, based on their wiretap of al-Qaeda cell in Milan.

>July 2001 – Jordanian intelligence told US officials that al-Qaeda was planning an attack on American soil, and Egyptian intelligence warned the CIA that 20 al-Qaeda Jihadists were in the United States, and that four of them were receiving flight training.

>August 2001 – The Israeli Mossad gives the CIA a list of 19 terrorists living in the US and says that they appear to be planning to carry out an attack in the near future.

>August 2001 – The United Kingdom is warned three times of an imminent al-Qaeda attack in the United States, the third specifying multiple airplane hijackings. According to the Sunday Herald, the report is passed on to President Bush a short time later.

>September 2001 – Egyptian intelligence warns American officials that al-Qaeda is in the advanced stages of executing a significant operation against an American target, probably within the US.

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That is a liberal burgoid. What is your point?

No it isn't. He can be a good journalist because he's naive but as an analyst he's a complacent consumerist dog who only wonders "when things are going to go back to normal" and unironically thinks "that seems extreme" is an argument.

They would say he colluded with Russia and that Russia is the reason he was elected. They would say a 2 year investigation with near unlimited scope turning up no evidence isnt an exoneration because Trump is guilty until proven innocent. It really was a witch hunt used to hold over Trumps head by the establishment dems and repubs / the permanent state.

Commies really take no true scotsman to a whole new level.

Deny reality all you like but the fact is youre a far left loser who would be mkre at home on r3ddit.
Learn what that actually means, retard.

Well his predictions are accurate and he isnt too biased by his own views. He isnt swayed by the mainstream leftist view.

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