I admire the Japanese method of dealing with suffering in life:
Bottle it all up inside, stare off into the distance, then one day explosively release it all with extreme violence.
I admire the Japanese method of dealing with suffering in life:
Bottle it all up inside, stare off into the distance, then one day explosively release it all with extreme violence.
Theres nothing admiring about it: its the losers way of dealing with failure.
Go get em champ!
Jesus christ this board is full of dumb Americans and their delusional optimism.
Im not an american. And you are the one who is delusional. Go commit sudoku if you actually believe youre so miserable.
*nothing to admire. I'd tell you to kill yourself but you are undeserving of the sweet release of death.
Shut the fuck up, this is a literature board and you come here and make a weeb angst thread with no connections to books of any kind: you deserve all the optimism and hugs you can get. It will get better user :*
Are they so nonchalant about death because buddhism says that you'll reincarnate anyway?
>I admire japanese method
It's not a Japanese method
Its a method you get when all the men in your society are either killed in war or cucked.
>Japan has been cucked and women are the superior sex
These men act the way they do because they are initialized and never get the chance to grow up and be their own man.
They are being kept fucking babies by their mothers.
cope harder, loser
What exactly did you win?
You are an American, I can tell because of your dogshit grammar and spelling.
Many things in life, things you will never win because of your childish mentality. You were born a loser.
Don't they practice both shinto and buddhism?
Not everyone here is a native english speaker, you know? Now why don't you go back to play on reddit, I bet there people will appreciate your correct spelling and grammar
Yeah Im the guy who got OP mad. Not a native english speaker, but appreciate his correction :*. Though I meant to use the word admirable.
Is this the Mishima turned me gay thread? Asking for a friend.
>Many things in life
stop lying on the internet.
>Yeah Im the guy who got OP mad. Not a native english speaker
What does a 3rd world mutt know of suffering?
What reason do I have to lie on an anonymous imageboard? Is it so hard for you to believe all people aren't losers in life? Do you not even have successful friends?
we are on Yea Forums.
I come from a 1st world country, thank you very much. And admittedly I don't know a lot about suffering because I dont need to, seeing as I am not a loser.
If your country's official language isn't English, you're a 3rd worlder
you are the faggot creating retarded off-topic threads, piece of shit
>t. self-hating amerimutt
I'm Irish you retarded faggot
>third worlder with free healthcare and free college, if you are able to get in
great third world desu
That means you watch too many hollywood movies and browse too much reddit, which is even worse.
lmao, enjoying getting cucked out of your own nationality? you are a real country's pet
>free healthcare and free college
Taxes pay for it, it's not free retard. You're paying for it.
Shut up 3rd worlder, I can spot your shit grammar a mile away.
I was born in Ireland, I have no attachment to it. I'm not a patriotic knuckle dragging mutt like you. It's a country, I don't give a damn what happens to it.
It's the cuck way of life.
I am like this.
Always internalizing problems.
It's Hell.
Everybody is having a happy life but me.
I don't think you understand. The reason they bottle it up is because their fear of embarrassment surpasses all other fears. Same reason the Brits have their stiff upper lip.
The Japanese have never made an exceptional piece of art in any medium.
t. doesn't read
Anime is art.
Maybe he's a phoneposter. Or he couldn't be arsed to care about proper grammar on a fucking Eritrean bubble-blowing forum, literature be damned
There are only 3 things that I want from this life:
A Doll wife, a fast motorcycle and a pair of snakeskin boots.
At least you can say that you are superior to all those impulsive humanoid chimps around you.
americans are and will forever be superior to you sedentary inbred peasants
Watch Akira Kurosawa's The Quiet Duel (1949)
It is about precisely that.
This. If I were typing something wrong in German I would appreciate any and all feedback. Nobody wants to not improve their language skills. I'd rather be articulate than continue using broken-anyl language