Why are so many seemingly intelligent people religious, even Christian, the least intellectual religion?
Why are so many seemingly intelligent people religious, even Christian, the least intellectual religion?
t. has never tried to read Maximus the Confessor
You are on a friggin rock. You've only inspected a small point in the totality of the universe. You can't even leave here to go to other rocks in the universe. You are basically a baby in a play pen saying there is nothing else out there beyond your barrier that you will never leave. And you think you are smart for saying it.
God continues his bloodline by making us. He cannot survive without us, and we cannot survive without His guidance.
pic related
> many SEEMINGLY intelligent people religious....
> Christian, the least intellectual religion
Laughs in:
Georges Lemaitre
Jack Parsons
Galileo (yes, he was a deist)
Newton (yes, he did occult stuff, look it up)
and co.
> what do you mean muh atheism is a religion? Atheism is not a religion, I'm rational.
Christianity is in many ways the perfect religion. What religions do you consider 'intellectual' anyway, buddhism?
Being a brainlet makes you religious
Being a midwit makes you an atheist
Being intelligent makes you Religious
They're vulgar perennialists who appreciate their cultural backgrounds
You know all the basic "If God created everything, who created God?"-tier argument but you're too lazy to really think about it or read anything heavy.
The fact he said "least intellectual religion" should have been a clue that he's not an "atheist", but simply considers Christianity inferior to other religions out there, regardless of his own beliefs. You can also be atheist while still having a spiritual belief system.
Not him, but I do consider Buddhism quite intellectual.
Nothing contained here has any relation to Jesus Christ, or the Old Testament. Aristotle even believed in an eternal universe, so it's unclear why he'd be included within a set of thinkers promoting a theistically-created universe.
>Christian, the least intellectual religion
Never mind, I read his post wrong. He seems to be implying that religion and intellectualism are antithetical to eachother. This would suggest he is an atheist, without any kind of spiritual belief system. I concede my error, and apologize.
A religion which introduced the concept of "faith" to culture, framing the force of one's belief in something into some kind of virtue, touting it as one of the most noble aspects of itself, is clearly not the most intellectual of traditions. Christianity has "faith" where other religions have "philosophy", just as it has mythology where other cultures have metaphysics. Also, the prevalence of fear-based tactics within the culture is another example of clear anti-intellectualism, since coercion would be unnecessary if the doctrines held up in themselves.
>Why are so many seemingly intelligent people religious, even Christian, the least intellectual religion?
go to Catholic twitter. they are the only intelligentposters on the entire site.
you only think Catholicism is dumb because you are dumb.
yeah, there could be actual guardians of the galaxy out there
Baseless in-group promotion, followed by a baseless out-group insult.
Thank you for apologising user. I accept it.
of course he can
if he couldn't he'd make it out of necessity, not out of his plain and perfect goodness
No problem, you deserve it.
The trend is literally the inverse of what you just said what the fuck you actually couldn't be more wrong.
Those people were intellectuals in spite of their worshiping a dead failed jewish revolutionary, not because of it. Any spiritual or other insights they had were utterly unrelated to worshiping a jew.
Intelligent people realize the world is too inherently paradoxical to exist without some sort of external factors. Chance can't explain everything as much as atheists want it to.
You realize Kirkegaard was on that list right?
Though I'm not atheist, I also consider it incorrect to believe something "external" is necessary - if idealism is true, meaning consciousness is reality's fundamental ground rather than some external "material" thing producing it or being such a ground, then it answers "why is there something rather than nothing" without the need for something outside of ourselves. You have always existed, and will exist, basically.
>the "good ideas don't require force" meme
the actual state of this board
They don't, actually.
This sounds like you just want to shout your opinion. What does this have to do with Yea Forums?
I'm not the brightest cookie but if I had to guess, they probably get bored if their beliefs are too easy to defend. It is dull to be an atheist.
It could also just be for brownie points. Christianity is a religion that doesn't have to effect how you live. In it's entirety it basically says, "All of these things are sins, but do what you want because as long as you believe in Christ you will be forgiven."