I've head about Moldbug a few times in reference to Land, does he have anything worth reading?
I've head about Moldbug a few times in reference to Land, does he have anything worth reading?
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Dumb faggot decided to leave his garage an exposed himself as a charlatan
Read everything. You'll thank me later.
There's different kinds of stream-of-consciousness writing. People like Henry Miller string words together into sentences that are syntactically correct, but don't make sense. Moldbug and his ilk string sentences together into documents that are conceptually correct, but don't make sense. They don't express any coherent philosophy or communicate any new information.
Usually you see this kind of thing in "Marxist" writing, which we've all learned to recognize and avoid by this point. But Moldbug is playing his own game, whatever he thinks that is, so he doesn't raise any red flags (no pun intended) at first.
No. Boring as fuck and wrong.
what kind of double digit iq take is this
He had a PhD and 50 citations in his teens.
futarchy lul
t. literally hasn't the vaguest idea about what the man actually said
phd in what being a retarded faggot?
Think it was Math at Berkeley. Might be wrong.
Gooooooin' to the chapel and weerrree gooooonnnna get edgy
Nice appeal to authority. At best this is proof of being a midwit. A neurotic midwit at that. Probably would have been better off psychotropically medicated and working in a factory.
ngl most of his blog posts are pretty fun reads, his style is funny
Ok, you're just shitposting. Good to know.
Not true. I just pointed out that he's not dumb. In fact it's your post that is an appeal - to stupidity.
I recommend reading him. At least read the gentle introduction and formalist manifesto. I think it is important. Try not to have any pretense of knowing what his aim is going in. When I first approached him I thought he was some for of libertarian and it colored my understanding of what he was saying.He is enjoyable to read.
Midwits are not "dumb". In point of fact, they occupy much of so called high level positions, further proving my point that appealing to his authority is meaningless and serves only to condemn him. Midwits hold IQs betweeen 100 and 130. You on the other hand, certainly seem to be stupid and should probably leave this website.
I don't think having a PhD when most would be finishing High School makes him a midwit.
It makes him neurotic.
le mathematician midwit with low social intelligence
That just sounds like speculation to me.
I sincerely hope you abandon your shitposting ways and learn to engage with material you expect to find objectionable.
yes good goy, keep legitimizing the cathedral
Moldbug is one of the few people who immediately laid out the idea that this isn't anything new. It's an age-old case of the High allying with the Low against the Center. For some reason (nerd infestation) the Right had to write doorstop after doorstop on this rather than just citing the Poor Laws or Caesar.
He is a bit disingenuous in that he'll make these long roundabouts to negate race and particularly Jewish organization within the institutions, reskinning everything under the term "Calvinists!" and like all this just goes away if everyone became cultural Catholic, like Vatican 2.0 never happened. Sure.
Read him, though. Sometimes it's good to contextualize this stuff in terms before 1920's Europe.
I guess you're right.
His overall vision of 'the enemy' is IMO the best on the Right. Too bad we can't seem to be able to do anything with it.
>Jewish organization within the institutions,
That is only a superficial infection of a political geography which begs for such ailments. The metapolitics of our society makes discord a centerpiece. Of course such agents are going to precipitate like shit in sludge onto the institutions Your thinking leads back to 'if only the right [white, christian whatever you think """"right""" is] people were in office everything would be swell' but that simply is not the case. The very way that power is handled in our society (ie informally) destroys any hope of a lasting, sensible order and makes discord the rule over time.
Super genius child prodigy mathematician philosopher historian. But he really ought to lose some weight, nobody's going to remember some chubby faced beta
>His overall vision of 'the enemy'
Which is?
There are a LOT of people like this. I can't tell you how many of my old classmates succumbed to it. They were staggeringly brilliant in their youth, then started to lose their connection to reality and other people, and started just spewing whatever came into their head.
For most it happens around middle age, but some start later, like Stephen Wolfram, and some start earlier. I'm not the brightest guy, so hopefully I'm immune, but I'm still being very careful not to start living in my head.
We should be grateful for prodigies and the stuff they've achieved, which is often way beyond what anyone else could have done. But guys like this need to take their meds.
heh, some tranny on Yea Forums said he's dumb so you better believe he's dumb.
Moldbug is pretty clear if you just add Jews which he obviously coudl not do
Boring juvenile philosophy for edgy 15 year olds.
New blog post by Land