Is counter culture dead ?

Is counter culture dead ?

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being trad is now counter-culture

counter-culture is a just another form of popular culture. it's all garbage

You're obvsly wrong, since faggotry of any kind is mainstream.

Yes, everything has been commercialized.

Attached: Ignore the homoerotic subtext faggot.jpg (700x497, 90K)

Right. How are you not getting this?

no, being retarded is not counter-culture

He called you a faggot

Incels are the only counter culture now.

This will sound incredibly faggy but I'm a zoomed nostalgic for an era that was long gone before I was even born

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Non conformity is basically impossible now less you wanna go live innawoods or something retarded

He said counterculture not the mainstream

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This but unironically

Too bad the dominant culture is trying to swallow incels too, they already started with houellebecq, and will move to self-described incels too if they ever create any piece of art worth discussing

Attached: >tfw no goth gf.jpg (450x705, 45K)

Only thing you can call counter culture are virgins. Not incels, fuck that trash.

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Incels are the most hated and persecuted group by mainstream society.

"Counterculture" has been comercialized decades ago, it is just another capital induced identity like "gamer", or "book worm".

Any sort of culture gets rapidly subsumed and co-opted by the powers of capital and commercialization. Expect nothing.

They are the most hated and persecuted because they're the scum of the earth. Counterculture used to produce art and ideas - incels only rot and destroy.

Yeah, counter-culture nowadays means the dominant culture with a little twist in style.

Real counter-culture, if we even should call it that because the term was co-opted a long ago, are incels.

You mean gamers

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you're the same as any raging moralist crybaby at any point in history

Gamers > Incels

Have sex

Incel-lit or art is still coming, just wait. Every counter-culture in history has needes a little bit time to grow before any significant art can emerge from it. Houellebecq has already began the process with his work, Whatever.

No check/pol/

I don't believe anything could come out of a sect of self-hating reactionary degenerates, but maybe I will be proven wrong.

Why are redditors always so angry?

Why are you so socially inept?

The whole notion of culture and counter-culture and dialectics has been manipulated by media/government in order to essentially throw giant smokescreens over everything. One of Putin's right-hand men was an avant-garde theatre scholar/practitioner, and politics is being turned on its head into a pantomime like never before. No one is sure what to believe, everything is dubious, Trump is saying one thing one day, then another another day, governments are pumping funding into both the left and right binaries/factions on social/political issues just to obfuscate things further. It's always been a charade, but it's just a madhouse now.


Attached: >wacthes space dandy ONCE.jpg (667x500, 55K)

ayyyy, it's the Tunnel Snakes!

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Morrisey is contra-coulture.

Incels are basically gamers that hate themselves and women


I'm a different poster, but nothing is more anti-faggot than traditionalism.

Counter culture, by its very definition, cannot be popular.

Trad is the faggiest larpy shit imaginable.


this is normal behavior

would the "far right" be counterculture?

>NOT doing drugs and NOT drinking is cool kids

Attached: straight edge.jpg (1100x772, 66K)

What isn't normal behaviour is twisting other's people words to suit your reactionary agenda.

You just described a lot of writers, such as Celine

Celine is shit

then you don’t understand the true and proper definition of popular culture. popular culture os the culture of the populus, the populace. it doesn’t matter whether it belongs to some niche of that populace, it is still popular culture. there is no “counter culture”. there are only two sorts pf culture, popular culture and the culture of the elite. the various musical subgenres and counter cultural movements are just plebian posturing

Counter culture as we knew it in the past might be over; but everyone is able to partake in active opposition to the current cultural norms. To know how to do this we must first define what contemporary culture is all about. The current paradigm-zeitgeist is one that emphasizes wealth, ostentatiousness materialism, elaboration, flair, appearance, representation and homogenization.

It seems that everywhere you turn society seems to spread the idea of diversity and inclusivity when the reality is that society wants us to act according to some recognizable standard template.When people talk about being inclusive they don't mean accepting individuals. They just mean that you are allowed to exist as long as you conform to the standards of X group. You can do whatever you want within what we think is correct. You can express yourself freely as long as you say the right things.

A counter culture can't be something like a simple negation or a mirror of the existing paradigm but must actively step out of it and push boundaries.

U/ACC Gang

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Not dead, radical. You aren't willing to make the changes necessary, and you are not able to meet the demands that the struggle calls for, to be against what is killing humanity; you are not a hero, but a commoner -- you are not active, but passive.

holocaust deniers, flat earthers and incels are counter culture now.


So what exactly WAS the spiral city?

Whatever was published 25 years ago my dude. The internet has provided ample opportunity for incel-lit to take off yet all we've received is the purple prose manifesto of a deranged shooter.

No, you are shit, anonymous Yea Forums poster.

How's that?

Capitalism has marketed every culture, even communism, so the only true counter-culture is traditionalism

It's obvious!

although you mean it as a form of anti-comsumption, traditionalism is being sold in various forms: Clothes, houses, beards, books....

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That's not traditionalism, that's nostalgia. Traditionalism comes after realizing the hollowness of even these products, and then not despairing.

What book is this?


ok dude

And what's traditionalism appart from an absurd return to an 'authentic' fetishized form of culture. And for that simple reason impossible.
>That's not traditionalism, that's nostalgia
Traditionalism is nostalgia.
>Traditionalism comes after realizing the hollowness of even these products, and then not despairing.
Even of traditionalism?

Yea and white people are the new negroes
>he thinks the inability to reach consensual physical intimacy without paying a hoocker can be defined as a form of culture.
based schizoposter

They're mostly the biggest faggots in the punk scene. Although they were cool once.

It's preparing for the hyperwar.

Traditionalism is not a destination, it is a practice and a perspective. You're still bitter because you have yet to come to terms with the end of your childhood. Traditionalism is not being the Catcher in the Rye. It is not a desire for an innocent, authentic past. It is the realization that today is tomorrow's history, so we have the obligation and responsibility to pass on what is valuable, what is meaningful, and what is good. Traditionalism is not a desire for the past, but a hope for the future.

Then you don't understand the true and proper definition of counter-culture. It is essentially the culture of opposition and revolutionary movements.
It's not like they were unaware of this commodification

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The counter culture of every century will always be striving for excellence and owning yourself. That will never change and will never die.

Going full schizo is the new counter culture. Become the most unbearable fucker in public that you can: break every possible traffic law, smoke and take all space you can while in public. Get into fights, be rude to everyone, hold the most contrarian and transgressive opinions you can. Make everyone anxious in your presence

Hot take: Being Tradical and reading Evola is not counter-culture and cannot be. Counter-culture is a controlled opposition created to generate a demand for certain goods by marketing it as being opposed to what you're "supposed" to do.

Right-Wing politics cannot be sold in this manner. To put it another way, the Jew won't sell you Zyklon B.

Modern counter-culture is traditionalism. Christianity, maintained borders, nationalism, Capitalism... y'know, all the things that the people on the television tell people to hate. Counter-culture is not thinking that Trump is a racist/sexist/homophobic/transphobic/islamophobic/xenophobic bigot. Counter-culture is thumbing the nose in the face of the feminism and political correctness of Cultural Marxism. To agree with the left, with CNN, MSNBC, all those other leftist news agencies, to stay 'safely politically correct' instead of considering such taboo concepts as the 'Jewish question' and 'the true origins of the wage gap' and 'the biological differences between the genders and races' and 'racial IQ' and what not.

Counter-culture is alive, but because it's on the left, the leftists would prefer to claim it is dead. It has become counter-culture to seek truth and to look upon the past fondly, to be proud of the West, and to not hate White people for being awesome..

This is one of the most substantially empty posts i've ever seen in this melanesian canoecrafting board.
>Fascism is the realization that today is tomorrow's history, so we have the obligation and responsibility to pass on what is valuable, what is meaningful, and what is good. Fascism is not a desire for the past, but a hope for the future.
>Socialism is the realization that today is tomorrow's history, so we have the obligation and responsibility to pass on what is valuable, what is meaningful, and what is good. Socialism is not a desire for the past, but a hope for the future.
>Transintersectional feminism is the realization that today is tomorrow's history, so we have the obligation and responsibility to pass on what is valuable, what is meaningful, and what is good. Transintersectional feminism is not a desire for the past, but a hope for the future.
Traditionalism is literally to adhere to traditional mode of ordering (practices, beliefs, etc.) You're not fooling anyone with your vacuous slogans.

>Modern counter-culture is traditionalism. Christianity, maintained borders, nationalism, Capitalism... y'know, all the things that the people on the television tell people to hate.
Since when is mainstream media anti-capitalist?
>Cultural Marxism
Oh, you're just retarded.

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stop romanticizing trendy faggots

Cool, you're so bad at actually reading that you can only respond to the style of rhetoric. You bagged traditionalism for being nostalgia; my point was that actual traditionalism is not trying to recreate the past. It is preserving things which are known to work, which we are confident in, and not believing that new things are better simply because they are new. Your sad lib is retarded,because Fascism and Socialism and Tranintersectional Feminism are fundamentally built on the idea that traditional practices are out of date and need to be replaced. If you wrongly say that traditionalism is only backward looking, it is very meaningful to reiterate that it is, more than anything, forward looking. Given the word traditionalism, it is readily and obviously understood what is mean by "valuable, meaningful, and good", unlike with modern ideologies which insert their own unintuitive understanding of these things and sell them to people based on the confusion. Modernist ideas need to establish why they are good and how they will work, but traditionalism we already know to at least work, and much of it we readily and intuitively understand as good. What I said only seems vacuous if you are empty headed.

Conservatism is the new counter culture

Following the hegemonic culture is the actual counter-culture.

How am I romanticising anything?

Jesus. All this post. I've lost a substantial amount of IQ points. Actually, I think i've lost my bowel control. Are you really that retarded?

Amazingly, trough the influx of redditors this site itself turned from being radical counter culture into an consumer of mainstream products and morality. The place where incel culture has emerged is not anti-incel.
It's depressing, really.

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The real uzumaki were the spirals we made along the way

I'm sorry to hear that. But reading will get easier the more you practice. It might help if you move your finger along the line to follow the words.

Uzumaki by Junji Ito.
It's been officially translated into English across 3 volumes.

stop watching youtube you single digit

The decades of support going to Cuba and Venezuela and what not. Mainstream media defending them, defending Socialism, not being taught the horrors of Communism in school, of the 100 million, which dwarfs what happened in the Holocaust which itself was perpetrated by the National SOCIALISTS and indeed Hitler's hatred of the RICH and SUCCESSFUL Jews certainly sounds quite Marxist to me. Hell, go out with a hammer-and-sickle flag and people would probably think it's pretty neat for the most part, meanwhile if you went out with a Nazi flag and did anything but burn it and people would be appalled. My question is, WHY DON'T PEOPLE THINK COMMUNISM/SOCIALISM IS APPALLING?! It's killed WAY more people than the Nazis, CONTINUES to kill people in Venezuela and North Korea, not to mention what's going on in China with the religious persecution (particularly the Muslims, and believe me it's not often I go to THEIR bloody defence), and so on and so forth.

It seems to me to be QUITE mainstream to defend leftist economic systems while showing pride in Capitalism is considered strange by many. A Socialist or Communist? Okay, sure, that's interesting. A proud Capitalist? Well, really it's mainstream to not be proud of much of anything that is traditional or Western. To be White, to be of the West, even national pride is frowned upon by much of mainstream. It's a rape culture! It's oppression! It's patriarchy! Marriage is slavery! Christianity is hateful! Capitalism causes a massive wage gap (which is wrong; a hierarchy develops with Capitalism and hierarchies are natural in any creative industry)!


Islam is a religion of peace! Don't confuse culture and religion (whatever the Hell that means)! Whites are oppressive and Brown/Black people are poor marginalized people who should be coddled and provided for! Men are evil! Women are precious flowers that should be catered to in every way! Open the borders! Abort the babies! Divorce and be free! What, you want to have children?! What's wrong with you?! For shame!

The culture of the West is anti-West. I, as a Western chauvinist (believes that the West is the greatest civilization in the history of mankind), would be considered a White supremacist radical on many television shows and by many teachers. Being PROUD to be White is another thing that is frowned upon, Hell, even just saying "It's okay to be White". There's much self-hatred from the left in the West, and a part of the hatred of Western tradition and success is Capitalism. The longer America stands as a bright beacon of how Capitalism is awesome, the worse it is for the economic left. America should CRUMBLE so that the Socialist utopia may be ushered in amidst the ashes!


Not sure if bait, schizo or autistic 16 year old who watches "classical liberal" YouTubers


Then why are all the tradfags posting here insufferable faggots?
Do I have to read Guenon to find out?

It's Cultural Marxism with Whites and males put as the bourgeoisie. Cultural Marxism exists.

Is that Chris Dodge on the right?

Guenon is a false traditionalist. He was a mason. His aim was to offer to western culture a more authentic understanding of Easter belief, rather than the more theatrical and fluffy versions put forward by people like Blavatsky and Crowley. Still, though, he was very much a modernist, a syncretist, and most of his work directly contradicted the explicit teaching of every tradition to arrive at what he believed, by his own intuition, was the universal tradition. The reason most tradposters are fags is because actual traditionalism means partaking in tradition, not reading wiki pages on esoteric philosophers to get (you)s. Rather than reading Guenon, they should be learning folk songs, discovering traditional stories and learning how to tell them, and as much as possible figuring out how to see life today as a proper continuation of society so that they in turn can pass on the necessary morals for a good and honorable life. In other words, doing everything but be a neet.

You're the purest form of evil

What? What is "counter-culture?" Do you wanna dress in muted colors and pretend to read? Dye your hair pink so everyone looks at you?

What's so wrong with being a normal person? Everyone wants to be a fucking genderfluid wolf nowadays fuck off.

mainstream media is pro-capitalist, but it's crony capitalism with regulations (terms and conditions may apply). The bucking for communism is the new thing because every poor from here to timbuktu wants the gibes.


Those are ones of the best descriptions of traditionalism I've seen. Well done, user.

High IQ post

Bunch of faggots in this thread who have never done physical labor or held a demanding office job neck yourselves.

>counter culture
Counter culture is an attempt to generate a culture that runs parallel or in opposition to the wider culture. Jesus you are a cunt

Well, it's kinda like Ukumaki in the way that popular culture degrades itself, and after the zeitgeist changes it gets their influence from something already rotten. This process goes on until there's nothing left.

>We'll be entering the future in less than a year
Out with the faggotry and in with the IRL cyberpunk kino

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What was the punk movement, for that matter, known for? Doing shit that was prohibited and pushing the boundaries of accepted speech.
What is this new nazi/alt-right movement know for? Doing shit that is prohibited and pushing the boundaries of accepted speech.
The left has become mainstream, and thus going against its agenda is by definition counter-culture.

I don't care.


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MIGA will never be counter-culture sweatie.

Join the hippies psytrance culture. Pretty neat doing bongs hit under trees.

oops, just realize I'm not on Yea Forums

unironically this, desu. Counter culture is now wanting a white picket fence. Everyone is so edgy. We all need to calm the fuck down and read some Aurelius (entry level, but potent)

Boomers were a mistake


Boomers are now the counter-culture.

The most oppressed group on the internet.

Maligned by Fake News.

And disrespected by a millennial government.

Only one man stands for them.

Attached: qoomer.jpg (2048x1536, 789K)

"Counter culture" even in the 1970s was already commercialized, with the "counter culture" kids (punk, goth, and earlier hippies) hanging out in malls and patronizing the stores that pandered to them. Some malls more than others, but don't you pretend it wasn't commercialized at the start.

For there to be a counterculture there has to be a culture. It's a dialectic, a psychic tennis match. But now there is transcendent capital the "rebels' and "outcasts" tweet on corporate servers, they have one of three major corporations living in their pockets (smartphones) , everything is tracked, monitored, systematized. Multiculturalism is a non-culture, a fragmentation of separate, parallel cultures, and separate parallel cultures cannot fully express their world-encompassing tendency, so they fall on one another. Tensions and disagreements abound, and yet not enough people believe one thing for it to congeal into a grand narrative.

Postmodernism is stupid because it thinks grand narratives are a bad thing. They're the most powerful thing, the most soaring and grandiose. At the same time that techno-capital has universalized itself into the single true power, it spreads divisions and confusions through it limitation of the human level to certain base drives.The dramatization of politics, the transformation of it into reality tv, is the final stroke of this tactic. It represents the "parasite" of the irrational overtaking the rational host--the rational host being the technological infrastructure and communications media itself.

The rational level of technology enables the base level to which it is put to use. Therefore there is a major contradiction between the machinery of propaganda, deception, and general, unintended confusion. Because these two levels interfere with each other, a general feeling of uneasy and uncontrollable change seems to prevail. Chaos---but chaos cools off eventually. What does it then gel into?

I am the White Christian West, and the White Christian West is the greatest civilization in the history of mankind. It's thanks to people like me that you get to live in such unbelievable splendor. You're welcome, and God bless President Trump.

>Chaos---but chaos cools off eventually. What does it then gel into?

The past 20 years was basically humanity coming online. People from across the planet from various cultures and education levels communicating for the first time on a scale never experienced in human history. There's not really an established hierarchy or order yet. Though we all depend on this infrastructure for something. There's nothing we can go back to in history and say "oh the Romans messed up this way so we just have to make sure we don't do that" Thus there's the feeling of being overwhelmed with a perceived chaos that we don't know how to rectify.

So another war? Or perhaps a united attitude towards some problem that society perceives as a threat. Perhaps once the dust of the .com bubble settles and most people are on the same page we will have our goals aligned for a time. Going based off of the past it seems those are the options but we're kind of in uncharted territory. It's been racism, wars, diseases, and accomplishments that have define past centuries. Now it seems as if we are bombarded with all of that on a daily basis.

I'm starting to feel boomers actually are NPCs, as in they lack an inner voice.

Attached: das boomin.jpg (750x979, 220K)

oh yeah, then explain this, faggot

It's very clear boomers are not only phenomenally distinct, but are genetically their own sub-species.

No it has only come to a head. We have "liberated" ourselves inasmuch as a look, a way of speech, a certain behavior is no longer in itself transgressive.

This may appear like a loss to the youth because they cannot so easily take part in a counterculture than many in the past maybe could, but this is actually something to be celebrated. We have reached the point where counterculture means radicalization and there is no other way out.

If you really want to 'tune in' and 'drop out' today you should probably go join up a militia and start planning revolution.

NPCs are leftists. Boomers do have a large amount of leftists, but one in the vid has a MAGA hat. Trump supporters go against the mainstream, at least what was the mainstream. With how shitty the Democrats are, Trump is set to win 2020 in a landslide with a far greater majority than in 2016, and it is in large part thanks to the Democrats, but it doesn't hurt that he has that badass economy waking people up who usually don't vote, looking at the Dems who want to make illegal immigration legal as well as give healthcare and welfare, realize it would be the downfall of America's economy, and so will be off to the voting booths to make sure Trump stays.

The Democrats have become unhinged. Every last one of them want to give free healthcare to ILLEGALS. Looking forward to the mass-deportation, already enjoy seeing the wall come about. Most people can't stand AOC and she's become one of the most recognized faces of the Democrat party.

It would take some sort of unbelievable miracle for the public to turn on Trump, and turn to the unhinged far-left radical Democrats. They are for open borders, for high taxation, for free healthcare, the 'Green New Deal', paying people who simply choose not to work, the ridiculous notion of rebuilding every single building in America, etc. The Democrats would result in unemployment spikes, more people on food stamps instead of hundreds of thousands or millions coming off of it (which Trump has accomplished), wages going down, crime going up... and well... just look at most any city that's been Democrat-lead for decades. It ain't pretty... Trump's gonna win in 2020 and every single American with eyes to see should be damn grateful.

>wall of text
>trump not liberal controlled opposition

too much text for a boomer larp post. doesn't hold my attention, needs editing.

counter culture is relative

I unironically want to see e double live so bad. Seeing a crowd boping to his rhymes would be so dope

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>democrats want to rebuild every single building in America
The fuck

r9k inceldom appears largely unmarketed to
(except for the automated reflection of content created by their peers via recommendation algorithms based on interest)

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Green New Deal. Rebuild every single building in America because 'muh climate change'.

This nigga doesn't know about
>A C C E L E R A T E

counter culture is at an impasse.
What started out as beatniks in us and earlier revolutions like Dada ists and Bauhaus in Europe as the counter culture to the industrial era.

Many counter culture movements existed in prior eras. Many of which helped switch the paradigms from the Roman era to the Byzantine era, from the medeval era to the reniassance era and the Victorian era to the modern era and then to post modern era.

All of these paradigm shift crucial learning moments for the institutions in power.
Currently counter culture is in a grips because it finds humanity trapped by the capitalistic advancement of technology and have accepted that radical action is pretty much required at this point if we want to have a fighting chance against the machine. Radical action that many people aren't willing to take.

So the alternative to blowing yourself up for the glory of God, or massacreing 50 noviates in a mosque in response for that.
Is either:
Coming to grips with nihilism
Read:Jordan Petersen, zizek, star wars, game of thrones, Camus, gurdijeff, Tony Robbins, or Sylvia Brown or John Edwards or Carl Jung

You feed the best until the belly of the best busts and it eventually explodes like that one skit in Monty Python's meaning of life. Since we placate the beast anyways with our comfort and apathy. So the best action, like a petulant child, is to over exaggerate.
Go for hyper obedience like facism, hyper health like eugenics, hyper capitalism like credit card debt. The machine can't do anything about it because it LOVES obedience , and can't tell you to not follow it. So we conflabulate and hyper exaggerate our obedience and adherence to an ideology, just so we can get it over and done with and the machine will eventually run out of it's bag of tricks and finally break down and give up and finally fuck off and let us do our thing for once.
Read: A C C E L E R A T E

If you are interested in learning about could terrible culture movents and theory history etc...
It is primarily the history of groups, because at heart counter culture, culture in general is about organizing .
While the groups that hold up the status quo are often businesses, churches, and governments.
The counter culture movements have been typically involved in
Technology vs businesses specific groups
I.e. fetishists

Religion plays some subversive role but I would argue that it was the Advent of the printing press that helped Martin Luther establish the church rather than vice versa. And cults more often have some other hidden agenda.

>>A C C E L E R A T E

What are these? Books?

You do realize they are being marketed to
Star wars
E thots
Kylie Jennie
Kanye west

Are you familiar with the notion of strawmen?


Is peak counter culture
It's the culmination of the late 90's early 200's forms of counter culture.

Nick land is the meme author everyone dropps when you ask about that.
But he is exactly that.
The counter culture of whatever paradigm will be transmitted in the medium of the times.
Books are so last millennia.

The new counter culture ideology is expressed in hypertext, memes and photoshopped pictures of naked celebrities.
Look into Chan, image boards, forums, and eventually YouTube channels that can research and sanitize the information and put it into a nice 10 to 30 minute video with ”set design" for the public to digest.

The concept of 'clown world' is that everything is upside-down and ridiculous, so what's left but to laugh at it? Islam is a religion of peace, honk-honk. Feminism is about equality, honk-honk. Trump is literally Hitler and detention centres are literally WWII-style concentration camps, honk-honk. It's okay to give children hormone replacement therapy and make them infertile if you think they're trans and can trick them into agreeing that they're trans, honk-honk. Women deserve the right to kill millions upon millions of unborn babies and the taxpayers have to cover the cost, honk-honk. Gangs of UK Muslims like to rape little White and Sikh girls as young as 11, but the MAIN story is that bigoted and racist Tommy Robinson who keeps reporting on it and has been for years even when everyone told him it wasn't happening and he's been jailed AGAIN for conducting journalism on the matter, honk-honk. Even with all the terrorism and rape, the proper and decent thing to do is to open the borders to let as many Muslims in as possible, terrorism is just a part of living in a major city (according to Muslim mayor of London), honk-honk.

We live in a fucked-up world where if you don't speak lies or AT LEAST refrain from pointing out uncomfortable truths, then there's something wrong with you and you're evil and should be silenced. I've heard that Tommy Robinson has been sent to a major Muslim-majority prison known to convert people to Islam and radicalize them... most if not all of them likely want to kill or maim Tommy by one means or another, and the one who does will gain a HUGE amount of cred and respect for doing so, if any of them manage to get to him. He survived on something like some crackers and a tin of tuna per day for weeks because the food wasn't safe. He could not see where it comes from, who prepared it, and Muslims were always on about "did you enjoy your lunch, Tommy? Did you enjoy your food?" God only knows what they do with it... he was scarily thin by the time he was released. He might not survive this time, and why? The Judges had said there was NO way he could have influenced the trial, and, he was quite calm and polite to those CONVICTED child-raping Muslim pedophiles. But oh no, can't let a man like that show the faces of the people doing such horrible things to British girls; throw him in the clink for conducting LEGAL and NECESSARY journalism. These freaks need to be exposed and the British people NEED to know what their 'recent guests' of the 'religion of peace' have been doing to their youth...

Are you fucking kidding me? I can't speak for Europe, but American arts is 100% counter-culture, but it's versatile as fuck. Not that any of it is in earnest, of course.

So ad hominem is all you have, red scum?

It's literally a part of the Green New Deal, it also speaks of 'farting cows' and they want to make employment optional so that even lazy unemployed people, but able-bodied and able-minded, can get paid. Pretty sure there was also stuff about no more gas-powered vehicles, perhaps no more boats, things of this nature. It's ridiculous, and it's no wonder that the resulting vote on it was basically all 'nay' for Republicans and 'abstain' for basically all Democrats, which is absurd. They claim the world will end (or at least suffer irreparable damage) within 12 years unless something is done. Yet, when this Democrat-made bill comes up to help the climate, and the Republicans call for a vote on it immediately, not only do they kick up a fuss about it but not ONE of them actually voted support for it. It's so bad, Trump HOPES that they'll push and support the Green New Deal during the election cycle because he knows it inside and out and can just rip them apart on how unhinged they are.

I'm not straw-manning. I'm telling it like it is. What was the estimated cost of the Green New Deal... $70,000,000,000,000? Seventy trillion... it's insane, and meanwhile the borders are being opened, illegals are given social benefits, unemployment is shooting up, and the US economy crumbles. THAT would be the outcome of Democrats winning 2020 with their radical far-left 'Progressive' candidates. Thankfully, many Democrat voters disagree with many elements of this, and so if there's not some SERIOUS lack of Dem voters come 2020, I'd be very surprised. They'd have to turn things around in a big way to have a chance, even that first Democrat debate with all those candidates, it was an embarrassment! I don't see how that can be construed as straw-manning either. Even leftie Tim Pool, left of Obama but not quite as far as Bernie (whom he supported big-time in 2016), doesn't like most of the candidates. Kamala Harris and that Asian dude seem to be the only ones he's into and doesn't like the 'universal basic income' idea of the Asian. Bernie has been adopting identity politics, even said "White people don't know what it's like to be poor" which really annoyed Tim, so it seems like his support of Bernie has dried up because he's gone too far to the left.

Some still say that Tim might just end up voting Trump even though he's been on the left his WHOLE life, we'll see. Tim is adamant that he'll never vote for Trump, and indeed maybe he won't... but he IS seeing some of the beneficial aspects of his President. The economy rocks, he liked that he called off the attack in Iran, he's aware that Trump isn't as stupid as the left likes to think he is, pretty sure he likes what he's done for Korea too. Tim is part Korean with some of his ancestry coming from north of the 38th parallel and would like to see the place where that part of his family comes from, but of course it would be unsafe to do so as it stands. Even the South Korean leader says Trump is to thank.

You're counter-culture when police are actively trying to break up your gatherings



Upon conception, the DNA is there. Eye colour, hair colour, how tall they're likely to become with an ideal diet, their proclivity to remain skinny or to gain weight, what sort of flavours/foods they'll prefer, their IQ with an ideal diet, and so on and so forth. There's an unbelievable amount of information in DNA, and it's there at conception, who that person will become. You can choose to think that a baby isn't a real human being until it exits the womb, fine, but we're going to have to agree to disagree. After all, what do you think a pregnant woman would think upon being stabbed in the stomach by a mugger resulting in her losing her unborn child, the child she so dearly wanted to bring into the lives of herself and her beloved husband? Tell her "it was just a bundle of cells"? Such ignorance deserves a good, firm slap. It is my belief that those who abort their child should not try to blind themselves; they murdered a human being, one that is totally innocent, even more vulnerable than a newborn infant in a crib, and its death was sought after by its own mother.






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I see being retarded is still mainstream

Pro-choicers don't have an answer for this.

incels are the mainstream? lmao. what the fuck are you on about user?

Yes, an 'ideal' diet, since it seems quite well known that someone raised on a sub-par diet will not grow as big as if they had a proper diet, and I hear the same goes with IQ. Having a better diet while being raised improves IQ to my understanding, though I could be incorrect about this, I don't know the statistics/studies on it.

Back where? I can assure you that while I'm not in America at the moment, I will legally emigrate there someday and obtain dual citizenship. Believe me, if the Dems don't un-fuck themselves from their radical-left 'Progressive' ways, I will be a VERY adamant and faithful Republican voter. Or, if there's a more right-wing independent, I may very well go for them, but I think Trump represents my views very faithfully and I would proudly call him my President if I could. Instead, my Prime Minister is Justin Trudeau, but the coming Federal Election in October is anticipated to see him finish with just the one term. In all likelihood, it will be Andrew Scheer of the 'Conservative' Party, but he's called himself a centrist. I'm not interested. Mad Max is the only right-winger and only REAL Conservative running for Prime Minister. Some have referred to him as the Trump of Canada, and also as the Albertan from Quebec. Alberta is the most Conservative Province in Canada, and he regards it as a compliment.

Mad Max would be a fantastic ally with Trump, they both share many views on immigration and Max even wants to remove magazine restrictions on firearms! Now, we have Brexit's new deadline coming on October 31st and Boris Johnson says he'll go no-deal if one isn't reached by the deadline. Then there's the right-wing federal victory in Australia, Morrisey was it? The Anglosphere is going in a very 'right' direction, metaphorically and literally. Thank God for that.

>He still thinks he's rebelling against the post modern era

Just accept that you've lost the game.

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There is no counter-culture, and trad most certainly isn't. Trad is just another consumer identity belonging to a small, easily marketed to, demographic. Similar to being a tranny.

wanting a white picket fence is not "trad" you brainless cunt

What is it that the market is selling to trads, Evola shirts?

You are silly.

The counter-culture won and now you're seeing the results.

>Church thithes
>Sending your children to die for isreal
>Getting a mortgage

To be honest
>Post modernism
>Tupac Shakur

Nobody really knows what they are.

The earth is still dying you cryptoshithead.

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Inner Traditions.
Neo-Folk and post-punk and synth-punk record labels.
Milsurp (not really my bag baby) but everyone involved enjoys fucking over casuals, boomers and moders.

I'd say more but I don't want posers invading the scene.

Attached: Inner-Traditions.jpg (500x500, 42K)

>source: anti-defamation league
lol okay bud

>terrorism is mainstream
kill yourself

>all these appeals to absurdism
>mentioning Tim pool
For someone ranting about NPCs, you have been hitting all the lolcow’s talking points like you are reading off a script.

There can't be any kind of counter culture anymore, it just get instantly assimilated into the culture it's trying to counter because said culture do not exist, counter-culture and counter-counter-culture are nothing too since they define themselves negatively in relation to another nothing. The only thing left is to do it your own way, ignore culture entirely, do not posit yourself according to it

No but it's interesting that we have little outlet for hormone laden fagbags other than squiting some glue on your anime action figures or shooting up some fags in a public place to get maximum effect.
And we only seem to be getting more extreme versions of this.

Read virgin ISIS
Read my twisted great replacement

Quit insultating yourself with ad hominem bullshit like
Another cryptoshithead.

It's all about awareness brah.
Counter culture is headed towards a libertarian micropatriotic tied to local neighborhoods and such .
I.e. "I grew up in Brooklyn vs I grew up in Manhatten as opposed to I grew up in New York"

>tupac shakur
I know what tupac shakur is, he's my nigguh!
Gotta keep ya head up G!

You mean capitalism is winning, and accelerating. U r dumb dumb.

Wow you are pretty deep innit, arent you? Can you tell me what a cryptoshithead is?

the holy ghost had left alone.

I see your unexpected post, user. love that song.

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>Capitalism causes a massive wage gap (which is wrong; a hierarchy develops with Capitalism
so how is it ""wrong"" then? you can't say something's wrong and then say it's true

take a break from the Shapiro videos, kid, you're gonna give yourself a brain hemorrhage

listen to Chapo

but it always was, the definition was wrong, there's nothing more establishment than rebelling from traditions since the Renaissance


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Police have been protecting every Proud Boys/MAGA rally and often participating in them

Any attempt at a Communist rally would get broken up real fast

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>concentration camps where children get molested/raped with taxpayer dollars by border agents are good, honk-honk
see, I can do it too
(except you unironically believe this)

Have sex.

people can parrot this all they want, but it won't be true even if you think the irony would be funny

Capitalism doesn't CAUSE the... just for full context here, I was referring to the wage gap between the wealthy and poor rather than the 'gender wage gap'. Anyhow, Capitalism doesn't CAUSE that, it's simply how things work out in nature. Pareto distribution. 80% of the mass in the universe is with 20% of the largest planets/stars. Then, of those 20% largest bodies of mass, 80% of that mass is in the 1/5 largest ones. That's 64% of the Universe's mass in 4% of the largest bodies. One more step, and it's a bit over 51% of the mass in 0.8% of the largest bodies, or to simplify, 50% in 1%.

This Pareto Distribution or Matthew Principle ("To those who have everything, more will be given, and from those who have nothing, everything will be taken") is reflected in nature in various ways, but also in every creative human endeavor. 80% of classical music listened to is by 20% of the most popular classical musicians, or to dial it down more, just over 50% of classical music listened to is by less than 1% of classical musicians. It's brutal stuff, but the same goes for making money. Isn't it said that the richest 1% hold as much wealth as the other 99%? That's the Pareto distribution, and it is NATURAL. It is in NATURE, and so are hierarchies. Hierarchies are connected to the serotonin system in our brains, it regulates stress based on where you are in the hierarchy, and if you're way at the bottom, the strain will cause you to age faster, weaken your immune system, make you more vulnerable to things such as cancer, etc. Meanwhile, if you're high in the hierarchy and your serotonin is rewarding you for your hard work by giving your brain 'happy chemicals', you'll age more slowly, have a stronger immune system, less likely to have a heart attack, etc. This serotonergic system is found in lobsters, so much so that if you give lobsters anti-depressants, they'll work. Lobsters are a common ancestor from 300,000,000 years ago, meaning hierarchies are older than trees. Thus, hierarchies are a fair bit older than Capitalism, and the Pareto distribution is likewise ancient and natural. Therefore, to say that Capitalism is at blame for the wage gap between rich and poor, it is to completely ignore nature and history. I'll tell you what IS unnatural; forced equality.

Isn't Chapo Traphouse some kind of anti-woke Socialist thing?

So you call detention centres 'concentration camps', you think that children there are being raped and molested... 'with taxpayer dollars' by border agents? I assume you mean that the tax money being used to PAY border agents is how tax money is being used to molest/rape children, and that the children aren't being actually molested/raped with money itself.

Anyhow, detention centres are over-crowded like mad because Democrats refused to agree to send more money to deal with the crisis. If any molestation or raping is being done, it's likely illegals doing it to other illegals at night when people are sleeping, after all, something like 80% of the women and girls who cross into America illegally are raped by either other illegals or by the coyotes that guide them to the border. As for border agents molesting/raping children, I don't buy that for a minute, you'll have to provide some evidence.


>the DNA is there
I guess masturbating is murder too

I read 12 Rules, too. You're missing the point. 80%-20% isn't 99%-1% which isn't 99.9999%-0.0001%. Capitalism makes concentration of wealth (and thus power) more extreme over time and doesn't stop until it collapses. It doesn't just take an existing power gap and preserve it in amber.

In other words, you think they're good. honk-honk.

That people with unchecked power over prisoners commit sexual abuses is common knowledge and the evidence is overwhelming. People with unchecked power over children do the same. What do you think happens to children who are also prisoners? "It is in NATURE" and all that.

> (You)
>Isn't Chapo Traphouse some kind of anti-woke Socialist thing?
listen and find out

>Isn't Chapo Traphouse some kind of anti-woke Socialist thing?
No they aren't, they are neither "anti-woke" nor socialists, just uncomfy liberals

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There is no conception with masturbation. Semen is only one half of the puzzle; takes two to tango.

What are you talking about? Here's how it works.

80% of wealth to 20% of the people. Let's make it even simpler; there's $100 and 100 people. $80 in the hands of 20 people with 80 people left to split $20.

Of that $80, 80% of it is in the hands of 20% of the richest group of 20. So those 20 people don't have $4 each. $64 goes to 4 people and the other 16 gets to split $16, so $1 each, which is much better than the 80 people who have just $0.25 each (which totals $20).

Still with me? Feel free to ask questions if it's still not clear. Now, of those 4 people who have $64, 80% of the money goes to 20% of the people since it's not distributed evenly, which means BASICALLY, to round the numbers, 1 person owns $50.

Now, when they say "the richest 1% has as much wealth as the other 99%", that means that the 1% have half of all the money in the world... thus... in my example, 1 person has $50, and with the next 3 richest people there's $64, and with the next 16 richest people there's $80, which is 80% of all the money owned in this hypothetical scenario meant to explain the Pareto distribution. It's also worth noting that the 1% isn't fixed whether we look at the global 1% (make roughly $35,000 or more every year) or the 1% of the West (which is, I dunno, half a million or more every year). People enter the 1%, people leave the 1%, technically I've been within the global 1% before and you may have as well.

Capitalism (and hierarchies in general) do tend towards tyranny. Those who have end up getting more and more, and those who don't have get 'stuck at zero' and suffer... but the thing is, we don't have pure Capitalism in the West, not by a long-shot, and indeed I believe we SHOULDN'T have pure Capitalism even though I do consider myself a proud Capitalist. I've been homeless before, I've gone to food banks many times, and if not for homeless shelters then there's two occasions in which I'd have been sleeping on the street. There are vulnerable people out there, and I don't want anyone sleeping on the street even though I've been in positions where I faced that possibility and was ready to do so. There's also taxation in Capitalism, for better or worse, but in some ways it's indeed for the better. Redistributing some of that excess from Capitalism to the most vulnerable in society, provided it's not being taken advantage of, is good. ESPECIALLY if it's someone who's mentally and/or physically disabled; don't leave the poor bastards to sleep on the streets. A homeless shelter I stayed at had essentially 'permanent rooms', ones not meant for people struggling temporarily, but who have no other options and will be there until the end.

"Capitalism is the worst economic system in the world... except for all the other ones."

Without a firm foundation of Capitalism, any scaffold of social system will buckle under its own weight.

You can make claims all you want, but serious allegations need serious evidence. Just saying "the evidence is overwhelming" doesn't cut it.

I have plenty that I already watch and listen to, thanks. I'm not going to go out of my way to try new things that I'm totally unfamiliar with because some rando online says I should without giving any context.

Oh God, what are they doing with that Muslim anti-Semite? If they're a fan of her, they must be woke far-left 'Progressives'. Okay, I might have a look, but I anticipate it'll be little more than cringe. Orange-man-bad rhetoric, Islam apologizing, pro-choice, pro-mass-immigration, etc. A proper Liberal, a Classical Liberal, wouldn't want anything to do with the Democrat party today.

>A proper Liberal, a Classical Liberal, wouldn't want anything to do with the Democrat party today.
there wouldn't have been today's democrats without classical liberals

You're talking about who has how much cash, which isn't what capitalism is. Capitalism is defined by ownership of production and the power that results from that. Capitalism results in a concentration of power over time regardless of whether you, personally, have more or less cash at different points in your life.

I don't know why you're so hung up on this Pareto shit, it's not as complicated as you're making it out to be, and it's not relevant to what I'm saying.

not literature

The Democrats have gone too far to the left to be Liberals, just like Justin Trudeau of the 'Liberal' Party of Canada. Liberal in name alone, just like the Antifa fascists are 'Anti-Fascist' in name alone.

"This Pareto shit" explains why Capitalism results in a wage gap. The Pareto distribution explains PRECISELY why Capitalism results in income disproportionately going to a small amount of people, because it is NATURAL for things to go that way. 50% to the 1%, the other half to the rest of the 99%. That is NATURAL, and made even more obviously so because whenever people try to FORCE people to be equal, it results in destabilization, the deaths of millions, often hardcore authoritarianism to try and MAINTAIN this effort against the natural Pareto Distribution, but ultimately failure. Capitalism is the only economic system that actually works, and gives the poor (like myself) the opportunity to make something of themselves. Again, the 1% isn't fixed; people enter it and people leave it but they don't just leave it by death. They're not in it for life unless it's someone who is SERIOUSLY successful and doesn't screw everything up, like Bill Gates. Jeff Bezos fucked up, had a mistress, and may have a divorce soon. He was (maybe still is) the new 'richest man in the world' but he won't stay there at this rate, and will likely drop down a notch or two. Also, to my understanding, typically when a person makes their family VERY wealthy, the family often loses the wealth within 3 generations. It takes hard work, determination, and passion to stay at or even near the top. Will a son be as hard-working as his father? A grandson as determined and passionate as the son? Unlikely. Possible, but unlikely.

Also, the poor in the West are the richest poor in the world. This coming from someone who's been homeless and been on welfare. Electricity, food, television, internet, home phone, cell phone, a fan for hot weather, heating for cold weather, Police and fire services, etc. I've even been maintaining my alcoholism through the hardships yet I still lived with all my needs and most of my reasonable wants. Capitalism is working, and not just here. Between 2000-2013, worldwide poverty was cut down by 50%, sooner than anyone's projection.

So, again, Capitalism doesn't CAUSE the wage gap between rich and poor. That is due to the Pareto distribution and hierarchies, both of which are natural and documented in science. It is unavoidable unless you get very Communist/Socialist/Marxist, wanting to take from the rich and give to the poor to try and even things out, and we know the outcome of that based on several attempts around the world over the past 102 years resulting in roughly a hundred million deaths, give or take, still occurring in Venezuela and North Korea. I also attribute the treatment of the Uyger Muslims in China to China's Communist sympathies.

How the fuck is someone so basic bitch while having so much to say?

>The Democrats have gone too far to the left to be Liberals
Are you certifiably mad? Their track-record on economic policies are strictly neo-liberal, with a rare hint of Keynesian thought to swipe the failures of capitalism under the rug. Their social liberalism most certainly does not make up for this, nor for their imperialistic gaming abroad, nor for their flag-touting feel-good patriotism. Their party is called "the graveyard of movements" for a reason, as they co-opt any threats to their dominance to the benefit of their donors and rainbow-big-business. They are a fly-trap, the honey to the vinegar, to cut any resistance before it has a chance to bud and grow — or radicalize further.

>worldwide poverty was cut down by 50%, sooner than anyone's projection.

He's completely right
>watch Chapo
Go dilate you gross fuck

>Between 2000-2013, worldwide poverty was cut down by 50%, sooner than anyone's projection.
t. ass

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I've also thought on the matter of Capitalism vs Socialism/Communism/Marxism based on production. So a greedy Capitalist wants to make lots of money, firstly he needs to provide what the market wants and the market (customers) will decide on whether this greedy evil Capitalist will succeed or not. Let's say it's someone who runs a construction company. They need to make sure they give good quality, be able to complete the job within a reasonable time, and within budget. If they get known for not completing on time, being over-priced, or under-quality, this will reflect in the market and so they'll fail, as they should, because there's other who do it better or at least more honestly. It's an economic and meritocratic hierarchy, really, letting the best of the best rise to the top and make the most money. If they fuck up, or someone manages to do/make something better and/or at greater speed/quantity then they there will be a shift in hierarchy, and hierarchies can most certainly shift with some people rising and falling, happens all the time.

Meanwhile, someone ushers in the Socialist utopia elsewhere. There was a successful person running a construction company, making pretty decent money (not the best) but still was on the up-and-up. Well they were spared the gulags or an execution because they weren't making TOO much, and glorious leader allows him to work TOGETHER with his former 'employees' but he will no longer be above them. They can work together as one unit, not as a group of proletariat under the bourgeois. Firstly, with pay flattened, the person who had been running and organizing the whole thing will obviously be paid less since he must get the same as his workers (and everyone else in society). Chances of a raise? Only if the pay of ALL workers rise, which would take quite a broad and unified effort at advancement but otherwise, if there are weak/lazy/slow people (and there always will be), it leaves the people at the top of the 'hard working' pareto distribution (20%) to try and carry the other 80% up. It's a massive anchor holding them back, and so... what's the point? On their own they could soar, but now every individual who isn't doing as much work as him or her will be DIRECTLY acting as an anchor against their deserved increase in pay!

I don't know about you, but that prospect is very saddening. Even if the employees MAYBE get a slight pay raise from it all... wait, no, they work in CONSTRUCTION! Something that is ALWAYS in-demand, it's a skilled trade that not everyone could do, physically demanding, and there's a degree of risk involved. Such jobs pay VERY well in my experience, no, undoubtedly even the construction workers would find their take-home pay diminished with the knowledge that it will not get higher unless everyone chips in to push it up, which wouldn't happen. No... incentive for production would diminish, same with quality. This would help to explain, at least in part, the rampant starvation.

I've heard this term 'neo-liberal' tossed about on Yea Forums before, haven't seen it much elsewhere. Define it for me. My guess is that it basically means leftist? Meaning, what the 'liberals' have become since they've changed from Classical Liberals, whom are now often considered centrist or outright right-wing.

Neoliberalism when used as pejorative basically means whatever capitalism is doing now compared to what it is theorised to have been doing yesterday. On the other hand, there are the self-described neoliberal schools from the 20th century, and they are not homogeneous and in this respect it is safe to say there is no neoliberalism but rather a score of neoliberlisms.

Dilate what?


So neoliberalism is and alleged change between Capitalism between today and yesterday, I assume meant figuratively and actually referring to decades or centuries.

leftist = anti-capitalist
liberal = pro-capitalist
neoliberal = liberal with more modern/woke cultural signifiers

Liberal and leftist are completely different things, and "Classical Liberals" is a nonsensical Americanism which you should stop using because it makes you sound like a YouTube twerp

Dilate what?

Have Dilate :3

Suppression of nationalism signals that the progressives are no longer interested in forming any sense of identity. But instead they only use identity as a temporary marketing scheme to convice people to become schizophrenic rootless cosmopolitans. The counter culture is the identity itself. The white people are self aware about their whiteness and they are proclaiming it loudly. Supporting further counterculture movements would require balkanization and supporting diverse humans' desire to live with other identically identity people. For instance, suppose dwarves made a nationalist dwarf party, then you should support their rise to the power to create their own state.


'Classical Liberalism' is just that, it's what Liberalism used to be, about freedom of speech and liberty, even ownership of firearms. It is the value of the individual and indeed Capitalism requires a view that puts value at the individual rather than the collective. We might even be talking decades ago, but it's what liberalism USED to be before it became 'woke', before political correctness, before Cultural Marxism came about with notions of 'White oppression' and 'male oppression' meanwhile the 'marginalized' and 'oppressed' minorities are put on pedestals in a fictional hierarchy of victimhood.

I was about to critique your summation of 'leftist' and 'liberal', and while it is indeed very simplistic, it is technically true I think. Leftists are generally anti-Capitalist and think that Capitalism is... surprise, surprise... oppressive and should be overthrown. In the far leftist camp is where you find literal LARPing Communists and Socialists and what not. A proper Liberal with proper Classical Liberal views will be pro-Capitalist because Capitalism is an individual-based system.

I don't understand your definition of 'neoliberal' though, define "more modern/woke cultural signifiers." I need elaboration.

>it is technically true I think
It's not up for debate, those are just the generally accepted definitions of those terms for anyone who's not a Boomer American

and gay

>I don't understand your definition of 'neoliberal' though, define "more modern/woke cultural signifiers." I need elaboration.
trans fighter pilots

I don't agree that those are the definitions to the terms, they're FAR too simplistic, but as mentioned, liberals TEND to be pro-Capitalist (as well as having many other elements such as freedom of expression, gun ownership, individual rights, etc.) and leftists TEND to be anti-Capitalist (but with many other views that can be somewhat generalized with Cultural Marxism and far-left economic ideals). So they're accurate ASPECTS of those labels, but it's an insufficient definition for the labels themselves. It's too unidimentional.

The trans fighter pilots themselves, or are they also in trans attack helicopters?

>Neoliberalism or neo-liberalism[1] is the 20th-century resurgence of 19th-century ideas associated with laissez-faire economic liberalism and free market capitalism.

Ohhhh, okay, so neoliberalism is... sorta like... radical Capitalism? "Taxes are theft!"

>The trans fighter pilots themselves, or are they also in trans attack helicopters?

I like to be inclusive.

Think: nafta, free trade, global homogenization

These are wrong: and essentially politically illiterate.

These are correct: Neoliberalism has nothing to do with liberalism in the American sense (guns are bad gays are good handouts for the downtrodden) and everything to do with liberalism in the economic sense (reducing barriers to trade and production).

How is Yea Forums not counter culture?

So basically radical Capitalism... as per-
Though I know more about radical Capitalism WITHIN a nation but I don't yet fully understand the benefits and downfalls to things like free trade agreements vs tariffs. To my knowledge, tariffs are charges put on goods that are imported. Sometimes they're only coming from one side, or sometimes there's tariffs put in place for both sides. Total lack of tariffs, I assume, would be 'free trade'. So what would the purpose of tariffs be?

"You've done shit lately that I don't like so to put an economic burden on you, I'm going to charge you to sell things to us. Pay it or look elsewhere." Seems to me, at least with my current limited knowledge, tariffs are unfair. I mean, the people selling products should already be making a profit from the profits, with those transporting the products making their profit, and the stores stocking the shelves ready to make their profit, etc. Tariffs... anyone have more knowledge to provide a better understanding? As for NAFTA I hear that was a rotten deal, don't know about global homogenization. Makes me think of mass-migration and filling the West with brown people who don't share Western values. More more of the world the third world.

Tariffs are useful for protecting domestic industries from foreign competition. After NAFTA, for example, cheap, subsidized corn from the US flooded into Mexico and had a devastating effect on their own corn-growing operations. That is a lot of lost jobs and a growing dependence on another nation to feed your own people. If those things aren't important to you, then that is understandable. Another thing that happens under free trade is that underdeveloped countries are put into direct competition with each other to have the cheapest export goods to the rich nations, this creates a 'race to the bottom' where the governments of those poor nations are obliged to abolish environmental and worker protections to reduce operation costs. Global homogenization refers to the erosion of cultural differences by increasing economic and thus cultural interdependence. Burgerpunk worldwide, essentially. The destruction of borders as impediments to migration is something of a final frontier (pun intentional) of neoliberalism, where all humanity is a liquid commodity and reserve army of labor to aid in the suppression of wages, benefits and the like and man is finally reduced (or augmented! depending on how you slice it) to a single mass. See Ellul in reference to 'massification.'

All of this stuff might be totally acceptable to you, depending on what values you have.

I’m pro choice and I believe that a fetus is not just cells. To me this as you say “unborn baby” is neither innocent nor guilty of anything. To force someone to have a child is just as evil as a forced abortion. And I know you might say you chose to have sex but I don’t entirely agree. Sex is necessary to live a healthy life thus making it more essential than reproduction in my opinion.

Word spreads around the Internet insanely fast. Incels are more or less a mainstream concept now. If that user meant mainstream in the sense that it's a popularly ascribed to ideology though then he's unequivocally wrong

ur all fucking braindead

go back to /pol/

Can't imagine anything particularly viable in a literary sense coming out of it though. Literature from these types is either going to have the subtlety of a brick as far as nuance goes or being slathered in layers of irony

>Source: ADL

What about the mayoral support in portland.
Or the bullshit in berkley.

Attached: Spongecallsyouout.gif (220x160, 246K)

I'm not even gonna greentext all the flaws and strawmen in that. Jesus fucking Christ!

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>radical left
brainlet detected

>we are going to do more of the good shit and less of the bad shit
Great, you've described the goal of every political and social philosophy since the Greeks. This is not exclusive to your "traditionalism."

there is no genuine revolutionary ideas in Yea Forums.

Sex, not fucking 20 times a week with multiple partners, is healthy.

Everything is killed by capitalism.

>all these degenerates seething at this post
If the culture today is degeneracy, what is the opposite of it?


What will survive capitalism?

"In his dreadful lassitude and objectless rage, Cobain seemed to give wearied voice to the despondency of the generation that had come after history, whose every move was anticipated, tracked, bought and sold before it had even happened. Cobain knew that he was just another piece of spectacle, that nothing runs better on MTV than a protest against MTV; knew that his every move was a cliché scripted in advance, knew that even realizing it is a cliche."
-Mark Fisher, "Capitalist Realism"

The sun. Maybe.

You and other cringelords on this thread blaming capitalism are retarded. all counter cultures we know of arose under capitalism. The reason they have disappeared is because of the internet allowing people to consume whatever art they want and be in whichever communities they want. Used to be that you didn't have much choice what music to listen to and what to watch on tv and so as a reaction to that people formed counter cultures. The internet rendered them obselete though. Doesn't have to be any more nefarious than that/

>Clown World
People who ascribe to this meme ideology love acting like they are the first to reach enlightenment through the notion that "wow the world is crazy"

Thatcher and Reagan are considered neoliberal if that helps

Does posting this thread every other week make you feel better about the situation?

how's that cognitive dissonance treating you tranny? knowing all of the global capitalist establishment supports your rainbow-afro """resistance"""?

control for jews and it all becomes clear