Hey guys whats some good literature on psychedelics? I read terrance mckenna but hes like all over the place i fewl

Hey guys whats some good literature on psychedelics? I read terrance mckenna but hes like all over the place i fewl

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pissss by Dr. Brokner

Huxley's "Doors of Perception" and "Heaven & Hell" are decent

my diary desu

anything by Baudrillard

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I never used anything like them and the only times I tried weed it made me feel light-headed and sick.
Am I missing out?

yes, but be careful if you have family history of schizophrenia

Rick Strassman MD and Alexander Shulgin

Not literature, but Michael Pollan's book on psychedelics goes over a broad history, and you can choose from there.

>Weed already gave me psychosis
>had uncle who was schizo and killed himself
>still want to do LSD and DMT someday even though I know I shouldnt
I must be retarded.

Miserable Miracle by Michaux is hands down the best writing on psychedelics I have ever encountered

If you're not, you will be for sure

Not classic Yea Forums shit but TES lore was written by a guy on psychedelics. Sermons of Vivec are peak Michael Kirkbride autism.

The Red Book by Jung even though it's just him explaining his schizophrenic visions.

Hello? Confessions of an English Opium-Eater? How narrow/shallow Yea Forums has become.


Opiates are shit tier

Is DMT basically the ultimate psychedelic? What kinds of entities have any anons here seen on it? Can we bring back a cute little Machine Elf and take it to the whitehouse, and then give him the throne, letting him lead our decaying society into a world of love and higher consciousness? Why not? What's the flaw with that plan?

DMT wouldn't harm you that much. I'd watch out for the LSD though

Most of all because lsd basically no longer exists and you will just be buying a research chemical without nearly the reasearch or safety of lsd

Storming Heaven (author?) is about Americans psychedelic culture. Antonio Artaud experimented with psychedelics and wrote about it. The Beat poets, though it’s not their best writing.

>lsd basically no longer exists
Cringed. The first LSD I've tried was tested positive with the ehrlich reagent and all the LSD I've gotten in the future had the same onset time, duration and effects.
I have had some friends who have had tabs with a bitter taste or tabs that lasted 24-48 hours instead of 12 hours, though. If you want to be safe you should test every tab you get with the ehrlich reagent. I should have tested all my tabs as well, but luckily I've never had any complications, and I no longer use drugs so I don't have to worry about this.
To put it briefly, "LSD no longer exists" is just a flat-out lie, and buy an ehrlich reagent so you know you aren't getting RCs.

>Confessions of an English Opium-Eater

And did you buy from the darkweb or from just some guy you know?

Who the fuck buys drugs irl in 2019 lmao

Exactly my dude. The only people who I know to have gotten tested legit lsd have had to buy online. Otherwise stick to mushrooms to be safe.

First time was from some hippy girl who dropped the LSD onto small pieces of cardboard-like paper, other times it was ordered online.

If you dont want to read anything too philosophical but about some adults having fun with psychedelics and dealing with people problems read PIHKAL