>A jew who won't stop whining about why we can't have nice things anymore because the Holocaust happened, and that everything that led up to it is fascism, so it must be true.
Hypocritical or contradictory
Stinker is just another hysterically optimistic high priest of neoliberalism.
Suggestion: gas chamber.
That's an objective, pure reason based argument if I've ever seen one.
Taleb is a fucking useless kike
Why do I feel such disgust and shame for feminist "men"?
It is a postmodern ideology but it ultimately rejects the enlightenment, see Carl Schmitt.
It really hurts to read garbage condensed this densly.
>How isn't this sexism against men?
By definitions of sexism commonly offered by feminists, it is. But... Which of these statements do you actually think is untrue? A couple of them are facts that aren't even slightly controversial...
This is why we can say with complete certainty that leftists and liberals are lower than rats.