>not a helpless spastic who grovels at doddering old academics
>not an enormous black woman
>not a hypersexual white woman
Enjoy your neetdom while you can because you're probably not going to get a writing grant
>not a helpless spastic who grovels at doddering old academics
>not an enormous black woman
>not a hypersexual white woman
Enjoy your neetdom while you can because you're probably not going to get a writing grant
holy moly that's a lot of baguettes
He’s probably going to a large celebration or possibly preparing to make sandwiches at a festival booth or something.
I’ve seen a lot of unreasonable pics, but that isn’t one.
baguette festival
I know man, they are like a LOT, holy SHIT bro
i used to know this little danish girl who would get really drunk and attack people with a baguette. it was the most adorable thing ever
He runs a restaurant no doubt.
Or this w/e What’s with all the unrelated threads?
the thread is clearly on topic, the picture is not
imagine being such a brainlet that you pay 10-100x more for the price it would have cost to bake the damn shit yourself at minimal investment, say $1000. Imagine having your food transported in the back of a stinky Toyota Yarris that has carpet that's never been cleaned. Imagine defending this like a moron. Butterfly, please get a neurological exam. You keep going down hill.
guys share your baguette stories
what is the most literary bread and is it baguette?
Makes me hungry for baguettes. Luckily I live in France, I could get to a bakery and buy five baguettes RIGHT NOW.
Likely the antithesis to Silicon Valley programmers' scientific sourdough
>Luckily I live in France
yeah you could also buy five bowls of couscous
I'm gonna be thinking about that everytime I buy a baguette now, thanks bro
That's a rich idea, couscous is very good. Have you ever tried it user?
Actually I could even ask my mother and aunts to make some for me.
>Have you ever tried it user?
yeah i love couscous
It clearly isn’t. Did you forget what board you were on?
Baby, he’s buying in bulk and seems rather desperate. His place ran out and won’t be getting a supply shipment in time for the next two lunch rushes. This happens in Ameripoor. They can’t make their own bread in the average restaurant here. Not defending any of it, only speaking from experience.
Seems to be England though. Either way, I’m not defending it
the subject writing grants and who is eligible for one is Yea Forums
My man. It's a lot of work but very much worth it. Maybe I'll have some tonight? With some baguette perhaps. I literally have a Moroccan restaurant and a bakery not 5 min away from my office.
what book are you currently reading, my fellow cous cous connoisseur?
A tender and crusty baguette sandwich, dipping in a creamy soup, a food to transport you to a dream of Paris any time
Those aren't American plates, retard.
please stop tripfagging, you utter retard
I can only see the thumbnail because the paternalist mobile networks have banned Yea Forums (which hosts 4channel images)... However it's immediately obvious from the weather, preponderance of hatchback cars, and shit-box houses that this is the UK, probably the Midlands or North of England.
But agree - this probably happens globally when suppliers fall through; a large proportion of food vendors don't have the means to bake 100 baguettes a day
>enters the thread to police it and call it off-topic like some kind of would-be janny
>despite this, cannot help but reply to any retard that hasn't learned to not take my bait, continually bumping the thread to the top of the board to gratify my own narcissism
I'll say it: I'm feeling pretty based.
you could also go to a bakery and buy 5 baguettes in every other first world country you dumb frog
Shut up
Yeah but they're shite. A good baguette is the rule in France, but the exception elsewhere
t. bong
Nice trips. But even they won't be enough to save you from the truth
I'm a meritard and even I know our average grocery store baguette is utter trash compared to what he has available.
>first world country
you missed that part
I'm going to be honest, the French suck at almost everything but the baguette is the highest tier of bread
Bread peaked at baguettes
Have sex with one