Give me a rundown on Samuel Beckett. What is he all about? Also where to start with him?
Give me a rundown on Samuel Beckett. What is he all about? Also where to start with him?
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You’re already on the Internet and you’re still fucking stupid, but where to start first? HUR DURR START AT HURRR DURRR
with one of his books or plays
Surrealism. Start with Waiting for Godot
Minimalism and lonelines. You can start with Molloy.
incredibly wrong
what do you mean by minimalism?
Start with Murphy.
pic highly related though
Beckett's stories are simple with few characters.
Some user here said Beckett hated words and for that he was a man or something, he didn't elaborate on tjat.
Start with Waiting For Godot, then read Worstward Ho, then Krapp’s Last Tape and then the Trilogy. From there you can read more of the novellas (Watt, Mercier and Camier) or his short plays
He has a fetish for sucking stones.
reads like a beckett story
Grow up, man.
We now have an unofficial sequel:
he looks like a bird
Beckett is basically what would’ve happened if Schopenhauer was an engineer.
If his name were Samuel Backett it would be an anagram for CUM BAKE SALE T.T
Don't waste your time.
>Worked as Joyce's secretary
>Was part of the French resistance
>Career was made by his wife who was his editor and literary connection
>Supposedly the idea for Godot came when he was waiting on a corner for a friend and turned down a prostitute who asked him if he was waiting for Godot, the name of the street
>Wandered Paris late at night with Giacometti, fucking prostitutes and being intellectual
You forgot
>used to schoolrun Andre the Giant
just read his shorter, minimalist plays and after two or three you'll get the feel for them. There's also some of his plays performed on Youtube. Apparently women love him. There's also a good sex joke told by Zizek about Beckett, it goes like "something, something, try and fail better"