Is this why I'm still a virgin?

Is this why I'm still a virgin?

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Great minds can easily get laid you fool

A great mind would at least acquire the services of a prostitute.

Here is the full quote: “To be alone is the fate of all great minds—a fate deplored at times, but still always chosen as the less grievous of two evils.”

Judging that you don't have a choice to be in your predicament, you are not alone because you have a great mind, but because there's something off-putting about you. Consider putting work into yourself to acquire charm and confidence.

To be a misunderstood genius is the great cope of all incels

either you are too stupid or too smart to be virgin
like Newton was

I'm a virgin too. The reason is simple: women. If women were to desire men like me, then I would have a wife. How do we do this; the way is this: culture change. Women desiring who they desire is nurtured, simple. Everyone go on Twitter to Tumblr dressed as women and proclaim "virgin boys, manchildren too, these are the best suitors for women such as me."
Newton was either of those?

Cope. Women desire your bones. Chads are genetic, not cultural.

Women like men who remind them of their dad

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IQFascist pussy redistribution when?

Nah, i'm a genius and finding company is easy. It has to do with confidence, nothing else. Though having had several lovers and many friends I can say that it is not for me. I do not care for people.

>i'm a genius

great literature thread

I meant objectively. If by "great minds" he didn't mean literal geniuses then I wouldn't count. Genius means different things to some people, for whatever reason.

>tfw you deliberately and repeatedly squandered your opportunities at an expedient life due to vague but awful moral terror and spent years in despair only to later find out that this is unanimously sanctioned by philosophers, theologians, and god himself

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We are discussing an idea presented in a work of literature.

Not really, you're discussing why you can't get laid with the pretense of it being about literature. Simple stuff.

Will you help me get laid though?

It states that being a great mind means being alone. Fine. However, it does not state that being alone means being a great mind.

This is basic logic.

Truly based. I've had friends, close friends in fact, but I've always preferred to be alone for some reason

I genuinely do not understand how someone would need help to have sex. Are you missing limbs?

Same here. It seems that most people do not like being alone while a select few enjoy it. Why is this? Is it a matter of intelligence? Social conditioning? Personality? Creativity?

You ever see another smart person then try to act smart and realize you're a pseud

>>If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.

Nope, sperg-tastic cope though

I have autism and clinical depression


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nah ,I'm a virgin but I'm also a dumbass.
great mind -> alone is true, but it doesn't mean it works the other way

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I know my Bibble you LARPer

have sex please

Here's another nugget from Shopie on the same topic.

"Great minds are related to the brief span of time during which they live as great buildings are to a little square in which they stand: you cannot see them in all their magnitude because you are standing too close to them."

virgin OP btfo

All you have is comforting excuses. There are clinical retards, for example, people with down syndrome, who fuck, get married, have kids, are in love etc. You don't REALLY WANT what you say you want. You enjoy the idea. You're too afraid to try. If you ACTUALLY wanted to, you could find a girlfriend, someone you love, perhaps a one night fling tonight, but you wont, you know you won't, I know you won't, everyone knows you won't. Why not try?

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This. I don’t understand why all these Americans don’t use prostitutes. Its the norm in Europe

because LARPing as a clueless intel amuses me