This book is boring as FUCK. I actually like the parts where it explains the history/mythology of the world, it's the actual narrative that is an absolute grind. The book is basically about walking. "They walked here and then across there. They rested during the day and then they walked over there. " Repeat x1000. I'm currently at Moria reading about walking in the dark. I'll probably finish the volume but I won't continue with the rest.
If you're not Finnish or familiar with Finnish mythology I don't think you can get much more than superficial enjoyment out of LOTR
Thomas Peterson
I get it, its a walking simulator. Same goes for the hobbit. The writer intention is to portray how much walking he intended to far off in imaginary land while he waste away in the trenches. This sort of fantasy beats getting shot n shelled tho.
Tolkien meant Silmarillion and its extension Lord of the Rings as a retelling of Kalevala, of whom Tolkien says about in letters: >[The Kalevala was] “the original germ of the Silmarillion” (Letters, 87)
I don't think you can get much enjoyment out of those books if you cannot understand Finnish and haven't read The Kalevala
Jonathan Edwards
youre not much of an outdoorsman huh?
Chase Cox
Similarities between Quenya and Finnish language (or sraight up borrowed words in fact)
Most of the Finns could pass through gate of Moria if they were dropped into the world of Lotr because they could understand the high elven language just like English people understand different dialects of Welsh etc.
Sad that the Finns are reduced to leaching on an Englishman’s work.
Alexander Allen
Zachary Davis
Extremely underrated post
Bentley Lopez
I love it. It's good practice to visualize scenes, ere the walking becomes boring.
Thomas Hall
>English people understand different dialects of Welsh They absolutely don't
Kevin Jackson
if you like the history/mythology of the book, try reading Silmarillion.
Lucas Lopez
It's a really good series about the twilight of noble peoples. To call the hobbits heroes like Peter Jackson did is an insult to heroes. In the modern world heroes like the Elves, who are a cold and alien people to us, can't exist. It's a world with undefinable beauty built on the wreckage of unimaginable slaughter and the smallfolk can only gawk and marvel at it.
Adrian Lopez
Nice rec but stupid reasoning. If we couldn't get enjoyment from a book unless we've read the "germ" it comes from we couldn't get enjoy any book. Even Homer was working off earlier epics. I'm amazed by the amout of Yea Forumsizens who think you have to read the whole genealogy of inspiration of a book before you can derive anything from it. It's like they don't really believe in reading.
Juan Jones
Tolkien laid it on pretty thick that the hobbit were doing heroic work, and that average people doing what they can goes a long way towards fighting evil.
Adam Foster
Wow, what a hack.
Jason Powell
Those parts were supposed to be funny. Like giving a retard a medal. God made the Hobbits the heroes because it would be funny as one final troll to the elves.
Brandon Morgan
So you've only read 15 chapters of the first volume and you're already that bored? Give up and go surf the net. Also, never ever try to read Stephen Donaldson's Chronicles of Thomas Covenant: those really do feature a slow book-long journey from Point A to B as the main feature of the narrative in every volume.
Nathaniel Morgan
>just like English people understand different dialects of Welsh etc.
Welsh and English have been separated for thousands of years and aren't even close to mutual intelligibility