I stole two books today. Was a multi story bookshop with checkouts on each floor. I just walked out with them. I suppose the people on the top floor assumed I was paying on the floor below and those on the floor below assumed I had already paid up top.
The rush as I made the final steps outside were store was like little else.
I stole Les Miserable and a collection of Sherlock Holmes stories
I am Christian, but I don't consider it stealing seeing as its a corporation. Plus I've spent a lot of money there and they are overpriced
Robert Hall
Just order books on Amazon you tard
Cooper Ortiz
>stealing les miserables
William Gray
You're justifying sins user, that path is a slippery slope
Brandon Jenkins
>but I don't consider it stealing seeing as its a corporation This, I started stealing from the tithe too because it's just corporate money desu
Cooper Davis
Literally read St. Augustine’s confessions, he talks extensively about how him stealing things was extremely sinful.
Dylan Ross
> I don't consider it stealing seeing as its a corporation.
Three years of this mentality later:
>I m-m-mean, an orphanage is also in its way a corporation!
Jason Myers
Classics? Good, no writer starves. Based as fuck too. Overpriced bookstores may as well burn down. $30 for a classic? Literally $5 worth of print, max; and the money goes nowhere but to greedy semites.
Michael Campbell
Lol I steal books all the time, mostly classics and what have you by people long dead. Will pay for books written by people who are still alive or ones that obviously take effort to be printed and arent just basic mass market paperbacks and I feel are actually worth more than a few cents.
Dont regret it at all, espeically since these crooks are charging 20-30$ for some dogshit quality paperback of some old public domain book that costs them 2 cents to publish, and is only being sold to line the pockets of some greedy heeb.
>I stole a book about a petty thief and a book about a detective
Jaxson Wood
>Stop buying from that corporation, and buy from this bigger corporation instead
Jacob Diaz
Don't steal
Jonathan Long
Use a Library, or buy second hand.
Carson Rivera
How do you deal with books that have antitheft protection shit? For example that sticky magnetic/rfid tape that makes the alarm go bonkers
Benjamin Collins
take it off
Nolan Perry
It's only coming off if you rip the paper that it's glued on and that would attract attention
Mason Edwards
Since you’ve done this, I’m going to be going to a left-leaning city later this evening and stealing from one of their libraries.
I don’t consider it stealing because the marxist taxpayers will just have to pay for it in the long run.
Adam Adams
Do it in the back or bathroom or if you can't do either then just fart loudly as you rip the page
Andrew Green
Nigger with a shit taste
Asher Gonzalez
Im planing on stealing a book from my university library at some point. It will be the Critique of pure Reason some 1910s print with the german swastika eagle stampled on the cover and in regular intervals on the corner of the pages. Problem is I can't go through the only entrance because they have detectors that sense a book going through unless it has been turned off by the front desk librarian. So I plan to toss it out the window and then run quickly enough out the building to then pick it up form the street before anyone else does. Problem though is that the lowest window is on the 5th floor and since its an old building the floors with the high ceilings practically count double. I worry I might hit someone and get in trouble if the book flies in a weird way or that it gets completely obliterated when it hits the pavement; also running all those stairs and outt the building will take at least 45 seconds after tossing it at full speed so I really am concerned someone will pick it up before I get there and possibly deduce what i am doing or generally jsut ask.
Nicholas Cruz
please do it and record
Camden Turner
Lower it with a rope
Parker Roberts
This is the only reason I did not criticize OP for not stealing Genet. He'll be fine.
Henry Reyes
Peel it off at a part of the store where there is no one and no cameras.
Find out where the security tag is on the book and remove it, then walk out the door with it. But try it first with something else to make sure it works and you dont get caught with that particular book as if you try a second time and they do inventory they will have you as a suspect of sorts. But sounds like a cool book, hope you get it and keep it away from the book burning commies at univerrsity.
Connor Clark
>1910s >German Swastika eagle
Jeremiah Morgan
In Iraq, booksellers at the souqs do not secure their books overnight, the rationale being "thieves do not read, and readers do not thieve".
towelhead bazaaris btfo by based op
Jeremiah Parker
It has all the stamps from the different libraries it was at before reaching ours (4 in total I believe) one is from the 30s when it was moved to a new library and the stamp has the eagle bearing the swastika on it that the library used. Plus it has the A and B versions many times right next to each other and in the footnotes the different "modernizations" of words throughout seemingly all significant publications (!) that different Publishers have changed from the original to make it more legible for modern readers since Kant's original has some quite uncommon spellings. too obvious that it is theft doing this than if it just gets tossed imo They have threatened to "lock away" such works with marks form the nazi era (also ones that say "Zensur" for subhuman author or general degenerate author) in "less public places", so I am genuinely worried about this great edition meeting the flames. I haven't set a date yet. Might not be till mid august before I make my move.
Carson Brown
I steal used books all the time from the library bookstore. I pay enough library fines and deserve them for my cultural enrichment. I've become an egoist of sorts in this slight regard of my life.
Liam Carter
based. its wrong for publishers and bookstores to be profiting off of public domain works
Connor Morris
Rig up a parachute obviously.
Nathaniel Robinson
next time shoot a video
Jonathan King
pics or ur lying
William Hill
reminder that there is nothing wrong with stealing/pirating dead autors' books
Liam Robinson
The larping on this board is out of control.
Eli Williams
>minimum wage is still $7.50 and Yea Forums gets triggered over a couple of books
you do know the entirety of the mainstream media is paid billions to defend corporations and small business tyrants? stop doing it for free, you fucking morons
Austin Turner
You're an asshole. That's a man's livelihood. His children eat because of book sales.
You're no better than a nigger.
Joseph Robinson
>I've spent a lot of money there and they are overpriced Just don't go there again, they will recognise you and quietly call the cops.
Caleb Kelly
The authors died long ago you pseud.
Noah Young
Those works didn't magically get printed and bound. Whether you agree with copyright law is irrelevant to your actions -- the store owner purchased those books for resale, and you stole directly from him.
If you want to be a pirate, then by all means, be a pirate. I might even sympathize when it comes to old works like these. Go online and download a torrent. But don't steal from somebody in your community.
You're acting like a selfish, childish prick. Stop defending yourself and reflect on your actions. Also return the books.