Just realized anime is the YA of visual media

Just realized anime is the YA of visual media.

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Just now you realized this?

Listen, I'm slow. I knew it was shit but I've only just now started evaluating the why's so I don't make the same mistakes.

i loathe cinema but I read philosophy and manga, and watch anime.

Not even close.
Not an anime watcher by any means but anime takes artistic talent to create. Any retard can write a YA novel

The dialog and acting is caricaturized and telegraphed so that even an autist will understand what is going on in everyone's head. There is no subtlety or subtext ever.
You clearly can't read into Cinema then.

cinema is a waste of time anyway. written works do so much more.

That's a gross oversimplification. Maybe you should stop trying to watch baby's first anime and watch something with artistic and thematic merit.

>written works do so much more.

Nope. Audiovisual mediums surpassed literature decades ago.

>anime takes artistic talent to create
>Not an anime watcher
yeah we can tell lmao


Lol you have no understanding of the medium whatsoever. Using image, movement, dialogue, mise en scene, sound, and music, Film does completely different things than what written narritive is capable of. And again it's greatest component is subtlety. When you read a book you consume it in entirety, you can assume that the rife mentioned in act one will go off in act three. However, because film is visual, this will very often be all the more subtle and therefore missed out on when watching, especially the first time. And while you can extensively get into a characters head in a written novel, it is far more artistic to read into them through a skilled actors body language and facial expressions and again through the subtext of the dialogue which is so much more important in Film. And now on to mise en scene which is what is on the screen. You can read into literally everything you see on screen from the composition to simply the objects. Just because Film is more difficult to read for the uneducated doesn't make it worse.

Porco Rosso is the only one I've seen with any real subtext in the dialogue.

He said stop watching babbys first anime

Someone has to draw the cartoons.
YA fiction is the literary equivalent of “cooking” a bowl of cereal

>Why is YA anime like YA books??
Just watch some pseud shit that Yea Forums circlejerks to like Lain or Angel's egg or something instead. Or be a patrician and watch miru tights.

>Someone has to draw the cartoons
Takes time, talent or creativity is not necessary

I haven't really watched anime since I was probably 17. I saw all the classics. But again, when it comes to character the nature of the characterized medium, and by definition anime and manga are characture, everything emotional is telegraphed.

In Porco Rosso, however, there is plenty to read into which is why Miyazaki said it was his one mistake because it is for adults. The line about the difficulty of flying his plane is all in the take off and landing while once you're in the air it's easy lends to the individualistic nature of the character and why Miyazaki directed the film toward salary men who fell into lockstep conformity. The plane represents Porco himself.

>The classics
Could you share what you think this list is composed of.

Akira, Neon Genesis, Ninja Scroll, Gigantor, Dbz, all of Miyazaki, cowboy bebop, trigun, Ghost in the Shell (actually pretty good for the shots), fma, also code geass, also have seen animatrix, redline, probably leaving some off I can't remember.

Shouldn't that depend on the anime, you dummie

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Not the same guy but I agree to some extent.
An image says a thousand words, that's true. That's not always a good thing though. Books leave more open to interpretation. Cinema gives the writer more liberty while books give more power to the reader. A single book can have more interpretations than a movie of the same story if the author effectively leaves out parts of the image.
In other words, with each image you HAVE to say a thousand words, otherwise you break immersion.

If all you want is dialogue no wonder you disliked them. However if all you want is dialog this isnt the medium for you, it's a visual medium. Visual mediums will never reach the level of dialogue that literature will.

Watch Youth by Paolo Sorrentino

It's not that I want just dialog. It's that I don't want the dialog to ruin the film by being abhorrent. It is the same with music. Lyrics can ruin an otherwise good song.

Akira, ghost in the shell, perfect blue, all some of the greatest movies I've seen out of the 600 I've rated on imdb

Nobody on Yea Forums circle jerks to angels egg

Akiras broken because the manga is like 3x longer. The visuals are neat but the script is broken.

Lurk more newfag

Lurk Yea Forums? No thanks, faggot. One glance at Yea Forums's front page confirms all they care about is Dragonball and other such shit.

I agree but with Yea Forums being absolute shit. Fucking capeshit morons who couldn't write an interpretation if they tried.

You could have at least waited one more post before contradicting yourself and showing your sub-zero IQ.

>[medium] is the [genre] of X

Watch LotGH

EoE is one of the best films I've ever seen

Just because you don't know how to find actual worthwhile art without being spoonfed by Yea Forums charts, doesn't mean cinema is a waste of time.
>retards being feeling pride for the ignorance

Based for making Yea Forums niggers angry. No film can ever surpass the classics.

At what exactly?

Tolstoy on cinema
“You will see that this little clicking contraption with the revolving handle will make a revolution in our life-in the life of writers. It is a direct attack on the old methods of literary art. We shall have to adapt ourselves to the shadowy screen and to the cold machine. A new form of writing will be necessary. I have thought of that and I can feel what in coming.”

“But I rather like it. This swift change of scene, this blending of motion and experience – it is much better than heavy, long-drawn-out kind of writing to which we are accustomed. It is closer to life. In life, too, changes and transitions flash by before our eyes, and emotions of the soul are like a hurricane. The cinema has divined the mystery of motion. And that is greatness.

“When I was writing ‘The Living Corpse,’ I tore my hair and chewed my fingers because I could not give enough scenes, enough pictures, because I could not pass rapidly enough from one event to another. The accursed stage was like a halter choking the throat of the dramatist; and I had to cut the life and swing of the work according to the dimensions and requirements of the stage. I remember when I was told that some clever person had devised a scheme for a revolving stage, on which a number of scenes could be prepared in advance. I rejoiced like a child, and allowed myself to write ten scenes into my play. Even then I was afraid the play would be killed.

“But the films! They are wonderful! Drr! and a scene is ready! Drr! and we have another! We have the sea, the coast, the city, the palace – and in the palace there is tragedy (there is always tragedy in palaces, as we see in Shakespeare).

“I am seriously thinking of writing a play for the screen. I have a subject for it. It is a terrible and bloody theme. I am not afraid of bloody themes. Take Homer or the Bible, for instance. How many bloodthirsty passages there are in them- murders, wars. And yet these are the sacred books, and they ennoble and uplift the people. It is not the subject itself that is so terrible. It is the propagation of bloodshed, and the justification for it, that is really terrible! Some friends of mine returned from Kursk recently and told me a shocking incident. It is a story for the films. You couldn’t write it in fiction or for the stage. But on the screen it would be good. Listen – it may turn out to be a powerful thing!”

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This. The majority of anime is trash.....but it's the same with film. Market demands lower the standards to consumable garbage but still both mediums are capable of producing masterpieces.

I wanna learn how to make clay wire models to make stop motion giants fight. I have autistically loved giant monsters since I was a little boy which probably explains my love for Anno and Vineland (always wished that novel about the japanese insurance adjuster was real).

Watch this.

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