Where do I start with Molière?

Where do I start with Molière?

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La Misanthrope

Mia Hviid

Good French Grammar book, good luck, user! Please don't read a translation! Reminder that if you read a translation, you're not reading Molière at all!

Le*. it's masculine.

Lol this psyop didn't work as well lol

I hate
1) carnal people
2) voluptuaries
3) materialists
4) middle range intelligence
5) sin

This fashion trend of mock-steatopygia has to stop.

the feeling is mutual dw

Wrong board

You fatass :3

Have children

this But Tartuffe is fun too, but unfortunately we'll never get the original, because the religious censors made him cut a lot of it.
At least they didn't chop his head off...

That’s 100%

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who is this?


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God I hate fake blondes so much. They're always such trash.

Tartuffe is good

Wrong life.

Has anyone read School of Wives? Any preferred translation?

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Implying you’re not garbage


What’s the danish Stacey?


Watch a production because Drama is not literature, buy english teachers teach it as such. A Script more of a recipe. If you read the recipe for blueberry muffins, have you tasted them? No. Always read and then temper your reading by watching. Also, Tartuffe is the most commonly talked about and produced of his plays. Most of his plays were comedies qnd relied on physical gags, mistaken identoties, rapid entrances and exits ( Farce)-- and farce is hard to get a sense of on the page alone. Read and watch and you'll be miles ahead of anybody.

I'm working hard on my french but what really gets me mad is how many letters they use. Like a simple sentence, please sit down sounds like
>asay vu sivu play
is written like
>asseyez-vous s'il vous plaît
wtf fuck FRENCH

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is this bait

>"learning" a language by learning enough chitchat phrases by rote that you can technically get around a city where that language is spoken
>still can't have a conversation beyond "where is the shitter" because you conceive of 19 syllable long sentences as unitary, single-meaning utterances
>can't read a book, because never learned to connect the slurry of noises that you make to get arab storekeepers to semi-reliably sell you food with the actual grammar and syntax of the words you are almost-speaking by accident

Do you get off on us talking shit about you

He likes attention.

what does this mean, what is this?

No. I don’t care.


They all get the rope soon, including op.

Go outside more