Anime is based

Anime is based.


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have sex

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>anime can't be as deep as literatu-

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Grow up.

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lol lain deep. give me a break

Ergo proxy


It makes you think about the internet. But yes it's not that deep. It tries to be though with all those drug trip scenea.

It's for children or autists

angel's egg is definitely the most Yea Forums anime

gits had the anti oedipus in ep where the robots talk with themselves

Its pretentious imo. Sets up a lot of mystical imagery and "questions" without even an attempt to conclude. Not that they're obligated to, but it comes off more like aesthetic posturing than genuine philosophical statements.

It's pretty deep actually, the whole story being a psychological study on the effects of the internet on the human brain. Some messages are masterfully conveyed like how the internet destroys innocence on children and teens.

But there are deeper animes and mangas such as Haibane Renmei and Akagi.

The character of Patrick Sylvestre in GITS 2nd Gig is based on Mishima, also influencing the characters of Goda and Kuze. They couldn't get the license to use his work so they changed it

recommend me some Yea Forums anime films, I'm not too fond of episodic series, so films would be preferable.

>But there are deeper animes and mangas such as Haibane Renmei and Akagi.
Please die painfully

Heh, what a retard... You don't belong on this board.

>Moeshit and garbage gambling anime

The End of Evangelion

based on what

>He can't see beyond the surface
Kek, /pol/ is a more appropriate board for you, kiddo

The Mamoru oshii clarified that the film essentially had no meaning when questioned about it so you're not wrong.

How do you think she comes?

>Anime is based on thoughts
Now u user

>Beyond the surface of moeshit
Is moeshit, it's not deep. It's for retarded moefags to masturbate over how it's 2deep4u.

> Yea Forums is questioned about an artistic medium unfamiliar to them.
> On first reaction, refuse to give it any sort of merit beyond a surface value evaluation.

You've become those same stubborn closed-minded old men that you so fear.

Like this

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>The Mamoru Oshii
I need to sleep.

Most of lit are weebs you moron, most of Yea Forums is, it's not some super secret club nobody knows about

Not consciously but considering Oshi was once a trainee priest who lost his faith and made this movie during a period of spiritual adrift it's obviously not meaningless

The ppl who this attracts makes this bait for anti weebs, who have seen 4 or 5 anime series themselves

This isn't Yea Forums if you want any kind of genuine discussion about Animation/Anime here than you need to put more effort into your post, not this obnoxious garbage.

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>It's pretty deep actually, the whole story being a psychological study on the effects of the internet on the human brain. Some messages are masterfully conveyed like how the internet destroys innocence on children and teens.
HAHAHAHAH. You talk like a child. A baby. Literal teenage baby idiot.

Same on all of you for responding to the massive amount of bait in this thread.

they are mostly good anime in a medium dominated by garbage. not that strange they are popular

I think you're the only reasonable person in this entire thread.
(although i'm fairly certain that this thread was a shitpost to begin with so what did I expect)

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Favorite ani-tubers, frens?
For me its Digi.

Correct pronunciation bah-al-ah-seed

He's a cuck.

The only Yea Forums anime out there is HxH, specifically the chimera ants arc.
Everything else is garbage and should go back to Yea Forums

I don't even think it's wholly meaningless but the symbolism brands it as more philosophical than the film actually is.

How come Yea Forums, Yea Forums, and Yea Forums, can come up with definitive core canon of tv shows, movies, books, and albums, but no one into anime can give me a list of the most essential anime? I've asked this question before and I just get a billion different answers and everyone starts fighting. Is it even worth getting into anime?

>How come Yea Forums, Yea Forums, and Yea Forums, can come up with definitive core canon of tv shows, movies, books, and albums,
Except they can't


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Because anime is like pulp fiction and video games. 99% of it is made for market and doesn't have a whole lot of merit. Most have terrible budgets and play into their own world of tropes. But if I were to list off a few from when I was younger and watched anime I'd suggest:
>Cowboy Bebop
>Cromartie Highschool

Thats it. I can't even say if any of them are really any good. There should be a gundam one in there, but even still there's so much gundam that I don't know which one to pick. They just shit it out. They pump this stuff out constantly for consumption so quickly. Anime is shit, but its sometimes really cool.

based underage Yea Forums user in 2007

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Just watch 80's and 90's OVA's, there, problem solved.

Episode 10 of TATAMI Galaxy is unironically Kafkaesque

Which Yea Forums figures would like anime?
Let's try to make this tangentially on topic