Why don't you pirate books, user?
Why don't you pirate books, user?
Because screens hurt my eyes when I stare at them for too long.
i do, and if i like them i buy them.
yeah this. also it's not stealing
cuz i thankfully can afford books and dont feel compelled to buy expensive hardbacks, "premium editions", or anything that costs as much as 3 paperbacks
based and red pilled
>supporting a dying format
I do
I live in a shithole country where a book is more expensive than a cocaine
So I get high or download some books
This, except for the buying part
I pirate them by buying them used :^)
Do you also go to the store, give all candybars a bite and then buy all of them because you are amerifat and like all of them?
its a sin
I do, some are hard to find though. I will never pay money for any media.
i bought a kindle, and currently making a virtual library on a hard drive (with plans of making it a server to access anytime)
It's amazing watching it grow by every book i add
This is hoarding.
I pirate them by stealing from libraries
This. Usually pirated editions are shit
I steal them if thats what you mean
I do, why would I pay for something if I can get it for free?
Reading on a screen is for research.
>half of what I read isn't even available in print
Maybe if publishers stopped printing over 9000 copies of twilight they'd have time for literature.
I am a wage cuck so I can afford paperbacks