Stop browsing and pick up that fucking book, user.
Stop browsing and pick up that fucking book, user
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i'll have you know that i woke up early this morning to read catch-22 and now i'm looking for literature recommendations after realizing that my collection is sparse of novels and filled with history crap from when i was in high school.
I read 100 pages of monte cristo today
I don't even read
I want her so much
Im wageslavin ova heeeyaaa
I'm going to an obstetrics appointment, what else should I be perusing? You're distracted every five minutes anyways.
Read Slaughterhouse Five is you want a better war novel.
I actually can't find the book I was reading.
I'm only browsing because I'm watching something and reading a proper book is too demanding on my attention. It'd be one or the other, but this way I can juggle my focus by half-assing both.
I'll read in a bit though. Woke up nice and early, plenty of time before work.
Yours had history books? I was overloaded with novels. Some good recommendations there, but unfortunately they're probably better for adults than they are for teens. Seriously, fuck Lord of the Flies. The Lord of the Rings was far better and I read that purely for the fun of it.
>[1]=high priority, not optional
>[2] = optional compared to [1]
First Alcibiades[1] > Last Days of Socrates [1] (except not Phaedo yet [2]) > Meno-Protagoras-Cratylus[2] > Theaetetus-Sophist-Statesman[1] > Symposium[2]-Phaedrus[1] > Gorgias[2] > Republic[1] > Philebus[1] > Phaedo[1] > Laws[2] > Timaeus [1/2] (I would say the first two thirds are essential, but not all of it) > Aristotle[2] (for which you'll need a secondary guide) > Parmenides [1] > Plotinus
Charmides, Laches, Lysis, and Ion are all [2]
Theages[2] and Plato's Letters[2] are more like Platonic "deep lore", especially the seventh and second, I would call them essential to read before Plotinus.
Minos compliments Laws.
The minor dialogues are underrated, but not "essential" so to say, they're of low direct influence.
Can't, not now. I'm reading it for someone special, and I need to wait for them. :3
Or perhaps just a little bit, to improve my storytelling by knowing what's ahead. :3
How do you manage to comfortably read on your phone ? It always feels a bit off to me, can't concentrate properly for some reason.
>fuck Lord of the Flies
Fuck yourself, LOtF is a great book that enpahsizes the shallowness of civilization. You're right that it isn't better than Lord of the rings but thats like comparing gold to silver. You should read it again without the pressure of high school English essays.
>best character has a freaky-ass vision
>never gets to tell anyone because he's killed immediately after
Yeah, great book, silver, totally.
Give details, what are you reading and how
Fck why do you have to tell me this. I won’t do it anyway
Simon's vision wasn't for the other characters. It was for you.
I've been reading The Monk this morning. I'm 130 pages in and I am not spooked yet. Yea Forums's horror chart lies to me, the book is basically a romance novel this far.
No one reads on their phone
>Yea Forums
I read Stoner and The Sound and the Fury in it's entirety on my phone. It was comfy because I could read TSatF reader's guide at the same time. Pic related.
>*goes masturbate instead
Not until I get to toss my "it's an abstract kind of feel" music / book set out here.
>Karl Jaspers - Way to Wisdom: An Introduction to philosophy
>David Lindsay - A Voyage to Arcturus
>David Lindsay - The Haunted Woman
>Laurette Sejourne - Burning Water
James P. Carse - Finite and Infinite Games
>Covenant - Northern Light (album)
>Covenant - Skyshaper (album)
>Ludovico Einaudi - Seven days walking day 2 (album)
>Aesthetic Perfection - Close to Human (album)
>Connect.Ohm - 9980 (album)
There. And I'm outta here.
Thanks OP