Yea Forums said he's a meme but this shit is mind blowing.
Yea Forums said he's a meme but this shit is mind blowing
That's because Yea Forums hasn't read him, and if they had they started with ride the tiger or some other dumb starting point for someone with no exposure to non-liberal ideas.
Nothing wrong with starting with Ride the Tiger imo, as long as you read it properly
I felt like it was more a series of essays than say, revolt or among the ruins. I don't think I'd have appreciated it half as much if I hadn't read revolt before it.
I do not take seriously some bourgeois craving the State
Revolt deez nuts
Chapocels are funny. He spends hundreds of pages ranting about the bourgeoisie.
he is a meme
he was an anti-bourgeois noble you fuck
ride the tiger won't make sense without having read nietzsche or without having a cursory understanding of the existentialist current he spends 1/3 of the book interacting with, but it probably can be a good introduction to him
That your analysis is based on economic class says more about you than you than you could ever say about anything else.
People ranting about the state are always without fail bourgeoisie. My extended family is pretty much entirely blue-collar workers and pretty much all of them want more state to actually crack down on crime, fix public healthcare, fix schools and so on. Anti-statism is a privilege of the already powerful.
you've made the critical mistake of believing that the Left reads books
When he speaks about soldiers being closer to god than the pious, what does he mean?
why don't you enlist now and chase down your romanticized homoerotic being in the moment
he wasn't an anti-statist, he just knew bourgeoisie corruption was ruining the state and wanted power returned to the nobility and warrior castes
being possessed by noumena in action will always bring one closer to god than the persistent restlessness of piety. piety is fighting a losing battle against your own ego and desires, war is giving yourself over to the moment completely (this is a major theme in islam/jihad).
Evola did not believe in a nobility and believed social heirarchy should be spiritual rather than through wealth. The Yoga of Power sees him rant endlessly about the nobility and how merchants (the bourgeoisie) are killing everything qualitative in the world. He even breaks with traditional societies when he believes in a millitary based government.
I knew what evola was, I'm addressing the retard calling evola a bourgeoisie and being waah state bad
>did not believe in a nobility
>believed social heirarchy should be spiritual rather than through wealth
Read Revolt Against The Modern World
Evola is god tier
Yes the noblility was a phenomenon in which a few people, often somewhat related to the aristocracy, own large amounts of land as a result of their lineage coming from when the land was conquered in the first place. Evola criticises this as he believes all land should be divided dynamically by the sacred sovereign.
Evola was one of the most consistently anti-bourgeois thinkers of the 20tth century lmao
>Evola did not believe in a nobility
Ez for a noble to say
he wanted to reform the nobility, yes.
all chances of this were lost by the time he was writing his books anyway. it just took the axis' defeat for him to come to this full realization.
Is his Metaphysics of Sex worth reading? Will it help me find a gf?
If you had actually read that book you'd know it's about the individual's experience and against patriotism and other materialist false promises.
Any more eleboration/sources on reaching god through possession in action?