What is the most disappointing book ever written?

What is the most disappointing book ever written?

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My own.


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My diary desu.
Fuck you, don't steal my joke style. FUCK you.

Whens the r3ddit merge happening?


>implying that the book wasn't censored and that Trump's true crimes will be made public before the 22nd century

Epic bait

Blumble drumpf
Frumble brumpf
Dumbo dum
Grrr bomple frumf
Fee fi fo fum

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Censoring is a lefties game

Slaughterhouse five
Narnia for 10 year old me

>no u

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>Now, I'm not saying Trump obstructed justice, but I'm also not saying Trump didn't obstruct justice
What the fuck is Mueller's problem?

This is definitely true but it's not so much right wing as much as it's "not establishment leftist".

In the current paradigm it is. The right jsed to want jron maiden banned because of muh devil worshippers and stuff. Although wasnt the pmrc also created by left wingers? I admit it seems like censorship most often comes from the left, especially when it comes to ideas. But that could just be because i am used to living in a time where the establishment was leftist

>out of context reddit screencaps
Racists BTFO!!

Like all the east coast establishment, Trump is deep in with the mossad and the jewish russian mafiya-chabadnik complex, epstein-maxwell paedo black mail network and money laundering operation, traceable back to the prime minister, Mr. Netanyahu himself(by the way kushner's from a chabad family and bibi's godson). There is never going to be a conviction, not Trump, nor the Clinton's- epstein's the fall guy, the extent of the corruption and suspicious jewish activities were it to come to light, it would be enough to bring down ZOG.

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Leftists BTFO!!

Guess what is the real Trump-Russia connection? Mueller's report, like Q or pizzagate is a mossad psy op

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They'll never look into the ((("Russian"))) Mafia


I'm as detached from politics as possible, so forgive my ignorance
Everyone was saying to wait for the Mueller report, it was going to have all the evidence against Trump
It finally released
Initial reaction was a flood of "DEMS BTFO IT'S A FUCKING NOTHINGBURGER" and liberal floundering
Then after a while it was "READ THE FUCKING REPORT"
Then libs started claiming that it's actually filled with incrimination information, but I've never seen anyone actually say what he supposedly did, it's always "HOW DOES THE MUELLER REPORT INCRIMINATE TRUMP? WATCH THIS VIDEO TO FIND OUT" and "I READ THE REPORT AND WOW, TRUMP HAS NO DEFENSES LEFT"

So what is it?
Is the truth too complicated to be disseminated to the uninvested masses like me, or is it simply a ploy to keep la revolution alive amongst Dems who won't read it?

the initial reaction was a meme spread by desperate neo-fascists as a ploy to get people not to read the report
it didn't work, Trump is eternally btfo

Sorry for holding you to the same standards as an 8th grade english class, i understand that is asking too much of the average leftist in 2019.

But in all seriousness we can't let trump get the nuclear codes!

See, I've heard this many times but just like your post, no one ever bothers to include what the incriminating evidence actually is

It was a nothingburger, you just have to nkt be a left wing retard to see it. Independent leftists like tim pool or jimmy dore have been saying for a while that it was a farce, the only retards who believe it are the NPC boomers/millenials who still believe corporate news.

Whenever Americans engage in political discourse I just want North Korea to nuke the entire continent.

I think that was a troll. Nobody believes it anymore, apart from a few space cadet cat ladies.

Trump is in the superposition of both obstructing and not obstructing justice simultaneously, and then you have to factor in the Drake Equations

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>NPC boomers/millenials
People always forget just how braindead Gen X is too

If I were to lend one of those NPCs or newscasters my ear, what would they tell me he did??

Can i just say that as a right winger i think tim pool is ugly, stupid, repetitive and hardcore panders to the right.

Reddit is entirely right wing. Do Americans really think liberals are leftists? They're capitalist cuckolds too.

Fuck off retard

>still believing capitalism is ideology

I dont really care how he looks and maybe he pandsrs, but his analysis is rrally good and accurate.

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Thats like a fascist saying tommy robinson is a leftist. Youre an extremist so you perception is warped.

>still thinking capitalism isn't the death of art

>literally no argument

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t. north korean

> March 2001 – Italian intelligence warns of an al-Qaeda plot in the United States involving a massive strike involving aircraft, based on their wiretap of al-Qaeda cell in Milan.

>July 2001 – Jordanian intelligence told US officials that al-Qaeda was planning an attack on American soil, and Egyptian intelligence warned the CIA that 20 al-Qaeda Jihadists were in the United States, and that four of them were receiving flight training.

>August 2001 – The Israeli Mossad gives the CIA a list of 19 terrorists living in the US and says that they appear to be planning to carry out an attack in the near future.

>August 2001 – The United Kingdom is warned three times of an imminent al-Qaeda attack in the United States, the third specifying multiple airplane hijackings. According to the Sunday Herald, the report is passed on to President Bush a short time later.

>September 2001 – Egyptian intelligence warns American officials that al-Qaeda is in the advanced stages of executing a significant operation against an American target, probably within the US.

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That is a liberal burgoid. What is your point?

No it isn't. He can be a good journalist because he's naive but as an analyst he's a complacent consumerist dog who only wonders "when things are going to go back to normal" and unironically thinks "that seems extreme" is an argument.

They would say he colluded with Russia and that Russia is the reason he was elected. They would say a 2 year investigation with near unlimited scope turning up no evidence isnt an exoneration because Trump is guilty until proven innocent. It really was a witch hunt used to hold over Trumps head by the establishment dems and repubs / the permanent state.

Commies really take no true scotsman to a whole new level.

Deny reality all you like but the fact is youre a far left loser who would be mkre at home on r3ddit.
Learn what that actually means, retard.

Well his predictions are accurate and he isnt too biased by his own views. He isnt swayed by the mainstream leftist view.

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the only good leftist journalists are John Dolan/Gary Brecher, Mark Ames and the rest of the eXile sex offender club.

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The truth is that Donald Trump had no special help from Russia that Hillary Clinton (and every presidential candidate in 2016 [and every presidential candidate in every election]) also did not have, and that Donald Trump has not actually done anything illegal. If he did, then he would not have been allowed to run for president as the CIA, FBI, NSA, Senate, and House would have stopped him during his campaign as all five organizations had engaged in intelligence operations on him during his election campaign to determine if he was not fit to be president (as all five organizations do on every presidential candidate).

Come 2020 or 2024, the entire issue will be completely forgotten and everyone will hold that whatever particular view they held was in fact the right one. The US government will eventually admit that no, Donald Trump had no help from Russia (that Hillary Clinton [and all presidential candidates] did not have).

tl;dr It's entirely manufactured outrage to give the 2020 (and 2024) elections something to distract the masses with.

Shitty school textbooks on subjects you feel passionate about.

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*Crab emoji*

That isn't a disappointing book, OP, as you've falsely implied that it is.

What a stupid comment. Europeans (you're one) are neither sophisticated, nor rational political actors. So, you have no authority making such a remark.

I don't even like Trump even though I (held my nose) and voted for him (muh guns), but these "people" pick the dumbest hills to die on.

It didn't used to be, I have no idea what happened or who thought it'd be a good idea to change course.

>but muh irrelevant ideology
Left and right are relative terms, sweaty.

not to sound antisemitic, but Mr. Dershowitz just happens to be Epstein's lawyer

Jeffrey Epstein, Alan Dershowitz, and Pals Accused of Sex-Trafficking Ring
A lawyer for one of Epstein’s victims claims he was part of sex-trafficking ring with Dershowitz and others—but the Harvard attorney says sealed documents will prove his innocence.
Asked if he still represents Epstein, Dershowitz said, “I don’t represent Epstein” before walking back his answer: “You never stop being someone’s lawyer.”

“I was his lawyer until this deal was made,” Dershowitz added, before claiming he hasn’t seen Epstein in years.

>with an introduction by Alan Dershowitz
That's gonna look bad when he gets indicted for raping kids on Epstein's island...

based and sanepilled.

I read the Mueller Report. It's not disappointing. It's actually good for all sides.

Two things are clear: Trump and associated did NOT conspire with Russia. And Trump likely obstructed justice.

Which means, no, our president is not a traitor, and yes, if you hate orange man, know that he is going to fight like hell to win in 2020 because if he loses, he is going to be facing some time in court.

what's pathetic is that if he had just stuck to calling the Democrats liars and repeating "no collusion", he would have been a-ok. but he did everything he could to shut it down; and, it can be inferred from volume II of the report, likely acted illegally.

he (it seems) obstructed justice over a crime he did not commit.

"Everyone tells me if you get one of these special counsels it ruins your presidency. It takes years and years and I won't be able to do anything. This is the worst thing that ever happened to me." - Trump

That's why.

it was too late at that point anyway. getting a special counsel can ruin your presidency, but resisting said special counsel will only ruin it more spectacularly

Happily, although it's obviously been a distraction, it (the special counsel) failed to totally stop the Trump administration. Conservative judges are being appointed at a rapacious rate (this is a good thing, I use the normally negative "rapacious" adjective to denote my personal sadistic pleasure in the process), the economy remains very strong (probably the single worst thing for the opposition, though 18 months is an eternity), the wall is being built piece-by-piece, and the apparatchik Fourth Estate has failed in its task to sink presidential polling into 20s/very low 30s territory, as (deservedly) happened to Bush 43 near the end of his term.

Go back to r/chapotraphouse you dumb faggot

>pizzagate is a psy op

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That's a rather big flaw then seeing as the special counsel was made for no reason, it was just bullshit. They could do that to anyone to get rid of them.

My cousin says your innocent until proven homo

I don't think you understand. because of the special counsel, trump has acted illegally and will likely be fucked after he leaves office.

were the democrats wrong the entire time? yes. but they successfully made the president play himself.

friendly reminder that he didn't "likely obstruct justice", he DID obstruct justice. the only reason Mueller let him off is because the DOJ will not indict a sitting president

he's not been convicted, pal. that's why I said "likely". the evidence that he did is there, but, as you point out, Mueller left it for someone else to jump on when Trump has left office.

>what do you mean I just murdered that guy? who cares if you saw or not, I haven't even been to court yet!

If I ever find critique as lame as yours on my child's english papers I'm starting a PTA campaign to get that teacher's ass fired.

innocent until proven guilty, friend.

how would you react if someone broke into your house, tied you to a chair, stole all your stuff, and on the way out said, "no robbery has actually taken place, since I have not been convicted of any crime"?

are you an idiot?

I think you're an idiot.

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>who thought it'd be a good idea to change course.
people that care more about their comfort than truth. hang all postmodernists.

pomos actually hate censorship

Mueller admitted under oath he didn't look into (or even know) who gave the piss dossier to the gov (Fusion GPS) which was the basis of muh Russia

I see two immediate problems with your comment
the first is that he did, in fact, look into the dossier
the second is that nobody actually cared about the dossier, the Russian investigation was entirely based on other evidence
why are you lying about such easily verifiable information?

i used to be really into the military/intelligence sort of stuff and 99% of the time terrorist attacks happen, the intelligence community was already aware of the perpetrators but just ignored them for various reasons like insufficient resources or my personal favourite: the "i don't know" reason

>my personal sadistic pleasure in the process
Sadistic pleasure of public lands being privatized for your ancap wet dream? Of corporations running amok?

Who cares? Nixon didn't suffer one bit for his meddling so why would Trump?

not him, but I tend to base my politics in what most pisses off the outgroup, the people I am most viscerally inclined to find insufferable, and whose suffering amuses me the most, as the eminent french sociologist monsieur pierre bourdieu would say I react strongly to the changes in the preferences of this 'inverse reference group', variously characterised as sjws, chapotraphouse, discord trannies, the democratic party, cnn, huffpo and vice, jews, antifa, etc. considering that the most insufferable people around happen to be particularly irked by ''fascism'', whatever that means, I have thus decided to become an unapologetic, all out no holds barred capital-F Fascist.

funny, I do the same thing, but I find the current conservatives even more insufferable, so I'm with chapotraphouse ironically until the balance tips the other way and conservatives start making sense again

I did that a lot too, I still do when im being childish Just provoke the fuck out of people.

There's not really a point to it though

>the only reason Mueller let him off is because the DOJ will not indict a sitting president
such a retarded cop out
mueller could have still recommended a charge, no matter what the doj ends up doing, that was literally his god damn job
but he didn't have enough shit on trump so he couldn't, and just to please the left who spent two years printing shirts and lighting candles with his face printed on them he added, "we can't exhonerate him tho...!" even though that's not a prosecutorial standard

Do people really think this? 90% of the so called "banned books" got the can because one christian mom was upset.

It was more or less exactly What i expected to be, a Nothing burger.

Yes people noticed the truth behind the propaganda and realized that Christian moms never had the power to censor anything.